We are happy to share that we have successfully carried out a major update and enrichment of product data in EqHub. Prysmian, which are currently delivering over 300 different cable variants from Draka successfully performed a major enrichment of their data and documents in EqHub, with steady support from the EqHub team. Instead of updating data for each product individually, it was done for all relevant products in one go. This process helped to significantly speed up the upgrading of data in EqHub, added to the data standardisation as well as data clean-up. We are thankful to Snorre Odberg Lien, Product Management Specialist Oil & Gas at Prysmian for his kind words of support for our team: 💬 “We would like to thank the EqHub team for the great support they provided. With their help, the mass upload was efficient and went flawlessly.” If you are interested in mass updating of your product data in EqHub, please do not hesitate to contact our Support Team. ✉️ support@eqhub.no 🌐 https://lnkd.in/dzJGRGdT #datamanagement #dataenrichment #dataupdate #massupdate #eqhub #collaboration #userexperience #oilandgas #oilandgasindustry #offshorenorge #project
Om oss
EqHub was initiated by industry, for the industry. The solution is governed by Offshore Norge on behalf of industry stakeholders. Manufactuers and suppliers can now deliver the standard equipment information and documentation through a single source once, according to standardized requirements from all operators/contractors that are utilizing EqHub. This means that there will be no further need to adapt the information to the different stakeholders, as there is a standard mechanism to facilitate the sharing and distribution of this information. EqHub is a single sourced technical information repository for all operators and suppliers. The repository provides access to pre-qualified, classified and quality assured information when needed,
- Nettsted
Ekstern lenke til EqHub
- Bransje
- Olje og gass
- Bedriftsstørrelse
- 11–50 ansatte
- Hovedkontor
- Stavanger
- Type
- Ideell organisasjon
- Grunnlagt
- 2010
Stavanger, 4020, NO
Ansatte i EqHub
🙌 We're happy to share the news about our latest releases for EqHub, which have seen the introduction of new features and improvements. The main highlights of the latest releases: ✔ Context management ✔ Supplementary contexts update ✔ Historical classes ✔ EqHubNorm: Tracking of version changes Login to discover more about the new features and improvements that are now available for you in EqHub: 🌐 https://lnkd.in/deUnW2vX If you have any questions or require additional information, please feel free to contact our Support team: ✉️ support@eqhub.no #data #technology #development #offshore #tech #business #collaboration #sustainabledevelopment #oilandgas #oilandgasindustry #datamanagement #documentmanagement #solution #eqhub #release #news
You ask, we answer 👌 Q: Is there a subscription fee? A: No, EqHub is free of charge. The continuous development and operational costs of EqHub are covered by the operators on the NCS. 🌐 More information on FAQ about EqHub: https://lnkd.in/d2VXb5NP #datamanagement #eqhub #collaboration #userexperience #oilandgas #oilandgasindustry #offshorenorge #project #projectmanagement #faq #faqs #subscription
🤔 What does the verification process in EqHub look like? What are its main steps? Find the answers as well as numerous tips and learnings from our experts in the webinar recording below 👇 🌐 https://lnkd.in/dGsPvxuW #data #quality #technology #development #offshore #business #collaboration #sustainabledevelopment #oilandgas #oilandgasindustry #datamanagement #documentmanagement #solution #verification #webinarrecording
Verification process: Introduction and demo
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The majority of the software team for EqHub is Ukrainians. Currently the team are spread across several countries, but the core team are still located in Ukraine. Despite challenging times, the team has delivered high quality software the last years, and continues to do so. Bringing this business and work to Ukraine and Ukrainians is important for us in the EqHub team! Tietoevry | EqHub | Offshore Norge |
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Recordings of this year's grand event are now available. They can be accessed on PCA's YouTube channel here: https://lnkd.in/dAf8xKGJ Search for the videos titled Show&Tell 2024. You'll find outstanding presentations from the remarkable companies AUCOTEC, Draga, Semantum Oy, Webstep, Hontrel Technologies, LTIMindtree, Itera, pnb plants & bytes GmbH, and Siemens. Thank you to partners Aker BP ASA, Equinor, Aibel and Aker Solutions! Tonje Sandnes Blix Jann Kåre Slettebakk Helge Ferdinand Schjøtt Charles Halaas Veronica Tverbakk Lars Berthinussen Per Kristian Veiberg Idar Pe Ingebrigtsen Pal Rylandsholm Ove, Heitmann Hansen Arsalan Pasdar Jon Grevstad Theodorsen Steinar Mollan
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I går deltok vi på årets DISC Show & Tell, som fant sted på Equinor Business Center i Stavanger! Over 150 deltakere fra ledende selskaper som Aker BP ASA, Aker Solutions, Aibel og Equinor var samlet for å dele ideer og beste praksis for fremtidens digitale samarbeid i olje- og energibransjen. Vi bidro med to spennende foredrag på scenen: Webstep-konsulent Fredrik Anthonisen representerte POSC Caesar Association (PCA) og fortalte sammen med Lars Berthinussen om hvordan PCA kan bidra til å sikre standardisert kommunikasjon og redusere feil i komplekse industrier som olje og gass, og dermed bidra til mer effektive, lønnsomme og bærekraftige operasjoner. Bård Henning Tvedt presenterte sammen med Arne Måge, Websteps offisielle bidrag om hvordan man kan effektivisere innkjøpsprosessen ved hjelp av IMF-typer fra PCA og utstyrsdata fra EqHub. Bård og teamet har utviklet en Proof of Concept-applikasjon som demonstrerte hvordan dette kan løse bransjeutfordringer. Dette arrangementet er en unik plattform for å vise frem konkrete løsninger for sømløst digitalt samarbeid mellom operatører og entreprenører, med mål om å skape et felles digitalt språk og drive standardisering i bransjen. Arrangement var en stor suksess, og vi gleder oss allerede til neste år. Tusen takk til DISC-teamet for at vi fikk være med! 😃
Fantastisk å se hvordan Webstep og andre aktører kunne utnytte EqHub data i DISC Show and Tell 4. september organisert av POSC Caesar Association
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Want to learn more on how value is created through collaboration? If so, don't miss the opportunity to visit our stand 8425 at ONS 2024. Collabor8 is a non-profit initiative by Offshore Norge, and is a platform for sharing knowledge, experience and best practices in the industry. Come and meet our business experts who will tell you more about the benefits of Collabor8 and the current and emerging areas for industry collaboration. #ONS2024 #Collaboration #Digital #Oilandgas #Energy