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It‘s been a busy first week for SINTEF at #COP29! 👀 SINTEF is an independent 'observer' at COP, which means we represent the eyes of the world during the discussions between the 'parties' (representatives of governments). This role is far from being passive, because observers don't just sit quietly and watch – they advise delegates and bring in necessary perspectives to achieve our collective climate goals. 📖 We at SINTEF have a responsibility to share the results of our research in climate technology, and we take it seriously. Many of our projects are publicly co-funded so we need to ensure they benefit society. That’s why SINTEF provides input to Norwegian negotiators and other stakeholders at COP – e.g. through our advice series: But what have we done in Baku to help push for climate action? 📺 We've gone on Azerbaijan Television to speak about the importance research and international collaboration to fight climate change. We've met with great partners and high-level decision makers like Tinne Van der Straeten, Belgium's Minister of Energy, and Maria João Pereira, Portugal's Secretary of State for Energy. SINTEF has also secured invitations to attend the high-level events which give great insights into how top-level politicians understand the current situation and how research can fit into that picture. And the work is far from over. 🎤 Saturday is jam-packed day at COP and tomorrow Nils Røkke will brief the Norwegian delegation in the Nordic Pavilion on what is happening in the negotiations – and behind the scenes – as well as SINTEF's views on where the negotiations are heading. He’ll join as a panellist in “It takes a village to accelerate CCS” which will also be held in the Nordic Pavilion. Petter Neksa – who has been sharing his thoughts from COP throughout the week via daily blogs on LinkedIn – will also provide his perspectives as a speaker at the special event on Life-Cycle Refrigerant Management. 🤝 🌍 And there's more! On Monday, SINTEF is hosting an event with Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) (Anders Hammer Strømman) on equitable South-North partnerships in sustainable energy research, innovation, and higher education. The event will feature a group of experts who will help to promote international research collaboration on sustainable climate and energy technologies, with a focus on partnerships involving low- and middle-income countries (LMIC). If you are at COP, we would love to see you there! FME NorthWind - FME ZEN - Research Centre on Zero Emission Neighbourhoods in Smart Cities - NCCS: Norwegian CCS Research Centre - CINELDI: Centre for Intelligent Electricity Distribution - FME HighEFF - LowEmission - MISSION #SF6 - EU Enough Project - HYDROGENi
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