🗣️ Krzysztof Jaworski, Dyrektor Departamentu Spraw Międzynarodowych Instytutu BiRM, wziął udział w dyskusji z Janem Daraszem w programie „How We Got Here” na antenie TVP WORLD. Jej głównym tematem była przyszłość stosunków USA-UE po zwycięstwie Donalda Trumpa w wyborach prezydenckich. Obejrzyj nagranie i podziel się swoimi uwagami w komentarzach! 👇 [ENG] 🗣️ Krzysztof Jaworski, Head of the Department of Foreign Affairs of the Institute for Security and International Development had a thought-provoking discussion on TVP WORLD's "How We Got Here" with Jan Darasz. The conversation focused on the future of US-EU relations following Donald Trump's victory in the recent presidential election. Check out the recording and share your thoughts in the comments! 👇 Link: https://lnkd.in/dYTRwSvR #bezpieczenstwomiedzynarodowe #politykazagraniczna #stosunkitransatlantyckie #UE #USA #polska #obrona #handel #NATO #TVPWorld #HowWeGotHere #internationalsecurity #foreignpolicy #transatlanticrelations #eu #us #poland #defense #trade #NATO #TVPWorld #HowWeGotHere
Institute for Security and International Development (Director for Foreign Affairs) | Warsaw Exhibition Board (Business and Market Analysis Manager)
🗣️ I recently had a thought-provoking discussion on TVP WORLD's "How We Got Here" with Jan Darasz. We focused on the future of US-EU relations following Donald Trump's victory in the recent presidential election. Two key points emerged: 1️⃣ the pressure from the Trump administration on European NATO allies to increase defense spending is likely to accelerate the already existing trend towards European self-sufficiency in defense. Europeans are recognizing the need to assume greater responsibility for their own security in the face of growing geopolitical tensions and a potentially reduced US commitment to Europe. This shift is slow but gaining momentum, and Trump's pressure could make it inevitable. 2️⃣ Trump's use of tariffs as both a negotiating tactic and a tool to boost the US economy. This "America First" approach emphasizes protectionism, which could strain trade relations with the EU. I argued that while this shift might appear challenging, it also presents an opportunity for Europe, and particularly Central and Eastern Europe, to step up and play a more prominent role in transatlantic relations. Poland, with its strong commitment to NATO and its increasing defense spending, is well-positioned to be a key partner for the US in this evolving landscape. Check out the recording and share your thoughts in the comments! 👇 [Link in the comments] Institute for Security and International Development SDirect24 #InternationalSecurity #ForeignPolicy #TransatlanticRelations #EU #US #Poland #Defense #Trade #NATO #TVPWorld #HowWeGotHere