
Board members Justin Colannino Josh Berkus Carlo Piana Tracy Hinds  Gael Blondelle Pamela Chestek Thierry Carrez Anne-Marie Scott Sayeed Choudhury Catharina Maracke Chris Aniszczyk

Guests Stefano Maffulli  

Regrets None

Quorum reached at 08:02

Catharina moves to approve last month’s minutes. Thierry seconds. All others approve.

Stef briefly shares the monthly financial report. Reserves are healthy and there are no questions. Stefano provides an update on staffing for both the EU and US Policy workload.

Thanks expressed by a number of the Board to all who have contributed to v0.0.9 of OSAID.

Stef provides an overview of the path and process to be used to achieve the public release of OSAID between August and October. The Board discussed the information that it requires in order to approve the final release at the October Board meeting.

The Board entered executive session at 09:10

The Board left executive session at 10:00

Vote was taken on W3C license as being the same license, with alternate copyright holders: Pam propose. Carlo seconded. No objections.

Vote was taken on rejection of the Setup Tooling License. Pam proposed. Carlo seconded. No objections.

There was a short discussion on code of conduct revision. A proposal will be brought to the September meeting for discussion.