Small and medium enterprises comprise over 90% of businesses in Tāmaki Makaurau, Auckland. With climate events becoming an increasing risk to business and their operations, the resilience of SMEs is critical to our economy and communities.
Tonkin + Taylor is proud to have supported Climate Connect Aotearoa to create Climate Wise!
Climate Wise is an online platform providing SMEs with engaging and practical information, tools and resources to understand climate risks, identify opportunities, and start thinking about how to respond and adapt.
Experts from our climate team, Danielle Clarke, Paddy Pringle, and James Hughes, alongside Kumeroa P. - Māori advisory team, have worked with the Climate Connect team to develop the background content.
We're proud of how the final product turned out. The videos are engaging, presented by a range of experts that communicate the content using clear and accessible language. Congratulations to Climate Connect on this launch, we hope people dive in and make use of the content. By empowering SMEs with the right tools, we can help shape a more resilient, climate-ready business landscape.
Check out the platform here:
ClimateWise Tātaki Auckland Unlimited Sustainable Business Network Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment Ministry for the Environment | Manatū mō te Taiao Auckland Council Sustainable Business Council NZ Auckland Emergency Management