At the end of January we had our second Annual Meeting, celebrating the halfway mark of the #EVERYFISH project. The Annual Meeting 2025 was held at project partner University of East Anglia's campus in Norwich, UK. It was, as always, good to meet up with our project colleagues to discuss the progress of the project! Read more about our progress at 🐟 SINTEF Ocean SINTEF Institute of Marine Research (IMR), Norway Fiskeridirektoratet ( DTU Aqua DTU - Technical University of Denmark AZTI Melbu Systems AS Cukurova University ILVO (Instituut voor Landbouw, Visserij- en Voedingsonderzoek) Wageningen University & Research Anchor Lab K/S ASSIST Software Datafish Technology Solutions S.L. Cefas University of St Andrews #fisheries #sustainability #horizoneurope #technology #everyfish #biodiversity #oceanscience #fisheriestechnologies #fisheriesmonitoring #futurefisheries #HorizonEurope #ResearchImpactEU
Summing up these days of meetings for the EVERYFISH Horizon Europe project - coordinated by SINTEF Ocean - the meeting was hosted by our partner University of East Anglia - and the venue was quite amazing and such a surprise! I had never been to neither this university or visited Norwich before and both were excellent places to visit! Natural beauty and old and new buildings and so much history and art! Thank you for your hospitality Michal Mackiewicz for excellent organizing and history lessons on our tour of the city! And thank you to our great consortium! We have reached the half way point in our project and we are applied on track! Institute of Marine Research (IMR), Norway Melbu Systems AS DTU - Technical University of Denmark AZTI University of St Andrews Cefas Wageningen University & Research ILVO (Instituut voor Landbouw, Visserij- en Voedingsonderzoek) ASSIST Software CINEA - European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency European Commission
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