Sua equipe está enfrentando esgotamento e fadiga por compaixão. Como você pode garantir que os padrões de atendimento de qualidade sejam mantidos?
Quando sua equipe está lutando contra o esgotamento, é crucial manter um atendimento de alta qualidade sem comprometer seu bem-estar. Para enfrentar este desafio:
- Incentive pausas regulares e práticas de autocuidado para evitar a exaustão.
- Promova um ambiente de apoio onde os membros da equipe possam compartilhar preocupações e soluções.
- Implemente um cronograma rotativo para tarefas de alto estresse para distribuir a carga uniformemente.
Quais estratégias ajudaram você a manter os padrões de qualidade em tempos difíceis?
Sua equipe está enfrentando esgotamento e fadiga por compaixão. Como você pode garantir que os padrões de atendimento de qualidade sejam mantidos?
Quando sua equipe está lutando contra o esgotamento, é crucial manter um atendimento de alta qualidade sem comprometer seu bem-estar. Para enfrentar este desafio:
- Incentive pausas regulares e práticas de autocuidado para evitar a exaustão.
- Promova um ambiente de apoio onde os membros da equipe possam compartilhar preocupações e soluções.
- Implemente um cronograma rotativo para tarefas de alto estresse para distribuir a carga uniformemente.
Quais estratégias ajudaram você a manter os padrões de qualidade em tempos difíceis?
This is quite common. First and foremost, admit that there is burnout: Diagnose: discuss openly, find its root causes: start a self study/focus group and act to address the problem. Issues can range from administrative burdens, lack of appreciation (common) and positive re-enforcement, inefficient work conditions, overworking the staff, toxic environment/managers, poor communication and lack of a clear strategy-direction as well as misalignment of goals between the administration and workforce. All this leads to staff dis-engagement, which results in poorer clinical and financial outcomes, increased complication rate, increase absenteeism and an increase in patient dissatisfaction and lawsuits. Obtaining the administration's buy in is key!
Compassion Fatigue is often unheard and not felt by the hospital members other than the one who experiences it. Often the nursing, attendants, carestaff and emergency room team is more prone to it. If I am managing a team facing the issues, I would: 1. Rotate the duties of the staffers / swap the duties (that's possible only with adequate cross training) 2. Talk and motivate your team 3. Appreciate their efforts, bring a cake let them celebrate. Take their attention from stress to self-care 4. Assis them with time management for better planning 5. Usher them to take leaves, have some good time with family and friends of course keeping in mind the care coverage
Many a times burnout and lack of motivation comes when employees are assigned those job roles which doesn’t align with them. Company says they require you to do this work rather than what you are actually meant to do and repeated behaviour like this creates exhaustion and burnout. Team players should be aligned to roles that they find interesting and relevant.
Acknowledge, recognize and validate the challenges the team is facing. Encourage a culture where self-care is valued. Redistribute Workloads by adjusting schedules, or streamlining processes. Demonstrate empathy and lead by example.
In the healthcare field, it’s completely natural for individuals to experience burnout and fatigue, and I fully accept this as a leader. I always strive to distribute work fairly and take into account each person’s circumstances, while being actively involved with the team. If I notice someone making repeated mistakes due to exhaustion, instead of blaming them, I understand they might need emotional support or even time off. I aim to create a work environment that helps reduce stress and isn’t overwhelming, because we spend most of our day at work, and everyone deserves to feel comfortable and supported in order to give their best.
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