#webinar "On 8 April 2025, the Policy Learning Platform will host a webinar on festivals and pitching events to increase the attractiveness of local #startup #ecosystems for #investors." We are proud that our dear consortium partner WestBIC is going to present its good practice 'Prep4Seed Investor-Readiness Programme for High-growth Start-ups' during the Webinar. Register below and follow the online event for more information! UnicornQuest Partnership Interreg Europe WestBIC https://lnkd.in/dv5UDHP5
UnicornQuest | Interreg Europe project
Relações exteriores
International community of Experts for building entrepreneurial ecosystems
Sobre nós
UnicornQuest consortium aims to build entrepreneurial ecosystems by promoting, attracting and retaining to-be-unicorns thriving under EU principles and values, such as respect of human rights, freedom, democracy, and equality. Our project arises from the need to reduce the exodus of promising start-ups and unicorns from Europe, specially the regions outside the capitals, which results in losses in terms of job creation, intellectual property and more. As such, we focus on learning and experience sharing activities, regional assessments and peer analysis and review of real cases to delineate strategies to improve regional policies which influence SME competitiveness and the retention and attraction of entrepreneurial talent.
- Site
Link externo para UnicornQuest | Interreg Europe project
- Setor
- Relações exteriores
- Tamanho da empresa
- 11-50 funcionários
- Sede
- Évora
- Tipo
- Sociedade
- Fundada em
- 2023
- Especializações
- policy improvement, SME development , international cooperation, learning, sharing of regional experience, case studies, good practices, start-ups, unicorns , scaling-up services, business support organisations, resilience, specialization, complementary services of EU regions , company visits, market analysis , regional assessment e EU level
Évora, PT
#forestassessment #marketanalysis "The Slovak start-up scene is relatively small, even in comparison with neighboring countries (as is the volume of funds invested in start-ups). However, many Slovak start-ups seem poised for global success and notable developments in recent years are fueling their ambitions. The availability of many #incubators, #accelerators, and #coworking spaces fosters a #culture of #innovation. Slovakia's start-up ecosystem has great potential for growth. On the other hand, start-ups face #challenges in penetrating global markets due to a lack of strong marketing/sales, but more importantly due to a lack of #capital." We invite you to explore the assessment of our Slovak Partner SIEA Slovenská inovačná a energetická agentúra available in this info graphic and in an extended version on our homepage library under this link: https://lnkd.in/dETZbWH9 Follow us to discover the other partner regions’ market analyses over the next two months!
The Complete List Of Unicorn Companies https://lnkd.in/d4Hdn8n
The Complete List Of Unicorn Companies
We can't wait for Max 14-15 to, when we are going to have the opportunity to personally explore the #policy tools and programs of Zemgale Planning Region and top meet the local stakeholders and policy actors. :)
🚀 #UnicornQuest pētījums – solis vienradžu ekosistēmas radīšanai Zemgalē! 🌟 🦄 Zemgales plānošanas reģions aktīvi strādā pie unikāla pētījuma, lai veicinātu jaunuzņēmumu attīstību un identificētu priekšnoteikumus, kas palīdz reģionam kļūt par mājvietu vienradžiem – uzņēmumiem, kuru vērtība pārsniedz 1 miljardu dolāru. 🔎 Kas jau sasniegts? ✔️ Identificēti vairāki jaunuzņēmumi Zemgalē ar izaugsmes potenciālu ✔️ Apzinātas nozares un faktori, kas veicina vienradžu statusa sasniegšanu ✔️ Izstrādāti pirmie secinājumi par jaunuzņēmumu ekosistēmas izaicinājumiem – no terminoloģijas trūkuma līdz ambīciju trūkumam. ✨ 💪 Pētījuma rezultāti kalpos kā ceļvedis reģiona uzņēmējdarbības vides uzlabošanai, radot pamatu jaunuzņēmumu veiksmes stāstiem. 📅 Savukārt 2025. gada 8. janvārī gaidāms reģionālais forums, kur tiks prezentēti pirmie pētījuma rezultāti un diskutēts par jaunuzņēmumu ekosistēmas pilnveidi. 🌍 Projekts ietver arī starptautisku pieredzes apmaiņu. Oktobrī #UnicornQuest komanda piedalījās vizītē Itālijā, kur iepazina Dženovas uzņēmējdarbības vidi un jaunuzņēmumu atbalsta stratēģijas. Nākamgad šāda pieredzes apmaiņa norisināsies Latvijā, Zemgalē! 💡 Uzzini vairāk: https://lnkd.in/dHvaH982 Interreg Europe | UnicornQuest | Interreg Europe project #UnicornQuest #Interreg #InterregEurope
Why We Created Regional Assessments? Many promising start-ups leave regional hubs in search of bigger innovation ecosystems in EU capitals and the US. To counter this “unicorn exodus,” our partner regions aim to establish “small valleys” where to-be-unicorns can experiment locally. These small valleys will differentiate themselves through human-centric, ethically grounded EU principles. To gain a deeper understanding of each region’s context and best practices, we conducted regional assessments. This process included: - Analyzing local realities and peer reviews of best practices and case studies - Developing ‘road maps’ as internal working documents to guide policy improvements - Implementing enhancements while learning from each other By strengthening local ecosystems through these targeted measures, we hope to retain high-potential start-ups and sustain ethical, innovation-driven growth in our regions. We invite you to explore the assessment of our Lead Partner PACT - Parque do Alentejo de Ciência e Tecnologia ’s , now available in this info graphic and in an extended version on our homepage library under this link: https://lnkd.in/dhqU-a2G Follow us to discover the other partner regions’ market analyses over the next two months!
The business ecosystem of Zemgale region is developing! Our Partners from Zemgale Planning Region met their local stakeholders. The next meeting of the #UnicornQuest stakeholders was held where business representatives shared their views on the development of start-ups and potential unicorns in Zemgale. During the meeting, the first results of the study were also presented, which will help improve the region's chances of creating a favorable environment for start-ups.
🚀 Zemgales reģiona uzņēmējdarbības ekosistēma attīstās! 🚀 🦄Aizvadīta projekta #UnicornQuest iesaistīto pušu sanāksme, kurā uzņēmējdarbības pārstāvji dalījās viedokļos par jaunuzņēmumu un potenciālo vienradžu attīstību Zemgalē. Sanāksmes laikā tika iepazīti arī pirmie pētījuma rezultāti, kas palīdzēs uzlabot reģiona iespējas radīt labvēlīgu vidi jaunuzņēmumiem. 💡 Šobrīd jau ir daži secinājumi: 🔸 Zemgales jaunuzņēmēji pārstāv daudzveidīgas nozares; no datu pārvaldības līdz medicīnai un drošībai. 🔸Finansējuma pieejamība, talantu trūkums, regulatīvā vide un mentoru trūkums tiek minēti kā galvenie šķēršļi vienradžu attīstībai; 🔸 Būtiski ir radīt atbilstošu ekosistēmu, kas veicina inovācijas, uzņēmējdarbību un ilgtermiņa izaugsmi. 👉 Sekojiet līdz jaunumiem, lai uzzinātu vairāk par pētījuma progresu un iespējam nākotnes attīstības ceļiem! ℹPlašāk: https://lnkd.in/d5eDxznM UnicornQuest | Interreg Europe project | Interreg Europe #UnicornQuest #Interreg #InterregEurope
The year 2024 has been a vibrant one for the North-West Region of Romania, driven by the multitude of organizations and initiatives dedicated to fostering the #startup #ecosystem. The accelerators within the UNICORNQUEST Regional Stakeholders Group have played a key role in supporting #startup growth, facilitating #networking opportunities, transferring #knowledge, and enhancing the capacity of both local and national investors. Click for details: https://lnkd.in/d8c8SNtF ADR Nord-Vest Romania Interreg Europe
On the 7th January our Lead Partner PACT - Parque do Alentejo de Ciência e Tecnologia met with important regional actors CCDR-A, IAPMEI, DECSIS, CEFAGE, the University of Évora and IEFP to review the so far result of the UnicornQuest consortium and to look for connection possibilities. The meeting enabled: - the sharing of #goodpractices implemented by other project partners, - analysing a CASE study about a Portuguese #company on its way to unicorn status, - and directing efforts towards the creation of #entrepreneurial initiatives, improvements in the attractiveness of the region, and better #support for companies in the region. Find out more about this event and about the project on the following link: https://lnkd.in/dXV7SW4q 🦄 UnicornQuest aims to contribute to improving the ability to create, retain and attract #startups with the potential to become #unicorns, and is co-funded by the European Union under Interreg Europe.
Our lead partner PACT - Parque do Alentejo de Ciência e Tecnologia is deeply committed to supporting promising companies and fostering innovation, paving the way towards "An Alentejo, more technological and innovative."
Towards an "Alentejo, more technological and innovative” Am proud of the coverage given to PACT - Parque do Alentejo de Ciência e Tecnologia ’s efforts towards this mission. Two page full coverage of PACT - Parque do Alentejo de Ciência e Tecnologia in the prestigious Jornal Económico and some of our most innovative companies, including CEiiA // Centre of Engineering and Product Development, which is designing the first Portuguese airplane, the Luz222, and KPMG Portugal which is developing innovative AI solutions with partners, as well as other star companies in PACT. Yet, the process has just started... #innovation, IASP - International Association of Science Parks and Areas of Innovation
1st bilateral exchange organized between #UnicornQuest partners Business Development Friesland and WestBIC exploring good practices to foster high-growth enterprises. Shared strategies and proven methodologies, enabling both organizations to enhance their support systems for high-growth enterprises. Interreg Europe
🌍 Unlocking potential through collaboration! 🌍 The first UnicornQuest | Interreg Europe project bilateral exchange took place between Business Development Friesland and WestBIC exploring good practices to foster high-growth enterprises. Discussions focused on: ✅ One-stop-shop approaches for efficient support and tracking mechanisms ✅ Regional financing and investment tools to help enterprises scale This exchange highlights the value of interregional collaboration in driving innovation and enterprise growth. 💡 Interreg Europe Western Development Commission Lennard Drogendijk Niamh Considine #UnlockingPotential #InterregEurope