Eelume AS

Eelume AS


High-tech underwater robotics company shaping the path towards sustainable ocean space exploration.

Om oss

Eelume is a leading provider of innovative underwater technology solutions. With a commitment to sustainability and cutting-edge engineering, Eelume strives to push the boundaries of underwater exploration while minimizing environmental impact. All-Terrain AUVs Our AUVs comprise a diverse range of small to medium-class All-Terrain AUVs (All-Terrain Auto­nomous Under­water Vehicles) specifically engineered to map and operate close to challenging underwater topographies. Underwater Inspection Drones In addition to traditional AUV operations our vehicles are engineered to live permanently underwater, where they can be mobilized 24/7 regardless of weather conditions. A continuous, rapid response and flexible capability near subsea installations or points of interest means sustainable, safer, and less costly ocean space operations.

11–50 ansatte
Privateid selskap
Underwater robotics, Autonomous underwater vehicles, Subsea inspection and maintenance, ROVs and AUVs, Subsea


Ansatte i Eelume AS


  • Eelume AS la ut dette på nytt

    Can the Eelume All-Terrain AUV Be Used for Mapping Subsea Christmas Trees?   Yes, it can!   Recently, Eelume demonstrated its advanced 3D photogrammetry capabilities—not on a traditional subsea Christmas tree from the offshore energy sector, but on a real festive Christmas tree! 🎄 This unique test brought a delightful holiday spirit to the marine environment while showcasing the AUV’s ability to perform precise mapping through roll and pitch control.   From capturing intricate details of the tree’s structure to seamlessly navigating its surroundings, the test highlighted the versatility and precision of the Eelume All-Terrain AUV, even in complex underwater scenarios. And as for the marine life? Let’s just say they seemed to enjoy the holiday vibes too!   🎁 As the holiday season approaches, Team Eelume would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to our customers, supporters, followers, and future collaborators for an incredible year! 📈🙏🏼   We wish you a peaceful and joyful holiday season and look forward to continuing our collaboration and innovation in the year ahead. Rest assured, we’re committed to continue pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in 2025 and beyond! (P.S. Scan the QR code on your computer screen with your mobile device to visit our website!)   #SubseaInnovation #AUVTechnology #3DMapping #ChristmasUnderwater #HolidayWishes #MarineExploration #DiscoverMore #AllTerrainAUV

  • Can the Eelume All-Terrain AUV Be Used for Mapping Subsea Christmas Trees?   Yes, it can!   Recently, Eelume demonstrated its advanced 3D photogrammetry capabilities—not on a traditional subsea Christmas tree from the offshore energy sector, but on a real festive Christmas tree! 🎄 This unique test brought a delightful holiday spirit to the marine environment while showcasing the AUV’s ability to perform precise mapping through roll and pitch control.   From capturing intricate details of the tree’s structure to seamlessly navigating its surroundings, the test highlighted the versatility and precision of the Eelume All-Terrain AUV, even in complex underwater scenarios. And as for the marine life? Let’s just say they seemed to enjoy the holiday vibes too!   🎁 As the holiday season approaches, Team Eelume would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to our customers, supporters, followers, and future collaborators for an incredible year! 📈🙏🏼   We wish you a peaceful and joyful holiday season and look forward to continuing our collaboration and innovation in the year ahead. Rest assured, we’re committed to continue pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in 2025 and beyond! (P.S. Scan the QR code on your computer screen with your mobile device to visit our website!)   #SubseaInnovation #AUVTechnology #3DMapping #ChristmasUnderwater #HolidayWishes #MarineExploration #DiscoverMore #AllTerrainAUV

  • Eelume AS la ut dette på nytt

    Revolutionizing Seafloor Mapping: Eelume Redefines Subsea Exploration Ocean Autonomy Cluster member Eelume AS, in collaboration with Voyis and Exail, has achieved a groundbreaking milestone in underwater exploration. Using their All-Terrain Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV), Eelume has delivered ultra-high-resolution 3D photogrammetry of the seafloor and subsea objects—completely untethered. This development builds on years of research and innovation at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) and within Eelume. The All-Terrain AUV offers a new approach to steering and maneuvering AUVs, addressing the limitations of traditional designs. “With this technology, we can now uncover the true answer to what actually lies on the seafloor,” says Thomas Nygaard, CEO of Eelume. “Ultra-high-resolution 3D photogrammetry from autonomous underwater vehicles provides detail and accuracy previously unavailable. Combined with the capabilities of our All-Terrain AUV, this enables mapping in marine environments that were challenging to access before.” The technology supports industries such as Security and Defense, Research and Academia and Marine Energy, with applications including the monitoring of critical infrastructure, coral reef mapping, mine countermeasures, and marine archaeology. Read full story Les saken på norsk #Eelume #AUV #Voyis #Exail Ocean Autonomy Cluster #SeafloorMapping #Drone #Autonomous #Defence #Marine #Offshore #NTNU #Trondheim #Norway FI - Fremtidens Industri FI Ocean Space Incubator Photo: Lars Bugge Aarset/Ocean Autonomy Cluster

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  • 📣 Eelume Achieves Groundbreaking Milestone 🌎 Team Eelume is proud to reveal ultra-high-resolution 3D photogrammetry of the seafloor and subsea objects, captured using our cutting-edge All-Terrain AUV—completely untethered! This breakthrough represents a new standard in autonomous underwater exploration, delivering unparalleled insights into the ocean floor. This achievement was realized through a dynamic collaboration with Voyis and Exail, along with the tireless efforts of our innovative Team Eelume. Together, we’re advancing sustainable oceanic exploration and innovation. With this technology, we’re unlocking the true secrets of the seabed and shaping the future of subsea exploration. Join us as we continue to eeluminate the mysteries of the ocean - Stay tuned for more! 🌊 #OceanExploration #3DMapping #UnderwaterTechnology #Innovation #AllTerrainAUV #AUV #Voyis #Exail #DiscoverMore

  • Building transatlantic relationships for security and innovation! 🇳🇴🇨🇦 Eelume is proud to support the growing collaboration between Norway and Canada showcased at Canada & Norway Defence Cooperation - Partnering for North Atlantic Security. As a pioneer in underwater robotics, we look forward to exploring opportunities to contribute to innovative and sustainable defense solutions. #DefenseInnovation #NorwayCanada #UnderwaterTechnology #AUV #AllTerrainAUV

    Today in Ottawa: Canada & Norway Defence Cooperation - Partnering for North Atlantic Security 🇳🇴🇨🇦 Royal Norwegian Embassy in Ottawa Canadian Global Affairs Institute David Perry Arne Skjaerpe Thomas Nygaard Jordan Freed on Canada-Norway Defense Industrial Opportunities. Line Lønnum (Loennum) Einar Gustafson Chloé Linn Friberg With NADIC members Teledyne FLIR, Eelume, Kongsberg, Nammo & Acapulka present.

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  • Vis organisasjonssiden til Eelume AS, grafisk

    4 472 følgere

    💦Eelume AUV in Action for a Cleaner Mjøsa! We are proud to see NTNU’s Eelume AUV technology contributing to critical insights into the environmental conditions of Norway’s largest lake, Mjøsa. By collecting essential data on lakebed health from selected sites in Mjøsa, our underwater drones empower decision-makers with key knowledge needed for sustainable resource management. With advanced sensors and unique underwater maneuverability, Eelume AUV technology is setting a new standard and opening new ways of performing environmental monitoring, paving the way for a sustainable future for our lakes and oceans.🌎 #Eelume #AUV #EnvironmentalTech #NTNU #AllTerrainAUV #Sustainability #Innovation

    Vis profilen til Asgeir J. Sørensen, grafisk

    Professor, Department of Marine Technology, NTNU

    Fedrenes uforstandige synder kommer til syne ... Problemstillingen med dumpet avfall angår ikke bare Norges største innsjø Mjøsa. Det gjelder også andre innsjøer i Norge og i Skandinavia. Vi har over mange tiår brukt både hav og innsjøer til å dumpe avfall. Det er meget gode grunner til å bli urolig over miljøpåvirkningen på kanskje den viktigste ressursen vi har - drikkevann. Her er det mye å ta tak i. Vi må få på plass eit nasjonalt forvaltningsregime i Norge for vann og vannveier der gode og kompetente krefter i MD, NIVA, NINA, NGU, NVE, Kartverket, FFI, mfl. tildeles et nytt nasjonalt oppdrag og tilføres nødvendige ressurser. Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) er med. Kommuner rundt Mjøsa og Innlandet fylket er med på laget med betydelig innsats. Forvaltning er et nasjonalt anliggende der også staten bør komme på banen. Øyvind Ødegård, Markus Høgevoll Iversflaten, Erik Liu, Geir Johnsen, Pedro De La Torre, Gabriele Kasparaviciute, Department of Marine Technology (IMT) - NTNU

    Verdas mest avanserte robot avdekker syndene i Noregs største innsjø

    Verdas mest avanserte robot avdekker syndene i Noregs største innsjø

  • 🚀 Meet Eelume at AUSA 2024 – Booth #839! 🌊 We’re excited to talk about and showcase the advantages of our cutting-edge All-Terrain AUVs designed for precise subsea mapping and inspection in even the most challenging environments. Whether it’s for pipeline inspection, infrastructure monitoring, MCM, ISR, or marine research, our AUVs provide unparalleled adaptability and ultra-high-resolution data. 📍 Swing by and find us at the NADIC booth to see how we can tailor our solutions to meet your subsea operational needs! Connect with us at #AUSA2024 to explore how Eelume’s innovative technology can enhance your underwater operations. 🔗 Don’t miss out! Contact us directly or visit us at booth #839. #AUSA2024 #AllTerrainAUV #AUV #ROV #UnderwaterRobotics #SubseaSolutions #Innovation #NADIC #MaritimeTech #Eelume #DefenseTech #SubseaExploration #Robotics #AutonomousTechnology #SeabedMapping

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  • ✨ **Innovation Beneath the Surface!** ✨ At Eelume, we are proud and honored to contribute to Aker BP’s vision for the future of subsea operations alongside the amazing guys at Headspin. 🚀 Our All-Terrain AUV is helping to revolutionize underwater maintenance and inspections, making them more efficient, sustainable, and safer. Together with forward leaning players like Aker BP, we continue pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in the offshore industry. 🌊 Check out this inspiring video 🤩 #SubseaInnovation #AutonomousRobotics #SustainableEnergy #AllTerrainAUV #AUV #headspin

    Aker BP's subsea vision

  • Eelume på Forsvarskonferansen 2024 – Økt undervannskapasitet med banebrytende All-Terrain AUV Eelume ser frem til å delta på Forsvarskonferansen 2024, hvor vi vil vise frem vår nyeste teknologiske innovasjon – en banebrytende autonom undervannsfarkost (All-Terrain AUV). På vår stand kan du oppleve en fullskala 1:1-modell av denne avanserte og enestående farkosten, designet for Norske forhold og for å operere i krevende og komplekse undervannsmiljøer som krever rask og pålitelig situasjonsforståelse uten å eksponere andre verdifulle ressurser. Vår All-Terrain AUV gir Forsvaret muligheten til å raskt og kostnadseffektivt øke sin operative kapasitet under vann. Den kan navigere autonomt i utfordrende Norsk kystterreng og samle inn kritisk informasjon uten behov for å eksponere overflatefartøy og med minimal menneskelig inngripen. Dette gir enestående muligheter til raskt å oppnå forbedret situasjonsforståelse i forsvarsoperasjoner, enten det er i overvåking av maritime miljøer, havner eller undervannsinfrastrukturer. Eelumes autonome teknologi er utviklet med tanke på fremtidens brukere, hvor effektiv tilgang til presise data under vann og brukervennlighet er avgjørende. Vi inviterer deg til å besøke vår stand for en nærmere titt og prat om hvordan vår All-Terrain AUV kan bidra til å styrke situasjonsforståelse og overvåkning under vann. Velkommen til å komme innom Eelume på Forsvarskonferansen 2024! #AllTerrainAUV #AUV #USV #forsvaret #forsvarskonferansen #MCM #ISR

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  • 🌎 Eelume is excited to be at ONS 2024! Visit us at stand 5463 in Hall 5 to discover how our cutting-edge technology can help reduce costs, lower emissions, and enhance data quality and safety in subsea operations. We would love to chat about how we can support your projects with smarter solutions. See you there! 🌊⚙️ #ONS2024 #SubseaInnovation #CostReduction #EmissionReduction #DataQuality #Safety #Eelume #AllTerrainAUV #AUV

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