🌿 TerGo Joined BALTICBEAT Beat as a Project Partner! 🌍 We are proud to partner with Uniwersytet Gdański, Pomerania Development Agency Co., Roskilde University, Linnaeus University, EUCC Baltic Office, and Energy Communities Denmark in the BALTICBEAT/Interreg South Baltic Programme, bringing our expertise in carbon emissions calculations to support communities in their decarbonization efforts. As part of the initiative, we will work closely with local stakeholders to: ✅ Assess and reduce carbon footprint ✅ Provide data-driven strategies for sustainable energy transitions ✅ Help SMEs and local authorities implement effective climate solutions By combining knowledge and innovation, we aim to drive meaningful change in the South Baltic Area and beyond. Learn more about the project: https://lnkd.in/d-pRHyMu https://lnkd.in/d_6raySk #TerGo #BalticBeat #Decarbonization #CarbonNeutral #SustainableCommunities #EnergyTransition #ClimateAction #EnergyCommunities
TerGo - It pays to go Green.
Usługi środowiskowe
Gdańsk, Pomorskie 1122 obserwujących
Full-stack carbon management for companies and individuals 🌏
TerGo offers a full-stack approach to carbon management for companies and individuals. ✅Carbon accounting: Tergoscope carbon accounting software supports companies and organizations with an easy system for greenhouse gas emissions calculations. Gather data, navigate through emissions hot spots, and generate carbon reports with just one click. ✅Emissions reductions: Download TERbit, do your best to reduce your carbon emissions, and watch your positive climate impact expand. TERbit is the first app worldwide to track individuals' carbon reductions resulting from green transportation choices and more. ✅Offsetting: TerGo team runs sequestration projects that support companies with the highest-quality VER carbon offsets. ➡️Additionally, TerGo offers carbon labelling, carbon-neutral certification, a range of carbon calculators free of charge, and other solutions for companies, organizations, and individuals who care about the planet's future. 🌍Together, we can do more!🌍
- Witryna
Link zewnętrzny organizacji TerGo - It pays to go Green.
- Branża
- Usługi środowiskowe
- Wielkość firmy
- 11–50 pracowników
- Siedziba główna
- Gdańsk, Pomorskie
- Rodzaj
- Spółka prywatna
- Data założenia
- 2020
- Specjalizacje
- carbon offsets, carbon footprint, sustainability reports, carbon neutral, carbon calculator, Sustainability, Net-zero, Green Projects, EU-ETS, Environment, Community, Game-changers, VERs, CERs, Mobile app, Web platform, Reduce, repurpose, eco-friendly i eco-actions
Piastowska 7
Terra sp. z o.o.
Gdańsk, Pomorskie 80-332, PL
Pracownicy TerGo - It pays to go Green.
✨ MeetingPlanner.pl #iMPact2024 is in the books - a major event on the #event industry calendar focused on making a #PositiveImpact! We’re thrilled to have partnered on this meaningful conference, once again supporting the organizers by calculating the #CarbonFootprint of the event.🌏🌱 We’re even more excited to celebrate the success of two projects we’ve supported, which won awards in two of the four competitive categories: 👏🥇Kudos to Ewesa - Brand & Customer Experience Agency! They teamed up with us to complete a comprehensive process of #monitoring, #reducing, #offsetting, and #reporting greenhouse gas emissions. Their report has become a guiding example for the industry, as recognized by their win in the "MICE for Good" category. Check out their full sustainability report here: https://lnkd.in/dk6wxNST 👏🥇Huge congratulations to Gdansk Convention Bureau! Their team, responsible for their innovative "New Trends in Tourism" conference, #measured event #emissions with us and involved attendees in the process, raising awareness of #climate challenges in a big way. The #iMPact2024 event was packed with #inspiration and valuable insights, fueling our plans for the year ahead. And, of course, our co-founder Ewelina Sasin joined the panelists to discuss #CarbonFootprint and #sustainability. Here’s to a greener future! 🌍 #esg #sustainability #miceforgood #MICE #horeca #GHG #eventghg #greenevents #meetings #meaningfulmeetings
Zwycięzcy MP Impact Awards® 2024 Jury MP Impact Awards® i publiczność zgromadzona na wydarzeniu MP Impact® w Centrum Nauki Kopernik wybrała zwycięzców drugiej edycji konkursu. 🔹 Kategoria Inicjatywa AV Academy, Brill AV Media Projekt zaprezentował Damian Siekierka, marketing & pr coordinator, Brill AV Media 🔹 Kategoria Wydarzenie Nowe Trendy w Turystyce, Gdańska Organizacja Turystyczna Projekt zaprezentował Lukasz Wysocki, prezes Gdańskiej Organizacji Turystycznej / Gdansk Convention Bureau 🔹 Kategoria Kampania Kampania w trakcie pozyskiwania światowego kongresu IAC, Komitet organizacyjny IAC2027: Europejska Fundacja Kosmiczna, Grupa MTP, THE WAY, współorganizatorzy: Ministerstwo Rozwoju i Technologii, Polska Agencja Kosmiczna POLSA, Miasto Poznań, Poznań Convention Bureau Projekt zaprezentowała Magdalena Holowinska, koordynator ds. pozyskiwania międzynarodowych kongresów, international sales manager, Grupa MTP 🔹 Kategoria MICE for Good Pierwsza w Polsce agencja neutralna węglowo, Ewesa - Brand & Customer Experience Agency Projekt zaprezentowała Karolina Olszanowicz, managing partner, Ewesa - Brand & Customer Experience Agency MP Impact Awards® są poświęcone inicjatywom, kampaniom, wydarzeniom, które mają wpływ na funkcjonowanie i rozwój branży spotkań i wydarzeń. Finalistów wyłoniła Kapituła w składzie: Dominik Górka (przewodniczący jury), Łukasz Adamowicz, Sylwia Katarzyna Banaszewska, Krzysztof Celuch, Wojciech Cłapiński, Joanna Gorczyca, Wojciech Herra, Anna Jedrocha, Michał Kaleta, Grzegorz Kieniksman, Magdalena Kondas, Artur Kozieja, Rafał Krawczuk, Rafał Kupidura, Darek Maciolek, Jan Mazurczak, Rafal Rzeczkowski, Ewelina Sasin, Stanisław Trzciński, PhD, Ireneusz Węgłowski, Piotr Zmyślony Organizatorem konkursu jest MeetingPlanner.pl. Więcej o konkursie i finalistach 👉 https://lnkd.in/dzhytuGy
Our solutions have been featured in the Industry 4.0 Innovation Radar!📊 What is #RAD4R? It’s a unique catalog spotlighting innovative #PolishStartups offering cutting-edge technological solutions for the industry. It highlights Industry 4.0 advancements and includes tools for companies aiming for more #sustainable production. It's a go-to resource for businesses seeking partners to support their digital and #EcologicalTransformation.💡✅ This initiative is made possible by the Krakowski Park Technologiczny | Krakow Technology Parkas part of three key projects: 👉hub4industry 👉KPT ScaleUp Industrial Accelerator 👉Greene 4.0 The catalog is available for #FreeDownload at: ⬇️https://lnkd.in/dAXtfv25 Check it out and explore the future of industry transformation!
🌍 We’re thrilled to share that TerGo's specialists are among the experts featured in the latest Climate Leadership's publication. #BusinessForChange is a comprehensive #report highlighting key achievements, innovative solutions, and future goals for #ClimateAction in Poland and beyond. Our contribution reflects TerGo's commitment to sustainable practices and impactful climate leadership. Don’t miss out on this insightful read! 📖 Download the publication here: https://lnkd.in/deAuqfJ2 to explore the full spectrum of ideas and achievements. #ClimateLeadership #Sustainability #GreenBusiness #Ecology #ClimateAction #Decarbonisation
Join us at the New Horizons Conference on the 28th of October! 🎉 Ewa Kiełsznia from our team will speak about emissions at events and how we can reduce our carbon footprint at large gatherings 🌱🌍 Tickets available here: https://lnkd.in/dfNgJGvh! See you soon! 👋 #NewHorizons #Sustainability #Emissions #Events
🟢Zielonej fali #ESG już nie da się zatrzymać.🌊🌊🌊 Teraz pozostaje decyzja - czy chwytać za deskę i surfować razem z innymi🏄, czy raczej ...?💦 Już w poniedziałek podpowiem, jak zacząć stawiać pierwsze kroki w stronę zrównoważonej przyszłości Waszej firmy. Spotkania na żywo lubię najbardziej i ogromnie dziękuję Alexandra Kunowska oraz Stowarzyszenie Branży Eventowej (SBE) / Events Industry Association Poland i Żaneta Berus MBA, CEM za zaproszenie na scenę. 🎤❤️ Więcej o konferencji: https://lnkd.in/dXA3dd5d! TerGo - It pays to go Green. #carbonemissions #CO2 #sustainability #carbonreductions #events #greenevents #CSR #ESG
🚀Our COO and co-founder, Ewelina Sasin, has been nominated as one of the 100 most #influential #women in Pomerania for 2024 by Dziennik Bałtycki! 🎉🚀 Now, it’s time to show your support 🤝 Let’s come together and celebrate Ewelina's impact on sustainability in business! 🙌🌍 Cast your #vote here 👉 https://lnkd.in/dXv4zY3K Thank you for helping us highlight her inspiring journey! 💪 #WomenInLeadership #Pomerania2024 #EwelinaSasin #Leadership #InfluentialWomen #DziennikBaltycki #GazetaPomorska #100kobiet
An informed person makes better decisions—for themselves, their loved ones, and the #planet.💚🌍 We're excited to have contributed as co-creators of the #EmissionsCalculator for individuals, supporting Credit Agricole Bank Polska S.A. in celebrating #SusainabilityWeek. 💡Learn more about the calculator here: https://lnkd.in/dbiZpWTT #carbonemissions #ESG #sustainability #CO2 #emissions #sustainablefinance #CSR #CO2calculator
No one needs to be convinced of the importance of ESG topics for business development today. But we still need to know how the ESG approach translates into everyday business operations. Education on this topic was the main objective of the "ESG unlocked" #SustainabilityWeek, which we recently organized at Credit Agricole Bank Polska S.A. This is the first such initiative in our bank. And it was inspired by the European Sustainability Week and the European Sustainable Mobility Week. The event was an opportunity for interesting discussions on the role of social and environmental topics in business development. We exchanged views and opinions both in our internal circle and together with invited experts, during several webinars. Extremely interesting and heated was the discussion with our special guest: Christophe Jacolin, Head of ESG Strategy & Performance of Groupe Crédit Agricole, with whom we discussed our Group's sustainability strategy and it’s commitments. As part of #SustainabilityWeek we also held a workshop for employees' children on renewable energy and an ESGame contest. In addition, we promoted our carbon footprint calculator, which we implemented in May and everyone can use on our website. This was a very important educational event at our bank and I'm glad it received so much attention. In my opinion, building awareness and educating all our stakeholders and employees, about sustainability and ESG is crucial. Especially in the context of our new business strategy, which we are currently working on, and ESG is to be one of its foundations. A good understanding of this approach will help us prepare for future challenges so that we can better support our customers in their energy transition. This is the mission we have set for ourselves as an entire banking sector, and we will do our best to fulfill it.
We’re evolving and taking bold new steps at TerGo.🌐 Join us on this exciting journey – 🚀follow us on X: x.com/tergo_global Thanks for being part of our story!💚 #x #twitter #depin #blockchain #carbonemissions #carbonmanagement #tergoglobal #tergo #ESG #greenblockchain #sustainability
🎉 We have won the #CarbonAwards for the #MostInnovative Carbon Product at the ESG Investing Carbon Awards 2024! 🏆 Our app, TERbit, was recognized for its unique approach to gamifying carbon reductions for teams, making it easier and more engaging to track and lower any company's emissions. 🌍 A big thank you to ESG Investing and everyone who supports our mission to make #sustainability fun, effective, and accessible for all. This is just the beginning! 💚 #CarbonAwards2024 #Sustainability #Innovation #ESG #CarbonReduction #TERbit
🎉 It’s a hat trick! We are shortlisted in THREE of ESG Investing’s Carbon Awards 2024 categories: 🌍 Best Carbon Credit Project Developer (Removal) – for our Belize project run in accordance with the IFCC standard 💻 Best Carbon Accounting / Reporting Software – with our Tergoscope carbon accounting software 🌟 Most Innovative Carbon Product – with TERbit – our innovative, patented app that streamlines rewarding for carbon avoidance for companies But that’s not the end of the exciting news. 🚀🚀🚀We also qualified for the second round of the prestigious Roddenberry Prize as one of the 20 ventures worldwide. 🌍 Keep your fingers crossed for us! 🤞 The winners will be announced soon! Congratulations to all the finalists: https://lnkd.in/eNY4F-GF ClimeCo, DevvStream, EKI Energy Services Ltd (EnKing International), Aboriginal Carbon Foundation, FairClimateFund, Carbonplace, Forest Carbon, ZERO13, CEEZER, Carbon+Alt+Delete, HAMERKOP Climate Impacts, PowerSolve Technologies, BNP Paribas Asset Management, BlueOrchard Finance Ltd #esginvesting #carboncredits #carbonmanagement #co2 #carbonemissions #terbit #carbonaccounting #carbonreduction #greentech