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Departamento de Bioengenharia

Departamento de Bioengenharia

Educação superior

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Apesar de ser o mais jovem departamento do Instituto Superior Técnico, o Departamento de Bioengenharia é constituído por uma equipa experiente, com mais de 25 investigadores seniores oriundos de outros departamentos do IST, que consolida um conjunto diversificado de valências nesta área transversal. Estamos unidos pelo conhecimento e pela vontade de promover a excelência académica, catalisada pela investigação e por instalações laboratoriais de nível internacional. A nossa visão consiste em colocar estes recursos ao serviço da comunidade, fornecendo educação avançada e a transferência de desenvolvimentos científicos e tecnológicos para o sector produtivo, gerando um crescimento sustentado. A Bioengenharia está no cerne das Ciências da Vida, fazendo a ponte entre a Biologia, a Engenharia e a Medicina. É nosso objectivo ser uma referência e marcar o ritmo de desenvolvimento nesta excitante e promissora área do conhecimento, tanto em Portugal como internacionalmente.

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  • New Book Chapter on Coral Microbiome Biotechnology The book chapter ‘Beyond Restoration: Coral Microbiome Biotechnology’ published in the newly released volume Coral Reef Microbiome (eds. Raquel Peixoto & Christian Voolstra) explores coral-associated microorganisms as a rich source of innovative bioactive molecules and enzymes. Authored by PhD student Joana Couceiro, Rodrigo Costa and Tina Keller-Costa, this chapter provides a comprehensive review of natural products discovered between 2018 and 2022, highlighting their pharmaceutical and biotechnological applications. In just five years, more than 385 novel compounds with diverse chemical structures and bioactivities have been identified from coral-associated microbes. The chapter also highlights key research gaps and future opportunities, advocating for the exploration of lesser-studied microbial groups—particularly non-actinomycete bacteria—a broader range of coral species and habitats, including deep-sea corals, and the integration of advanced techniques such as metagenomics, synthetic biology, and innovative cultivation strategies. Advancing this incipient field will also require stronger collaboration between laboratories from multiple disciplines, leveraging complementary expertise.

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  • Study fellowships from BONDALTI and Fundação Amélia de Mello awarded to students of the Department of Bioengineeing (DBE) DBE congratulates students Matilde Michel Ricardo (1st year) and Tiago Miguel Gomes de Sousa (2nd year) of the Biological Engineering undergraduate course for having been recognized for their academic merit with a scholarship awarded by BONDALTI and Fundação Amélia de Mello. This is an important landmark for the students and also for our department. We wish Matilde and Tiago the continuation of a successful path at IST and at DBE!

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  • Lipid‑ and Multivariate-Based Analyses to Determine Cell Response During marine bioprocess development, pH control is of paramount importance. However, the use of traditional buffers, such as phosphate buffer, can lead to the precipitation of medium components. In a recently published paper, Ricardo Pereira and Carla C.C.R. de Carvalho (2BRG-iBB-Institute for Bioengineering and Biosciences) used lipidomics analysis in conjugation with statistical multivariate analysis was performed to determine the cellular response to pH variations and buffer composition. Good’s buffers were found to be a sound alternative to phosphate buffer, allowing higher productivities in the model system tested.

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  • Fluorescent magnetic alumina for latent fingerprint detection Prof. Vasco Bonifácio (DBE, iBB-Institute for Bioengineering and Biosciences) and Dr. Helio Barros (iBB) developed a novel powder formulation of both conventional and magnetic powders for revealing latent fingerprints (FPs). The powders formulation is based on a biodegradable matrix and fluorescent dyes extracted from commercial felt-tip markers. Two classes of powders are described: one with a fluorescent component, and other with both fluorescent and magnetic components. The powders are prepared by mechanochemistry, following a synthetic green protocol. The incorporation of the magnetic component not only enables easy manipulation but also eliminates the risk of latent print ridge destruction. Optimization of the mechanosynthesis parameters allowed the development of magnetic powders with intense fluorescence emission, avoiding quenching caused by the magnetic component. The new powders proved to be highly efficient in revealing latent FPs on a variety of surfaces of forensic interests. The efficacy of these powders was demonstrated by comparison with commercial fluorescent magnetic and non-magnetic powders. The novel powders display excellent fluorescence properties, are cost-effective, easy to manipulate, and offer a significant advancement in fingerprint detection.

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  • Photochromic isoleucine sensors based on molecularly imprinted polymers   Prof. Vasco Bonifácio (DBE, iBB-Institute for Bioengineering and Biosciences) and collaborators from NOVA University of Lisbon developed an isoleucine (IsoLEU) sensor using molecularly printed polymers and a photocromic dye. The synthesis of this smart material was performed using a sustainable protocol, without using organic solvents. Sensor's affinity and selectivity were tested using L-leucine (LEU) and IsoLEU mixtures in aqueous solution. The sensor with higher crosslinker degree exhibited the highest affinity and selectivity, with a maximum binding capacity of 127 mg IsoLEU/g polymer. The sensor is activated by UV light, with color change between white and bluish purple, allowing real-time detection, and color reversal by exposure to visible light. This study demonstrates the potential of these materials as low -cost optical sensors for bioprocess monitoring.

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  • Advancing Bladder Tissue Engineering through Xeno-free Cell Manufacturing As part of the European UroPrint project, iBB-Institute for Bioengineering and Biosciences researchers Teresa Mendes, Maria Catarina Carreira, Ana Fernandes-Platzgummer, and Cláudia Lobato da Silva recently reported the establishment of a xeno(geneic)-free culture platform for smooth muscle cells envisioning bladder tissue engineering strategies.  This study establishes a scalable and clinically relevant manufacturing process, from isolation to expansion, using gamma-irradiated human platelet lysate as a xeno-free culture medium supplement. The team successfully confirmed the smooth muscle-like phenotype of the expanded cells and implemented a plastic microcarrier-based spinner flask system, enabling large-scale cell production for future therapeutic applications. This research paves the way for more efficient and clinically viable strategies in regenerative medicine, bringing us closer to advanced bladder tissue engineering solutions.

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  • New Opinion Article by Professor Isabel Sá-Correia in Jornali A representação feminina na liderança universitária no rescaldo das eleições na Alemanha O número de mulheres que alcançam posições de topo ou de decisão na carreira académica não é certamente proporcional ao número de mulheres qualificadas para tal. Na Universidade Portuguesa, tal como em outros países, os homens dominam nos cargos académicos mais elevados. A relação entre homens e mulheres na categoria de professores catedráticos ou como chefes de grupo ou unidade de investigação, diretores de departamento, diretores de Escola, ou como reitores, reflete os padrões de desigualdade de género que persistem no meio académico. Esta situação é bem conhecida embora se tenham vindo a registar progressos na representação feminina na liderança universitária. See more

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  • Uncovering brain network changes along the migraine cycle Each person's brain has a unique pattern of connections, like a fingerprint. Migraine is cyclic, having several phases that may change how brain networks interact. In this study, we proposed a novel framework to explore how these brain fingerprints shift throughout the migraine cycle and when migraine patients' patterns become more similar to each other and different from healthy individuals. Our approach detects subtle changes that traditional methods often miss, bringing us closer to identifying a biomarker for migraine-related brain instability. To our knowledge, this represents the first case-control longitudinal functional neuroimaging study across the whole migraine cycle. (98/100)

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  • White matter alterations in episodic migraine without aura patients assessed with diffusion MRI: effect of free water correction Diffusion tensor imaging studies examining white matter (WM) in migraine patients previously overlooked the potential influence of FW partial volume effects. Correcting FW effects could offer a clearer understanding of WM changes in migraine. Comparisons between control subjects and migraine patients revealed significantly lower axial diffusivity, with and without FW correction, altered FW values in migraine patients in some WM tracts and MD changes only after FW correction. These findings suggest WM alterations in these migraine patients in comparison with controls, in accordance with other migraine studies. These differences might point to inflammatory processes in migraine related to cellular swelling. (100/100)

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  • A novel computational approach to dissect the cytoskeletal architecture of cancer cells with invasive potential The identification of cancer cells with invasive and metastatic potential remains challenging. In recent years, it became evident that the organization of the cytoskeleton is dynamically orchestrated during cell transformation, but the impact of its remodelling is still largely unknown. In this study, we have developed a computational pipeline to characterize the cytoskeletal architecture of cancer cells and investigate fine-tuned cytoskeletal alterations. Our results have shown that the proposed computational framework was able to dissect unique cytoskeletal cues associated with invasive capacity. These include quantity, orientation, compactness, radiality, and morphology of microtubules. Validating our approach, we verified that microtubules of cells with disrupted E-cadherin and increased invasive rates are shorter, have disperse orientations and are more compactly distributed. Ultimately, this work provides a comprehensive portrait of the cytoskeleton reorganization that could be used as a proxy for automated analysis of cellular behaviour.

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