🚨 Exciting Announcement! 🚨 On Friday, November 29, 2024, Circa France received the Environmental Authorization for its groundbreaking ReSolute Project at the Chemesis Platform in Saint-Avold! 🌱🔋 This major milestone enables Circa to move forward with the construction of a plant dedicated to producing biosourced specialty products like Cyrene™ and other high-value chemicals. These products will serve critical sectors such as pharmaceuticals, flavors & fragrances, and agrochemicals. Although not classified under SEVESO, this project required formal authorization from DREAL due to its ICPE headings. With the signing of the Prefectoral Decree, CSCFR now has the green light to finalize the plant’s construction and begin production. ✅ A big THANK YOU to all the teams and stakeholders who supported us throughout this lengthy administrative journey. Your dedication and hard work have made this possible! 🙏💚 #ReSoluteProject #Chemesis #SaintAvold #Cyrene #CSCFR #Sustainability #Innovation #BiosourcedChemicals #EnvironmentalAuthorization #ISOIngénierie
Om oss
Circa has developed a proprietary process for the production of a highly flexible platform chemical (levoglucosenone) from waste cellulose. With over 30 years of academic research into its properties, levoglucosenone has had limited commercial uptake due to lack of supply. With our new continuous process successfully proven through 3 scale ups, Circa is now developing a commercial plant capable of supply in tonne quantities. In parallel, Circa is establishing partnerships with specialty chemical manufacturers and researchers to develop new products for the market. This has seen the development of a new lactone flavour (with UNE), and a bio-solvent - Cyrene - (with University of York). Both products are now in trials. Along with these two products, Circa is also working with researchers in UK, France, Australia, New Zealand and Argentina to identify new opportunities and synthesis pathways.
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Ekstern lenke til Circa Group
- Bransje
- Bioteknologisk forskning
- Bedriftsstørrelse
- 2–10 ansatte
- Hovedkontor
- Oslo
- Type
- Privateid selskap
Sjølyst plass 2
Oslo, NO
Burwood Highway
Melbourne, Victoria 3133, AU
Ansatte i Circa Group
David-Alexandre Leduc
Directeur des Investissements │ CleanTech, AgroTech, DeepTech │ Innovation Disruptive │ Gigafactory et Startups │ ComeX et Conseil d'Administration
Tony Duncan
Roxana-Alina Milescu, PhD
Technical Manager at Circa Renewable Chemistry Institute, University of York
Azadeh Khoushabi
Technical Support Engineer at Circa Group
Last week, the second edition of the #Franco-German meeting on #economic development took place in #Saarbrücken. Through this series of events, the Eurodistrict SaarMoselle aims to create networking opportunities between political leaders from the cross-border region and new or existing industrial projects. 💡 It was an opportunity for #Circa Group to present its project for a #biomass-derived solvent production plant at the Emile Huchet site in Carling at the #Chemesis platform. Salvatore COSCARELLA Laurent DAMIANI Wolfgang Braun François Berger Elodie Myard #GreenChemistry #Biomass #Chemesis #Saarbrücken #Casas
🇩🇪 Heute fand die zweite Ausgabe des deutsch-französischen Treffens zum Thema Wirtschaftsentwicklung in Saarbrücken statt. Mit dieser Veranstaltungsreihe möchte der Eurodistrict SaarMoselle eine Begegnungsmöglichkeit zwischen politisch Verantwortlichen unseres Gebiets und neuen oder bestehen Industrieprojekten organisieren. 🟢 Dies war die Gelegenheit für Circa, sein Projekt einer Anlage zur Herstellung von Lösungsmitteln aus Biomasse am Standort Emile Huchet in Carling vorzustellen. 👉 Diese Veranstaltung ist Teil des PROMETER-Projekts, für das derzeit ein Förderantrag im Interreg Grande Région - Großregion Programm/ funktionaler Raum SaarMoselle vorbereitet wird. --- 🇫🇷 Aujourd’hui a eu lieu la seconde édition des rencontres franco-allemandes sur le thème du développement économique à Sarrebruck. Avec cette série d'événement, l’Eurodistrict SaarMoselle souhaite organiser une opportunité de rencontre entre les responsables politiques du bassin de vie transfrontalier et des projets industriels nouveaux ou existants. 💡 Ce fût l’occasion pour Circa de présenter son projet d’usine de production de solvants dérivés de la biomasse sur le site Emile Huchet, à Carling. 👉 Cet événement s’inscrit dans le cadre du projet PROMETER pour lequel une demande de cofinancement du programme Interreg Grande Région / Großregion/Zone fonctionnelle SaarMoselle e est en cours d’élaboration. #saarmoselle #transfrontalier #grenzüberschreitend #interreggr #grossregion
Circa Group Awarded a France 2030 Export Scheme Grant to Support Sustainable Chemical Production Circa Group is proud to announce its selection as one of the winners of the prestigious France_2030_Export scheme, a program overseen by the Secrétariat Général pour l'Investissement (SGPI) and managed by Business France. This initiative is designed to boost the international commercial expansion of innovative projects that align with France’s commitment to sustainability. The support will drive Circa Group’s global development of bio-based specialty chemical products and green solvents, including LGO derivatives and Cyrene, produced through the ReSolute project, currently under construction in Moselle Est. With these advancements, Circa Group aims to play a key role in decarbonising industries, contributing to one of the scheme's primary goals: to foster more sustainable production practices. Aligned with France 2030’s overarching objectives—better production, better living, and a deeper understanding of our world—Circa Group continues to lead the way in ‘changing chemistry for good.’ About: Circa Group is a global leader in the production of bio-based chemicals, committed to advancing sustainable solutions that decarbonize industrial processes and promote a greener future. Below L-R: David-Alexandre Leduc, Caroline Goujon, Philipp Morgenthaler
Another announcement from Circa Group highlighting exciting new opportunities that harness the unique properties of Cyrene™ - specifically its low-hazard profile and 100% biodegradability: - Supply Agreement with Leggera Technologies International Ltd. (LTI): Cyrene™ will be used in an innovative bicycle maintenance product developed by LTI, a high-performance bicycle equipment company. https://lnkd.in/gNUs3wGr This follows from our previous announcement of collaboration with Vertec Biosolvents, which aims to create bio-based solvent blends using Cyrene™ to tackle demanding new Circa product applications and explore emerging market opportunities. Circa Group’s commercial activities focus on high-value, consumer and industrial applications. By leveraging the distinctive qualities of Cyrene™, our customers are delivering safer and more sustainable solutions while enhancing product performance and value.
We are excited to announce that Circa's ReSolute project has reached another milestone. In recent weeks at Valmet Automation's facilities in Poland, we successfully conducted the Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) for the plant’s safety system (SIS). This critical phase confirms that the automation systems provided by our partner Valmet for the ReSolute project meet all required specifications, paving the way for the equipment to be shipped to our production site in France in the coming weeks. We are one step closer to realizing our vision for the ReSolute project and driving sustainable innovation! 👏 👏
Our new collaboration with Vertec Biosolvents (US) will see Cyrene included in a range of novel bio-based solvent-blend products, addressing customer applications and market requirements with sustainable, safer solutions. Watch this space! Announcement: https://lnkd.in/gZyXXijw
Circa Group enters into collaboration agreement with Vertec Biosolvent to develop market for Cyrene™ in the Americas
Participation is open in the public inquiry of the ReSolute environmental profile.
Bonjour à tous, 👋 🌎 Le secteur chimique est aujourd’hui confronté à un certain nombre de défis qui stimulent la demande de produits chimiques plus performants et plus sûrs dérivés de la biomasse, ressource abondante disponible. ✔️ En réponse à ces besoins, Circa Group, société innovante en chimie verte, dont le siège social est établi à Oslo, envisage de construire sa première usine industrielle à grande échelle en Moselle 📌. Ce site produira du LGO et du Cyrène™, respectivement la molécule plateforme et le solvant vert issus de résidus non-alimentaires de biomasse d’origine forestière non-traitée 🌳, sourcée dans les Vosges et en Allemagne. ✔️ Ce projet s’inscrit dans un contexte de développement durable, visant à revitaliser l’économie locale de manière durable tout en respectant l’environnement. Le projet est la première pièce à la décarbonation de la plateforme Emile Huchet. 📣 L’enquête publique de la société CIRCA a commencé et va s’étendre sur une durée d’un mois, du lundi 26 août 2024 au mardi 24 septembre 2024 inclus. 🗣 Si vous le souhaitez, vous pouvez participer à cette enquête en écrivant un mot de soutien au projet, en expliquant à quel point transformer la chimie est important, que les emplois créés sont durables et nécessitent une formation certifiante valorisable, que la faune 🐸, la flore 🌲 sont préservées et que la qualité de vie du voisinage est assurée. Voici le lien du projet ReSolute mis en place à des fins didactiques pour les citoyens impliqués dans le rayon d’action du projet : https://lnkd.in/gA_XF7je Pendant la durée de cette enquête, vous pouvez consigner vos observations et propositions : 👉 sur le registre d’enquête tenu à sa disposition dans les mairies de Diesen et de Porcelette, aux horaires habituels d’ouverture de la mairie au public ; 👉 par courrier postal adressé à l’attention de M. Marc Alleno, désigné en qualité de commissaire enquêteur à la mairie de Diesen – 1 rue de Porcelette 57890 Diesen ; 👉 par courriel à l’adresse suivante : pref-enquetes-publiques@moselle.gouv.fr Le commissaire-enquêteur, Monsieur Alleno, se tiendra à la disposition du public pour recevoir ses observations : 👉 en mairie de Diesen, le : 🕗 lundi 26 août 2024 – de 10 h à 12 h 🕗 mardi 17 septembre 2024 – de 15 h à 17 h 👉 en mairie de Porcelette, le : 🕗 jeudi 5 septembre 2024 – de 10 h à 12 h 🕗 mardi 24 septembre 2024 – de 14 h à 16 h Merci pour votre participation et vos partages. 🙌🏼
Le projet ReSolute, une usine en chimie verte à Carling-St-Avold
The recent visit of dignitaries and supporters to the #Resolute site is featured by regional media group Moselle TV, assisting communicate the project details and objectives, and capturing the generous support of authorities and stakeholders. In addition, further information including visual impressions of the future facility is available on the #Resolute website https://resolute-circa.fr/ Circa, futur fabricant de solvants biosourcés, s'installe petit à petit (moselle.tv)
Accueil - Moselle TV
Why July has been a fantastic month for Circa ? While the latest pieces of equipment are delivered to the #ReSolute site at #St-Avold in France, reaching a purchased value of more than 35 million euros, #FC5, Circa’s pilot plant in Tasmania, Australia, has hit a new yearly production capacity record of 15 tonnes. Over the past years more than 1,500 customers have purchased #Cyrene and #LGO for testing in the processes and R&D facilities of companies wanting to benefit from Changing Chemistry for Good, a sustainable way of evolving to #Green Chemistry. #ReSolute will cost more than 73 million euros and will generate 300 direct and indirect jobs. Circa has been fortunate to have benefited from 20+ million euros of grants from Europe, #France Relance, the #Region, the #Coal Fund and the Communities of #CASAS. We are thankful for the current support of all levels of authorities in France to support the current equity raise and administrative environmental instruction, leading to planned production start at the end of 2025. Yves Schenfeigel, François Lavalette, Laurent Touvet, Franck Chauvet, Salvatore Coscarella, Thierry Zimny, Franck Leroy, Thierry Pichon, CUNCHE, Séverine, ZIMMERMANN Christine, Marieke Fidry, Louis Exertier
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Circa Group la ut dette på nytt
Circa Group a reçu des équipements industriels pour son projet d’usine de production de solvant vert ReSolute. Cette usine, qui sera localisée sur la plateforme de Carling-Saint-Avold, permettra de créer 50 emplois directs et 250 indirects.
Économie : un nouveau projet industriel prend forme sur la plateforme de Carling-Saint-Avold