UN Students Trondheim la ut dette på nytt
An update on last week with the UN Students Trondheim. I feel lucky to be part of such an engaged team💙 Thank you to the student organizations Leviathan - Linjeforeningen for statsvitenskap ved NTNU and Eureka - Linjeforeningen for Europastudier ved NTNU for collaborating on the U.S. election vigil. We did not expect over 200 participants!🤩 Additionally, a big thank you to FN-sambandet for inviting us to an important discussion on inequality in sexual and reproductive health and rights, especially among marginalized groups. This event was held in honor of the launch of UNFPA’s “State of the World Population 2024”. Featuring contributions from Sex og Politikk – IPPF Norway, United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), SNU- SEKSUALPOLITISK NETTVERK FOR UNGDOM and the State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Bjorg Sandkjaer