Two Worlds of Music
Date of first publication:_ 1946
Author:_ Berta Geissmar (1892-1949)
初版:1946年 著者:ベルタ・ガイスマー
Creative Age Press, Inc.
I was back in Berlin on June 11th. Without being able to name it, I sensed something increasingly ominous in the air. By the old standards which highly valued continuity, everything had gone off extremely well; the 1935 engagements of the Berlin Philharmonic and of Furtwängler had been arranged abroad as usual. The Nazis, so far, had not curtailed my activities, and I had been able successfully to complete all negotiations.
On my return, however, I noticed that my successful arrangements were of no interest whatsoever to the Nazis. True, the new business manager of the Berlin Philharmonic installed in our office by the Ministry of Propaganda — allegedly to improve our bookkeeping — said to me, “You must be proud of what you have achieved,” but at the same time he made a determined effort to insinuate himself into the management of our tours and I saw only too clearly where his efforts were leading.
Other dirty work was going on. The Music Department of the Reichskulturkammer had great ambitions. It was easy to see that it aimed at becoming the State Concert Agency controlling all engagements. By pressure and all sorts of blackmail, they attempted to control the bookings of all soloists.
Contact with German refugees in other countries was by now strictly forbidden in Germany, and innumerable people got into trouble when it was discovered that they had business connections with such people. Yet so corrupt was the Music Department, so cynical in its disregard for its own Nazi regulations, and so little used to any dealings abroad that they made frequent use of emigré concert agents to form foreign connections which they themselves did not possess.
The Nazis constantly clamored that they were able to do things “alone” without the former experts. On the one hand authorities in the Musikkammer relentlessly persecuted even minor “non-Aryan” employees and excluded them from musical life in Germany under the guise of national sentiment; on the other they made use of refugee Jews abroad. Despite their claims, they were unable to uphold the old standard of business relations without assistance from outside, especially since Berlin quickly ceased to be the center of the artists’ exchange as it had been in the times of the Weimar Republic, and even before, in Imperial Germany.
I was then perhaps one of the few people left in Germany who had a thorough knowledge of international musical life. I had all the experience and connections which the Nazis lacked. No wonder that I was odious to both the Reichsmusikkammer and the emigrés who were endeavoring to represent them abroad. Furtwängler, however, was still the great power. I still represented him everywhere, and dealt with all his concert and opera affairs as before.
About this time Furtwängler received the first request to conduct at the Nuremberg Parteitag that was to take place in September under the slogan: Triumph des Willens (The triumph of will). The invitation, as usual, carried the intimation that it had been issued “by desire of the Führer.” Furtwängler was on the horns of a dilemma. If he were to conduct on purely political occasions, it would mean the end of his career as a free artist.
The minor Party officials were obviously delighted with the idea of fettering Furtwängler, who was not a Party member, with Party restrictions, and they would have been only too pleased, if Furtwängler’s conducting at the Party rally lost him prestige abroad. That prestige was a thorn in their side anyhow, and they undoubtedly regarded Furtwängler — even if unconsciously — with the instinctive hostility of mediocrity towards genius.
At that time, things were more or less in a state of flux and it was still possible to discuss matters of this sort. Furtwängler, accordingly, found means to convey his attitude to Hitler, who emphatically declared that he had not known about the demand for Furtwängler’s appearance in Nuremberg. He found it advisable at that time to agree and say that he understood that Furtwängler did not want his art to be used for political ends. So Furtwängler did not, after all, conduct at Nuremberg during the Party rally.
That was, however, by no means our only problem. Great interest was focused at that time on Hindemith’s new opera, Mathis der Maler. The beautiful, moving text had been written by Hindemith himself and dealt with the life of the great German painter, Matthias Grünewald. Furtwängler had studied the work; he had judged it to be of a very high standard, and had decided to put it on the repertoire of the Berlin State Opera for the coming season. All the larger German opera houses as well as those abroad had applied for the opera after the Berlin world’s première.
Hindemith was the young hope of German music. His book, Unterweisung im Tonsatz, hailed by Sir Donald Francis Tovey as the most important contribution to musical theory for over a century, had made a great impression. A young, unaffected, and gifted man, he was the prototype of the best kind of musician, and never let himself be thrown off his balance. In spite of the attacks made on him by the Nazis he remained the idol of the young musical generation. For many years he had been the mainspring of the great International Festivals for Contemporary Music as well as of many other festivals of modern music on the Continent. Besides being a composer and teacher, he was a wonderful viola player, a recognized soloist and quartet player. It was Hindemith who played in the first performance in England of William Walton’s Viola Concerto.
当時ヒンデミットは、ドイツ音楽界の若きホープでした。彼の著作Unterweisung im Tonsatz (作曲教本)は、イギリスの音楽学者サー・ドナルド・フランシス・トーディから「この100年間で最も大きな貢献を音楽理論の分野に果たした」と絶賛され、世間に大いに印象を与えました。ヒンデミットは若々しく、ぶれず、才能に恵まれており、最高の音楽家とはかくあるべしを体現した人物でした。不測の事態や外野の雑音も、全くこれを寄せ付けませんでした。ナチスからはたびたび攻撃されたにもかかわらず、若い世代にとっては憧れであり、目標であり続けたのです。彼は長年に亘り、ドイツ国内はもとより、ヨーロッパ大陸全土でも、各地で開催される、色々な国が集まる大規模な現代音楽祭、あるいは各国内で開催される現代音楽祭にとっては、背中を押してくれる存在でした。彼は作曲家や後進の指導者として以外でも、素晴らしいビオラの腕前の持ち主で、ソリストとしても、弦楽四重奏等室内楽奏者としても、名前が知られていたのです。ウィリアム・ウォルトンのビオラ協奏曲の、イギリス初演は、彼の演奏によるものです。
Hitler, however, had a strong antipathy to Hindemith, fostered by his musical adviser and court jester, Hanfstängl. The only Hindemith opera which he himself had heard was Neues vom Tage in which a naked woman is seen on the stage in her bath. This naked woman was Hitler’s “King Charles’ head”; but as Hindemith was “pure Aryan” — as the Nazis would say — the Nazi code supplied no legal weapon against him.
When Furtwängler compiled his program for the State Opera Season 1934-35, he was suddenly faced by the startling information that Mathis der Maler could not be performed before Goering, as “chief” of the Berlin State Opera, had obtained the Führer’s consent. Pending Hitler’s decision, the performance of the opera in the Reich would be in abeyance.
Furtwängler took a very serious view of this incident, which proved again that in the Nazi Reich artistic authority and expert knowledge meant nothing against the brutal force of dictatorship. For him it was a test case. He was the Musical Director of the Berlin State Opera and no one else. Since when did the head of a state interfere with details of a theater repertoire?
Furtwängler’s application for the release of the opera was ignored. There was obviously no sufficient reason for its prohibition, so the decision was simply evaded. On that decision a great drama hinged.
Meanwhile the fateful midsummer of 1934 approached. One Saturday — June 30, 1934 — on my way to lunch I found the Tiergartenstrasse roped off. Goering’s “green police” were around, but no S.A. men. Something was obviously afoot. Rumors were rife. Then the radio was full of gruesome accounts: the whole von Papen family was detained. Papen’s secretaries had been shot; General von Schleicher killed. Cerruti told me that a detailed plan for the overthrow of Hitler had been found in the house of Roehm, who had been immediately shot. Thousands of people were involved in the unspeakable horrors. The atmosphere of Berlin was sinister and restless.
The world stood by and watched in inactive protest.
Hitler Speeches - 6th Party Congress at Nuremberg 1934 - Stock Footage