Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal Informações de contato
3 mil seguidores + de 500 conexões

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Founded 9 companies and 10 non-profits in 20 years.
During the last 10 years, built…


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Experiência e formação acadêmica

  • YAngel

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Licenças e certificados

Experiência de voluntariado


    Vice-President for Angels


    - o momento 2 anos 11 meses

    Empoderamento econômico

    The Portuguese Federation for Early-Stage Investors




    - 10 meses

    Empoderamento econômico

    The Portuguese Association for Early-Stage Investors

  • President

    FNABA - Portuguese Business Angels Federation

    - 4 anos 4 meses

    Empoderamento econômico

    The Federation in Portugal to represent and promote angel investing, helping the government to design incentives and public policies for angel investing.

  • Founder & President

    ABAC - Aveiro Business Angels Club

    - o momento 11 anos

    Empoderamento econômico

    A non-profit local organization that aims to promote the activity of business angels and support the investment activities of its members.

  • Founder & Meeting Board President

    TomorrowTalents - Clube de Empreendedorismo

    - 2 anos 7 meses

    Empoderamento econômico

    A nonprofit organization of entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs aimed at creating and supporting entrepreneurial communities.
    It moved to Aveiro with a new team.

  • Executive Committee of Missão Jubilar

    Diocese de Aveiro

    - 1 ano 10 meses

    Direitos civis e ações sociais

    Element of the executive committee of 14 intense months of concerted activities of celebration, spirituality, socialization, social support and humanization involving many thousands of people.
    Responsibility, method, teamwork, motivation, coordination, leadership, creativity and innovation.

  • Coordination Team member

    Secretariado Diocesano de Pastoral Juvenil e Vocacional de Aveiro

    - 2 anos

    Direitos civis e ações sociais

    Coordination of the training sector.
    Leadership, personal development, conflict resolution, mentoring, creativity, coordination, accountability, pedagogy.

  • Founder & President

    JIPS - Associação de Jovens Inovadores das Práticas de Saúde

    - 2 anos


    Youth association. Organizers of Stress and Health Conference at the University of Aveiro.

  • Founder & Coordinator

    Equipa Arciprestal de Pastoral Juvenil e Vocacional de Anadia

    - 4 anos

    Direitos civis e ações sociais

    Founder; sectoral coordinator since 2009.
    Leadership, personal development, conflict resolution, mentoring, creativity, management, accountability, pedagogy.

  • Youth Catechist

    Diocese de Aveiro

    - 14 anos

    Formação acadêmica

    Group of young Catholics, founder and animator since 2003.
    Leadership, personal development, spirituality, conflict resolution, mentoring, pedagogy.

  • Founder; Coordinator since 2002


    - 7 anos

    Cultura e artes

    Amateur theater and entertainment group.

  • Musician

    Tamengos Fanfare

    - 5 anos

    Cultura e artes

    A regional fanfare with several trips to other districts.
    Where I learned playing instruments... drums, trumpet and bagpipes.

Reconhecimentos e prêmios

  • Litoral Awards Entrepreneurship

    Litoral Magazine

    Recognized as the most influential entity for entrepreneurship in the region.

  • Best Angel Vehicle

    IFD, IAPMEI, PME Investimentos, Turism of Portugal

    Recognized by the national public entities as the best vehicle for angel investing in Portugal.


  • Portuguese

    Nível nativo ou bilíngue

  • English

    Nível intermediário

  • Spanish

    Nível básico a intermediário

  • French

    Nível básico


  • FNABA - Portuguese Business Angels Federation


    - o momento

    The Federation in Portugal to represent and promote angel investing, helping the government to design incentives and public policies for angel investing.

  • ABAC - Aveiro Business Angels Club

    Founder & President

    - o momento
  • World Business Angel Investing Forum



    Member of the startups committee

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