Forsidebilde av NTNU - Production Management Research Groups
NTNU - Production Management Research Group

NTNU - Production Management Research Group

Høyere utdanning

Knowledge for sustainable production and logistics of the future

Om oss

The Production Management Research Group at Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering is a team of about 15 professors and researchers focusing on the design and planning of production and logistics systems, seen as integrated systems of people, materials and products, information, equipment, and energy and environmental resources. Research is done in close cooperation with industrial and international networks, funded by funding bodies, as EU commission and Research Council of Norway. The current portfolio is composed of more than 5 active research projects, for about 2.5 million euro. Members of the research group are actively involved in editorial boards of relevant journals (IJPR, IJPE, JIM, and others) as well as active and managing roles in international societies (IFIP, IFAC, MHI, and others). The Production Management Research Group is responsible of the Logistics 4.0 lab, the Norway’s first logistics laboratory that merges digital technologies with traditional production and logistics systems, enabling researchers, practitioners, engineers, pioneers, students, and other enthusiasts to come together and collaborate on common ground.

Høyere utdanning
11–50 ansatte



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