Cognite la ut dette på nytt
7 months ago, I was asked a question about why I and others in KAES (Martin Miller, Andrew Wagner) made the decision to outsource the foundational data platform for our Industry 4.0 transformation. My answer: speed. The pace of technological change far outstrips our ability as a company to understand it all and make good decisions. The best bet (for us) was to choose a partner with a solid comparative advantage that allows us to focus on what we do best (manufacturing) and let them (Cognite) focus on what they do best (platform architecture, AI, etc.). We made a bold bet, not strictly based on tangible ROI or hard numbers, but based on our point of view that aligns with this article by Michael Carroll. If we keep moving at our current pace, we will not be competitive for long. Once you fall behind on the exponential curve of change, there is no catching up.