Space Technology Centre AGH cover photo
Space Technology Centre AGH

Space Technology Centre AGH

Produkcja komponentów dla przemysłu lotniczego

We conduct research in space technologies. We cooperate with the space industry and research institutions sector


At AGH, we conduct research related to space technologies. We cooperate with the space industry and research institutions of #spacetech sector. We are the partner in UNIVERSEH project.

Produkcja komponentów dla przemysłu lotniczego
Wielkość firmy
11–50 pracowników
Siedziba główna
Spółka akcyjna
Data założenia
research, space technology, universeh, space engineering, education i university


Pracownicy Space Technology Centre AGH


  • We would like to present the mission patch of the MXene in LEO experiment!🧑🚀🚀 The MXene in LEO experiment aims to study the behavior of MXene nanomaterial-based sensors in the unique environment of low Earth orbit (LEO). The project is a part of “IGNIS”🔥, a Polish first technological and scientific mission to the International Space Station. During the misson, Polish astronaut Slawosz Uznański-Wiśniewski will conduct a series of experiments, including ours! The patch reflects the traditions of the AGH University of Krakow and the symbolism associated with the experiment. ➡️The border features the university's name and the name of the experiment. ➡️The central element of the patch is a graphic representing the MXene sensor, accompanied by the molecular structure of a fragment of a cellulose chain. ➡️In the centre of the sensor, there is a flag 🇵🇱, symbolizing that the experiment is part of the first Polish technological and scientific mission to the ISS. ➡️On both sides of the sensor, red lines symbolize pulse measurement. ➡️At the bottom, the mission logo Axiom 4 (Ax-4), under which the experiment will be conducted, is displayed. The patch's color scheme reflects AGH's official colors: 🌳 Green symbolizes nature, fields, and forests. ⚒️ Black refers to the depths of mines and represents essential qualities for mining and metallurgical professions, such as thoughtfulness, knowledge, and reliability. 🔥Red is the color of fire and molten iron. ➡️The development of space technologies, a relatively new field at AGH, is represented by four stars featured on the patch✨ MXene in LEO Team: Tadeusz Uhl, Shreyas Srivatsa, Dagmara S., Krzysztof Grabowski, Wojciech Guziewicz, Agata Maria Kołodziejczyk, Darukesha BHM, Sławomir Rudawski. Industry Partners: Astronika sp. z o.o., NYuga, EC Engineering, Łukasiewicz - Institute of Microelectronics and Photonics - Krakow division, Wydział Form Przemysłowych ASP w Krakowie. Acknowledgements: AGH University of Krakow, Paweł Miara, Michal Kracik, Beata Synkiewicz - Musialska, PhD, Marta Tokarz, Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, POLSA Polska Agencja Kosmiczna | Polish Space Agency, European Space Agency - ESA, Axiom Space. #PLinSpace #Astroslawosz #polskisektorkosmiczny #kosmos #Ax4

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    Join us for the international conference “International Multidisciplinary Conference on English as a Catalyst for Knowledge Transfer and Collaboration in European University Alliances”! 🌍🎓 The event is organized within UNIVERSEH European University. 📝 Call for Papers is open! 📅 When? September 11-12, 2025 📍 Where? AGH University of Krakow, Poland 💡 Participation is free – registration required The conference will focus on two key topics: 🔹 English as a tool for knowledge transfer and collaboration, 🔹 Supporting multilingualism and inclusive education in English. 🔍 Who is it for? The conference is open to researchers, administrative staff, stakeholders, and everyone involved in European University Alliances or interested in multilingual and inclusive collaboration. 📝 Call for Papers We invite submissions for papers, posters, and workshops! 📅 Submission deadline: May 5, 2025 📩 Please send abstracts to: 📌 Registration without submission: until May 30, 2025 🔗 More information: 🔗 Call for Papers: 🔗 Registration: Disclaimer: This project has been supported by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange under the task assigned by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Poland. The program is funded by the European Union under the project "Support for European University Alliances" (FERS.01.05-IP.08-0219/23). Funded by the European Union. The views and opinions expressed, however, are those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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  • 🛰️ ISS UNIVERSEH CHALLENGE – Design an Experiment for the ISS!   We invite students to participate in a unique contest to design an experiment for the internal section of the International Space Station (ISS)! 🏆 The prize in the competition is a unique opportunity to visit the laboratories of ESTEC (European Space Research and Technology Centre) in the Netherlands, which are not normally accessible to outsiders. The winners will be given a guided tour of these laboratories, meet experts, and establish new international collaborations. The visit to ESTEC will take place on April 15-17, 2025.   Main aims of the challenge: ➡️ Learning how to design a space experiment, ➡️ Understanding how to document projects according to ESA requirements, ➡️ Recognizing critical considerations for space research, ➡️ Developing project management, problem-solving, and teamwork skills, ➡️ Enhancing communication, collaboration, and critical thinking through every stage of the project. 🎓 Who can apply? Students from various disciplines, including: 🔬 Biology & Biotechnology 🌍 Environmental Research 📚 Education 🧠 Human Psychology 🔭 Physics 🗓 Application deadline: 10 March 2025 📍 Finalists will present their projects at the KUBIK Symposium (16-17 April 2025, ESTEC, Netherlands) and get a chance to engage with space experts! Find out more ➡️

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  • Registration for the European Rover Challenge is now open! 🦾

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    ⚠️ #ERC2025 ON-SITE REGISTRATION IS OPEN ⚠️ You have time until March 10th, 2025 to register for the on-site formula of the 11th edition of the European Rover Challenge. 🧑🚀 What's the challenge? Design and build an advanced Mars rover that will perform all tasks on a simulated Martian surface with the utmost precision. Gain industry certification! Don't wait and go to our website for details, and get familiar with the 2025 rulebook – you're running out of time! ⌛ PS. Did somebody say... ERC REMOTE? 😱👉

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  • Centrum Technologii Kosmicznych wystąpi gościnnie na spotkaniu AGH NAUKA!🚀 Serdecznie zapraszamy na wydarzenie z cyklu AGH NAUKA spotkania, które odbędzie się już 20 lutego. Wspólnie z prof. dr hab. inż. Tadeusz Uhl oraz dr Agata Maria Kołodziejczyk z Centrum Technologii Kosmicznych, przyjrzymy się największym wyzwaniom związanym z misjami kosmicznymi🧑🚀 Oto niektóre z pytań, na które będziemy szukać odpowiedzi: 👉 Czy na rywalizacji kosmicznych mocarstw wszyscy możemy skorzystać? 👉 Habitaty kosmiczne: co można badać na misjach analogowych? 👉 Jak będzie wyglądać życie w pozaziemskich bazach? 📅 Kiedy? 20 lutego, godz. 18:00. 📍 Gdzie? Budynek U-2 AGH University of Krakow (ul. Reymonta 7, Kraków) lub online na kanale YouTube AGH. Szczegóły znajdziesz w wydarzeniu oraz na stronie

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  • On February 19th, we celebrate Polish Science Day. It is a great opportunity to showcase the research conducted at the Space Technology Centre. Our teams work on diverse projects that support space exploration and the development of space technologies. Here are some of the areas we focus on: 🔬 Transforming Information into Knowledge 🛠️ Materials and Structures 🌱 Life Sciences for Space 🚀 Space Missions 🎓 Space Education 🌍 Space for Society More about our research can be found at 👉 #PolishScienceDay2025 #DiversityInScience 🚀 One of the interdisciplinary projects carried out at STC AGH is MXene in Leo, which will be launched to the International Space Station in just a few months. 👏 Behind these space-related activities are research teams from STC, as well as experts from partner faculties and institutions within the Polish scientific community. You can meet them within the AGH University of Krakow and Technology and UNIVERSEH European University community. 👇 Tadeusz Uhl, Agata Maria Kołodziejczyk, Marta Marczak-Grzesik, Darukesha BHM, Andrzej Młyniec, Agata Rudolf, Krzysztof Grabowski, Piotr Kijanka, Ph.D., Tomasz Zajkowski, Wojciech Guziewicz, Michał Lupa, Katarzyna Cieślak, Jakub Mirek, Joanna Pyrkosz-Pacyna, Justyna Topolska, Dagmara S., Marcin Zwierżdżyński We welcome collaboration in research and beyond! 🚀

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  • Join us today (February 19, 2025) for a seminar with Fabio Vollaro, who works as a Product Assurance & Safety Engineer at European Space Agency - ESA Space Agency 🚀 🔹 Seminar topic: “Product Assurance Requirements and Practice for Space Technologies”  📅 Date: February 19, 2025, 15:00 📍 On-site: Building D-3, Room 1.11 💻 Online: Microsoft Teams – Fabio Vollaro has been working as a PA & Safety Engineer at ESA since 2020, supporting technology development and project reviews. Previously, he ensured quality in manufacturing and integration processes in the aerospace industry and managed product assurance for space hardware and subcontractor audits. His background includes expertise in energetic engineering, HVAC systems, and research on compressors and heat exchangers. 

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  • New courses within UNIVERSEH European University are available! 🚀

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    With UNIVERSEH European University get access to bachelor, master and PhD-level courses in a wide range of disciplines from science to humanities 🚀✨ 👉 Discover now the UNIVERSEH European University course catalogue with the upcoming courses ! ➡️ Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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  • Space Technology Centre AGH ponownie to opublikował(a)

    Jak powstał najmniejszy polski satelita HYPE? Dziś przybliżamy jego historię. 🛰️ HYPE to satelita klasy PocketQube, która charakteryzuje się formą sześcianu o boku 5 cm i masą nieprzekraczającą 250 g. Zamknięcie wszystkich części HYPE’a w małej kostce było dużo większym wyzwaniem dla zespołu SatLab AGH niż budowa satelity w standardzie dopuszczającym większe gabaryty. Swój wkład w stworzenie HYPE’a miało około 40 osób, które zdobyły wiedzę oraz umiejętności z zakresu elektroniki, mechaniki, informatyki czy komunikacji kluczowe dla misji satelitarnych. Na dachu budynku Centrum Technologii Kosmicznych Space Technology Centre AGH zamontowano antenę do komunikacji z satelitą, która może zostać wykorzystana również w edukacji kosmicznej i realizacji przyszłych projektów. Jak zespół poradził sobie z budową najmniejszego polskiego satelity i jakie wyzwania musiał pokonać? Odpowiedzi znajdziecie w naszym artykule 👉 fot. KSAF

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  • ❗ Attention ❗ Due to issues with our Guests' flight, we are forced to adjust the organization of the Space Seminars with European Space Agency - ESA. Here is the updated schedule: 🔹 Seminar by Jutta Krause "Biology Experiments in KUBIK Experiment on the International Space Station" 🔹 Payload System Engineer, European Space Research and Technology Centre, ESA 📅 February 18, 2025, 15:00 (updated❗) 📍 On-site: Building D-3, Room 1.11 💻 Online: Microsoft Teams – Jutta Krause has been working as a Payload System Engineer since 2012, supporting biological experiments onboard the International Space Station (ISS), primarily in the KUBIK module. She is also involved in the development of hardware for these studies. Since late 2023, she has expanded her role to National Flights, focusing on technology demonstrators and experiments on organism reactions 🔬 🔹 Seminar by Fabio Vollaro "Product Assurance Requirements and Practice for Space Technologies" 🔹 Product Assurance & Safety Engineer, European Space Agency (ESA) 📅 February 19, 2025, 15:00 (updated❗) 📍 On-site: Building D-3, Room 1.11 💻 Online: Microsoft Teams – Fabio Vollaro has been working at ESA since 2020 as a PA & Safety Engineer, supporting technology development and project reviews. Previously, he specialized in quality control in the aviation industry, overseeing space hardware and conducting subcontractor audits. His expertise includes energy systems, HVAC systems, and research on compressors and heat exchangers.

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