Industrial Ecology NTNU

Industrial Ecology NTNU

Høyere utdanning

Trondheim, Trøndelag 1 516 følgere

IndEcol is an interdisciplinary research program in the Department of Energy & Process Engineering @NTNU

Om oss

IndEcol is an interdisciplinary research programme specialized in environmental sustainability analysis. Our mission is to provide high quality research and education in the field of industrial ecology for supporting the global community in realizing the Sustainable Development Goals. The Industrial Ecology Program is a well-established interdisciplinary research group in the field of environmental sustainability analysis, with publications featured in top-ranked journals, direct contributions to assessment reports from the IPCC and the International Resource Panel. IndEcol is involved in European and national research projects, and is currently leading or participating in several large-scale projects and initiatives, including ERC Grants, National Centers for Research-based Innovation (SFI) and for Environment-friendly Energy Research (FME). Research Areas: Our research activities are framed around the recently adopted United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and include four main thematic application areas: - Ecosystems and Bioresources - Energy, Transport and Buildings - Circular Economy and Resources - Sustainable Production and Consumption We apply a variety of methods and approaches to address relevant environmental challenges that our society is facing and to identify strategies towards a more sustainable future. Methods include life-cycle assessment (LCA), material flow analysis (MFA), multi-regional input output (MRIO), ecosystem and climate models, remote-sensing data and field studies.

Høyere utdanning
51–200 ansatte
Trondheim, Trøndelag


Ansatte i Industrial Ecology NTNU


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