Why is it important to value the Amazon forest through the sustainable collection of shiringa?
The Amazon is a fabulous place, but it has two big problems: Deforestation and poverty.
In 2021, 137,976 hectares of forest have been deforested in Peru alone, this is closely linked to the poverty level of native communities in Peru, which amounts to 73.45%. (source: Minam) and 38% extreme poverty. This deforestation occurs for various reasons: illegal logging, illegal mining and drug trafficking, but the main reason is inadequate crops, which in Peru amounts to 90%. It means that jungle families cut down their forests to plant some fruit and thus be able to improve their standard of living.
The sustainable collection of shiringa allows native families of the Amazon rainforest to make their forest profitable in a sustainable way, and obtain economic income without depredating it.
At Caxacori Studio we work with these families who collect the shiringa in a sustainable way: WITHOUT CUTTING THEIR TREES AND RESPECTING THEIR CYCLES, through an ancestral and environmentally friendly technique. Generating a business model with environmental and social impact, thus helping to mitigate deforestation in the Amazon. And then we turn said latex into soles and footwear, footwear that conserves forests and empowers native communities.
#FashionThatConservesForests #SustainableFashion #rubber #shoes