Recently, representatives from the KMD Brands Limited ESG and Sourcing teams joined the Fair Labor Association(FLA) Buyer-Supplier Roundtable on Responsible Practices and Higher Wages in Bangladesh. As part of our ongoing commitment to the FLA’s Living Wage Project in Bangladesh, engaging with our suppliers is a top priority. We were pleased to share our experience in benchmarking purchasing practices and driving meaningful conversations. This event reinforced our dedication to improvements in this space, helping to advance progress toward living wages, and contributing to positive industry-wide change. Kate Miller Summer Buckland #KMDBrands #BCorp #LivingWage #ResponsibleBusiness #ESG #FairLabor #Bangladesh #SupplierEngagement
Last Wednesday, FLA, the Ethical Trading Initiative, and Bündnis für nachhaltige Textilien (Partnership for Sustainable Textiles) hosted a Buyer-Supplier Roundtable in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The event featured valuable insights from FLA’s #LivingWage case study, shared by Tiffany Rogers and Chaimae Azmi, as well as a presentation on ETI’s social dialogue project from Abil Bin Amin. A training session on worker wages and #ResponsiblePurchasingPractices included thought-provoking contributions from speakers at KMD Brands Limited, PUMA Group, RAPID, and Tchibo. Following these presentations, buyers and suppliers engaged in open dialogue to explore ways to improve purchasing practices and achieve higher wages. This collaboration allowed stakeholders to deepen their understanding of each other’s realities, co-develop solutions, and move closer to driving meaningful, sustainable change in Bangladesh. Thank you to ETI's Programme Manager Taposh Barua, Country Manager Abil Bin Amin, and Senior Programme Officer, Ahmed Abu Sufian, GIZ's Advisors Carla Dohmwirth and Nusrat Jahan, and FLA's Social Compliance Associate Hannah Larson for their invaluable contributions and support in making this event a success.