We are pleased to have assisted Sicra AS and its shareholders in the sale of the company to funds managed by Credo Partners. As part of the transaction, the shareholders of Sicra have reinvested in the company and will continue their ownership alongside Credo Partners. Sicra was established in 2016 and has since become a recognized company in IT security, networking, and infrastructure in the Nordics. Our core transaction team consisted of Vemund Rolstad, Astros Gudjonsdottir, Ingrid Aasa Haavaldsen and Kaare Christian Tapper.
Om oss
Wikborg Rein is an international law firm with headquarters in Oslo and offices in Bergen, London, Singapore and Shanghai. Our lawyers have expert knowledge in most disciplines and industries. Providing clients with first-class legal assistance is the firm's top priority. Through our 100 years of history, we have gained a unique international experience, and we are highly ranked in leading international legal ratings, such as Chambers and Partners and Legal 500. Our purpose is to cultivate the sharpest minds in order to make an impact on business and society.
- Nettsted
Ekstern lenke til Wikborg Rein
- Bransje
- Advokatpraksis
- Bedriftsstørrelse
- 201–500 ansatte
- Hovedkontor
- Oslo, Oslo
- Type
- Ansvarlig bedrift
- Grunnlagt
- 1923
- Spesialiteter
- Banking and finance, Shipping and Offshore, Natural Resources, Trade industry, industry and public sector, Technology and Telecom, Stock Exchange, Litigation, Real Estate, Corporate Finance, Dispute Resolution
Ansatte i Wikborg Rein
How do we stop the enablers of financial crime? This was one of the key questions discussed when our partner Kristin Nordland Brattli joined Robin Lycka (Solution Architect, Strise) and Maíra Martini (Head of Policy and Advocacy, Transparency International) in the latest episode of the podcast The Laundry. Together they explored the critical role of professional enablers-lawyers, accountants, bankers, and others who facilitate money laundering and corruption. 🎧Listen to the full episode here: https://lnkd.in/eWSeYeuq The Laundry dive deep into the intricacies of financial crime, AML (anti-money laundering), compliance, sanctions, and the ever-evolving landscape of financial regulation.
5. februar inviterer Martin H. Bryde og resten av vår Fiskeri- og havbruksavdeling til en ny utgave av Havbruksrettsdagen hos oss i Bergen. Vi kommer tilbake med fullt program over nyttår, men allerede nå kan du sikre din plass ved å melde deg på her: https://lnkd.in/dMTi8pHJ
We are pleased to have assisted Norse Atlantic Airways, a company listed on Euronext Expand, in securing approximately USD 15 million in new capital through an investment from its founding shareholder, B T Larsen & Co Ltd. Our core transaction team consisted of Ole Martin Drevvatne, Håkon Kristian Stavrum, and Dag Erik Rasmussen. The investment consists of a private placement of new shares, raising gross proceeds of approximately USD 8.7 million, and a shareholder loan of approximately USD 6.3 million.
We are pleased to have assisted Amedia in its acquisition of Berlingske Media, a prominent Danish media group owning the brands Berlingske, B.T., Weekendavisen and Euroinvestor, from the Belgian media group DPG Media. Amedia is Norway's leading publisher of editorial media, and the acquisition will strengthen its position in the Nordic media market. Our core transaction team comprised of Magnus Øie, Fredrik Hals, Jonathan Kjerschow, Leif Eirik Thrane and Sigurd Opedal. Congratulations to all parties involved! A special thanks to Amedia for their vote of confidence and to Kromann Reumert for the great cooperation throughout the transaction. For more information about the transaction, please see Amedia's press release on https://lnkd.in/dXmtCnPX
Både i en pågående anskaffelsesprosess, og etter kontraktsinngåelse, kan det som følge av omstrukturering oppstå behov for å endre aktørene i kontrakten. Men når utgjør dette egentlig dette en vesentlig endring? Dette er blant spørsmålene vi ser på når vi torsdag 12. desember kl. 08.30 åpner dørene til årets siste frokostseminar i samarbeid med Anbud365, denne gangen med Torje Sunde, Malene Reinertsen og Patrick Oware. Programmet starter klokken 09.00 og varer til kl. 10.30. Les mer om seminaret her: https://lnkd.in/d_NWWKNd eller ta snarveien rett til påmeldingssiden her: https://lnkd.in/deeA2iXP Velkommen!
☘️ We are proud to have assisted Summa Equity and its portfolio company, NG Group, with the acquisition of Fortum's recycling and waste business. The combined workforce of the new group will be about 3,500 employees, managing over 4.4 million tons of waste annually and the acquisition is a milestone for circular economy in the Nordics! 🙌 The WR team on the financing workstream consisted of Thea Midby, Thea A. Sørensen, Stine H. Barstad and Andreas K. Lund. Henrik Begby, Fredrik Hals and Sigurd Opedal assisted Summa and NG with the equity funding and the Norwegian law aspects of the acquisition and Preben Milde Thorbjørnsen assisted with competition law related aspect of the acquisition.
Vår sanksjonsekspert Tine Vigmostad deltok søndag i Helgemorgen på Norsk rikskringkasting (NRK) P2 og NRK1 for å dele sine refleksjoner rundt Russlandsanksjoner. Blant temaene som ble diskutert var den stadig økende skyggeflåten og hvorvidt vestlige sanksjoner har lykkes i å stagge og ødelegge krigsøkonomien. Gamle skip i dårlig teknisk stand, som ofte driver med risikabel virksomhet, gir en stor fare for oljesøl og vil dermed kunne utgjøre et stort miljøproblem, poengterer Vigmostad. I samtalen deltok også Equinors sjeføkonom Eirik Wærness, NRKs Moskva-korrespondent Jan Espen Kruse og sjefsforsker Cecilie Sendstad ved Forsvarets forskningsinstitutt - FFI, før temaet ble diskutert videre av statssekretær Eivind Vad Petersson (Arbeiderpartiet) fra Utenriksdepartementet og Venstres stortingsrepresentant Grunde Almeland. Se hele intervjuet her (starter fra 14:05): https://lnkd.in/dy5YcHdS
Visste du at 9 av 10 barn kan glede seg til en jul uten vold og overgrep? På denne første mandagen i desember er vi stolte over av å innlede vår adventskalender med en julehilsen fra vår gode samarbeidspartner Stine Sofies Stiftelse. Selv om de fleste barn ser frem til en fin jul, er det i hvert eneste klasserom og barnehagegruppe stor sannsynlighet for at flere ikke kan gjøre det samme. Videoen under er for dem ❤️. Mandag den 21. januar inviterer vi til lansering av Barnas havarikommisjon der vi har bidratt med det juridiske grunnlaget. Rapporten for 2025 vil belyse viktige forhold rundt ulike former for digitale seksuelle krenkelser som barn og unge utsettes for, og konsekvensene av disse. Meld deg på her: https://lnkd.in/dPy5DyWY Sammen kan vi gi flere en trygg barndom.
We have assisted Cargotec in connection with its sale of its MacGregor business area to funds managed by Triton at an enterprise value of EUR 480 million. Our core team for this transaction included Therese Trulsen, Henrik Begby, Henrik Biørnstad and Ketil E. Bøe. We would like to extend our gratitude to Avance Attorneys for the excellent cooperation in the transaction, which involved contributions from our offices in Oslo, Bergen, Singapore and Shanghai. You can read more here: https://lnkd.in/dHFbj2Vq