As we step into 2025, it’s time to revisit and strategise around key HR priorities. We invite you to read our latest Employment Practice Newsletter, which provides brief and reader-friendly insights into the emerging areas that demand our attention, and comments on how you can prepare effectively. It’s a ready-made checklist for 2025. The newsletter covers a range of topics, including, among others: ➡ Implementation of changes resulting from the increase in the minimum remuneration 2025 ➡ New type of leave: supplementary maternity leave from March 19th ➡ Proposed change to the definition of workplace bullying (mobbing) ➡ Pay transparency: last call for audits, preparations, and implementation of gradual changes ➡ Whistleblowers: early January is the last moment to implement procedures according to the interpretation of Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Policy You can access the publication on Linklaters’ Knowledge Portal: PL: EN: Whether you are an HR professional, in-house counsel, or business leader, our newsletter is designed to support you in making informed decisions that protect your organization. Should you have any questions related to employment law, feel free to contact Warsaw head of employment, Monika Krzyszkowska-Dąbrowska. #EUPTD #PayTransparency #Whistleblowers #HR
Linklaters is a leading global law firm, supporting our clients in achieving their strategies wherever they do business. Linklaters Warsaw is recognised as one of the leading firms in CEE. Our Warsaw office is one of the largest law firms on the Polish market. With eight partners and over 80 Polish and international lawyers, we are able to field integrated teams on transactions across product, practice and jurisdictional lines in Poland and throughout the CEE region. The firm has advised on some of the most significant transactions in Poland and across the region, and has consistently been ranked at the top of the list of international law firms in Poland by independent reviewers, including Chambers Global and Legal 500 EMEA. We are uniquely placed to meet our clients’ needs on all aspects of cross-border advisory and transactional matters across the region. To ensure that our clients receive the best international and local advice at every stage of the transaction, where we do not have a Linklaters office or official affiliation with a local firm, we maintain close relationships with the local law firms in all of our jurisdictions. Practice areas in Warsaw: > Corporate/M&A > Private Equity > Banking & Finance > Real Estate & Construction > Litigation, Arbitration & Investigations > Antitrust & Foreign Investment > Energy & Infrastructure > Employment > TMT/IP > Tax
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Serdecznie zapraszamy do udziału w szkoleniu online organizowanym we współpracy z Izba Domów Maklerskich, które 21 stycznia w godz. 10.00-12.00 poprowadzi Szymon Renkiewicz. Podczas webinaru zostaną omówione najnowsze zmiany Rozporządzenia Prospektowego oraz Rozporządzenia MAR wprowadzone na podstawie Listing Act. Celem tych zmian jest podniesienie atrakcyjności rynków kapitałowych w krajach członkowskich Unii Europejskiej. W szczególności mają one ułatwić i zmniejszyć koszty pozyskiwania kapitału dla małych i średnich firm, uprościć dokumentację emisji oraz ograniczyć zakres obowiązków dla spółek notowanych na zorganizowanych rynkach w UE. Większość zmian obowiązuje od grudnia 2024 roku, a kolejne wejdą w życie od marca lub czerwca 2026 roku. Rejestracja i więcej informacji: #RynkiKapitałowe #MAR #ListingAct
🏙 Na polskim rynku nieruchomości komercyjnych w 2024 roku, a szczególnie w jego drugiej połowie, obserwowaliśmy znaczący wzrost aktywności transakcyjnej względem 2023 roku. Janusz Dzianachowski, w artykule Legal Business Polska, podkreśla, że wzmożona aktywność była widoczna we wszystkich sektorach - od logistyki i biur, przez obiekty handlowe, po tzw. sektor living. Co istotne, na rynku pojawili się nowi inwestorzy, także spoza regionu Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej. To wyraźny sygnał, że z perspektywy zachodnioeuropejskiego i amerykańskiego kapitału polski rynek stabilizuje się i ponownie staje się atrakcyjny. 🔗 Więcej o sytuacji na polskim rynku i udziale Linklaters w transakcjach ogłoszonych w 2024 roku, w artykule Legal Business Polska: #RealEstate
As Poland begins its EU presidency, advancing AI technology and leading works on implementation of the EU AI Act are among its top priorities. The Polish government has recently published a draft law on AI systems, aligning with the EU AI Act. Released in Q4 2024, this draft aims to create a clear framework for overseeing AI systems in Poland. While ambitious, it also includes some unclear and controversial proposals that need careful review. Read insights from Szymon Sieniewicz, LL.M. Eur., CIPP/E and Daria Wojciechowska, LL.M. Eur. in the latest issue of the CEE Legal Matters magazine: #AI #AIAct #Poland #digital #technology
📢 We are pleased to announce that our client, Resi4Rent, the largest subscription-based apartment rental provider in Poland, has successfully delivered 411 new units to Poznań's private rental sector with their latest project on Brneńska Street. Our team advised on the acquisition of the land for this development. This marks Resi4Rent's fourth project in 2024, expanding their Poznań portfolio to 571 units, which now accounts for approximately one-third of the city’s total PRS market. The Linklaters team was led by Tomek Trystuła, supported by Filip Witaszek and Joanna Roman from our Warsaw real estate practice. Read more on our website 👉 #PRS #realestate #Poland
We invite you to read our latest Employment Practice Q4 Newsletter, which provides a summary of the current news, legislative proposals, and significant case law and positions of authorities from this year. In this edition, we cover a range of topics, including, among others: ◾ The Act on the protection of whistleblowers ◾ Platform Directive ◾ ESG regulations in Poland ◾ New definition of mobbing ◾ The draft act on minimum wage for work ◾ The draft act on artificial intelligence systems ◾ Many other current topics important from an HR perspective You can access the publication on Linklaters’ Knowledge Portal: ENG: PL: Whether you are an HR professional, in-house counsel, or business leader, our newsletter is designed to support you in making informed decisions that protect your organization. Should you have any questions related to employment law, feel free to contact Warsaw head of employment, Monika Krzyszkowska-Dąbrowska.
W dynamicznie rozwijającym się świecie biznesu konieczność pozyskania dodatkowego kapitału często staje się kluczowym etapem dla przedsiębiorstw dążących do ekspansji. Zachęcamy do lektury artykułu Michał Wołangiewicz i Jakub Gerula w dzisiejszym wydaniu Rzeczpospolita, omawiającego temat finansowania przez fundusze inwestycyjne.
📢 We have advised INVESTIKA Real Estate Fund, acting in cooperation with its joint venture partner BUD HOLDINGS, on the acquisition of a logistics portfolio in Poland from 7R SA. This acquisition marks the largest logistics property investment transaction completed in Poland this year and the second largest in Central Europe in 2024. The 212,500 sqm portfolio comprises five logistics parks: 7R Park Bydgoszcz I, 7R City Park Gdańsk Airport I, 7R City Flex Kraków Airport I, 7R Park Kielce, and 7R City Park Poznań West. The transaction was led by Adriana Andrzejewska, with essential support from Marta Strykowska from the Warsaw real estate practice. The wider advisory team included Aleksandra Mielniczuk, Joanna Roman, and Aleksandra Stanulewicz (real estate), Marta Domino, Marcin Nowak, and Przemyslaw Sanka (banking and finance). Congratulations to our client and all parties and advisers involved! Read more on our website 👉 #RealEstate #logistics #investment #Poland
🎄 Zapytaliśmy nasze koleżanki i kolegów, jaką supermoc chcieliby znaleźć pod choinką. Propozycje były różne – od szybkiego billowania, przez bezbolesne wstawanie rano i przesuwanie terminów, aż po teleportację. Na nadchodzące Święta, życzymy wiele radości i spokoju, a każdy dzień Nowego Roku niech obfituje w solidną dawkę supermocy! 🦸🏻♂️ *** 🎄 We asked our colleagues what superpower they would like to find under the Christmas tree. The answers varied – from fast billing, painless mornings, and moving deadlines, to teleportation. For the upcoming holidays, we wish you lots of joy and peace, and may every day of the New Year be filled with a strong dose of superpower! 🦸🏻♂️
The Warsaw banking and finance team featuring Marta Domino and Michał de Białynia Woycikiewicz, have advised Grupa TAURON on a landmark financial agreement aimed at advancing Poland's energy transition. Tauron secured a PLN 11 billion loan agreement with Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego, utilising funds from the National Recovery and Resilience Plan. This move represents a significant step in modernising Poland's energy infrastructure and aligning with global energy transformation trends. Congratulations to all the parties involved! #NRRP #KPO #Energy #Transition