Midgard Film Commission Norway

Midgard Film Commission Norway

Filmer, videoer og lyd

Trondheim, 7011 77 følgere

International commission service for filming in Trøndelag, Norway.

Om oss

Midgard Film Commission Norway can provide free service and support to professional international projects aiming to shoot in our region, Trøndelag Norway. Midgard Film Commission Norway covers the central and inner parts of Norway, Scandinavia. The region has a very diverse landscape with great infrastructure – Internationally connected airport, easy access to the most remote places in the mountains, valleys or by the coastline, and miles of unexplored Nordic filmatic scenery. Our office is located in the city of Trondheim,m. You can get in touch with our two film commissioners Solveig Sigmond Ræstad to get more information, help and advice on how to proceed with your film production in our Norwegian locations. We offer discrete and project aimed service. www.midgardfilm.com

Filmer, videoer og lyd
1 ansatt
Trondheim, 7011
Offentlig virksomhet


  • Primær

    Midtnorsk filmsenter, Kjøpmannsgata 35

    Contact: Solveig

    Trondheim, 7011 Trondheim , NO

    Få veibeskrivelse

Ansatte i Midgard Film Commission Norway


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