HIVE Community

HIVE Community

Profesjonelle tjenester

HIVE is a community for parents looking to get inspired professionally & strengthen their network during parental leave.

Om oss

For parents on leave, by parents on leave: HIVE is a community for parents, who are looking to get inspired professionally and strengthen their network during parental leave. We organize child-friendly and inclusive networking events with relevant topics and speakers.

Profesjonelle tjenester
1 ansatt
Ideell organisasjon


Ansatte i HIVE Community


  • På perm i #Oslo? Ta med babyen og bli med på dette spennende foredraget hos Systek AS. Møt andre foreldre i perm som ønsker å få faglig påfyll, mens babyene leker, ammer eller sover 👶

    Vis organisasjonssiden til HIVE Community, grafisk

    332 følgere

    Nytt år, nytt HIVE Event 👇 📍 Systek 📅 14. januar | 🕒 13:30 - 15:30 Hva skjer når mennesker i stressende situasjoner møter digitale løsninger og hjernen ikke spiller på lag? I dette foredraget deler Hager Debech innsikter om hvordan stress påvirker brukeratferd og hvordan digitale systemer kan designes for å møte brukere under press. Gjennom eksempler og teorier som Stroop-effekten og Morris Water Maze får vi et innblikk i hvorfor intuitive og tilgivende løsninger er avgjørende. Med referanser til bøker som "Don’t Make Me Think" og "Hooked" vil Hager vise hvordan vi kan teste og designe systemer som reduserer stress når brukerne trenger det som mest. Velkommen til en lett, men tankevekkende reise inn i brukerens verden under press – kanskje lett gjenkjennelig for stressa småbarnsforeldre? #Hive #Permisjon #Oslo Systek AS

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  • Nytt år, nytt HIVE Event 👇 📍 Systek 📅 14. januar | 🕒 13:30 - 15:30 Hva skjer når mennesker i stressende situasjoner møter digitale løsninger og hjernen ikke spiller på lag? I dette foredraget deler Hager Debech innsikter om hvordan stress påvirker brukeratferd og hvordan digitale systemer kan designes for å møte brukere under press. Gjennom eksempler og teorier som Stroop-effekten og Morris Water Maze får vi et innblikk i hvorfor intuitive og tilgivende løsninger er avgjørende. Med referanser til bøker som "Don’t Make Me Think" og "Hooked" vil Hager vise hvordan vi kan teste og designe systemer som reduserer stress når brukerne trenger det som mest. Velkommen til en lett, men tankevekkende reise inn i brukerens verden under press – kanskje lett gjenkjennelig for stressa småbarnsforeldre? #Hive #Permisjon #Oslo Systek AS

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  • A big thank you to Spencer Stuart for hosting the last HIVE Community event of the year and sharing insights on How to Get a Board Seat. Key takeaways: • Sharpen your profile and define the value you bring to a board ✨ • Speak up & dare to broadcast your interest 🎤 • Leverage your network, especially for that first position 🤝 • … but stay in your operational role - it’s your best training ground 💼 We’re excited to keep the momentum going! The next HIVE event will take place on January 14th at Systek AS. Stay tuned for details 🐝. #HIVECommunity #ParentalLeave #BoardPositions #SpencerStuart

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  • Meet Christine and Therese, and their babies Victoria and Cathinka. HIVE Community latest keepers 🐝 What does that mean? It means that they have been responsible for keeping the HIVE buzzing by organizing two seminars for parents on leave this November: one at Wolt and one at Wikborg Rein. HIVE is a community for parents on leave, by parents on leave 🤱 We organize baby-friendly events with interesting speakers & topics. Our community is 100% charitable, partnering up with companies who sponsor us with venues and refreshments. “Organizing these events has been fun, and it motivates me to see the community live on for other parents. I joined HIVE to get some “brain-food” during parental leave, get some professional inspiration, and network with other parents with similar interests. I think it is refreshing with a community for new parents that sometimes wants to talk about something else than “babystuff”” – says Christine about her experience as a HIVE-keeper. “I volunteered because I wanted to give back to the community I had enjoyed during my maternity leave. By chance I was introduced to HIVE by a friend and have since enjoyed the informal meetings combining the best of two worlds: providing "brain food" for the parent and playtime for the babies…” – adds Therese. As a HIVE-keeper, you find a speaker, choose a venue, and act as host for an audience of parents with their babies. Want to be the next HIVE-keeper? 🐝 🌟 Reach out through our LinkedIn page to hear more 🌟

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  • Are you curious about gaining a board seat and how it could expand your professional perspective? Just as stepping into parenthood offers a new lens on life, taking on a board role can bring valuable insights that reshape how you approach your career. Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with other parents on leave while gaining insights that could redefine your future. 👉 Register now to secure your spot!  ⚠️ Only 10 spots available, to secure enough space for baby-strollers ⚠️

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  • Parent on leave in Oslo? Hope to see you at the HIVE Community event at Wikborg Rein tomorrow!

    Vis organisasjonssiden til HIVE Community, grafisk

    332 følgere

    Curious to learn and want to prepare for embracing AI in the workplace upon your return to work? Worried about AI negatively impacting privacy and data protection? Next HIVE Community event is on Thursday, 28 November 2024 in collaboration with Wikborg Rein. We are pleased to welcome you and your baby to an exciting lecture with Chief Digital Officer Rolf Brustad and Managing Associate Kristina Nesset Kjerstad at Wikborg Rein. Sign up today, bring your baby and feel free to spread the word to other parents on leave.

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  • Curious to learn and want to prepare for embracing AI in the workplace upon your return to work? Worried about AI negatively impacting privacy and data protection? Next HIVE Community event is on Thursday, 28 November 2024 in collaboration with Wikborg Rein. We are pleased to welcome you and your baby to an exciting lecture with Chief Digital Officer Rolf Brustad and Managing Associate Kristina Nesset Kjerstad at Wikborg Rein. Sign up today, bring your baby and feel free to spread the word to other parents on leave.

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