A fraude com cartão não presente deverá ultrapassar 10 bilhões de dólares em perdas em 2024…
…e os atuais esforços de prevenção não estão claramente a inverter esta tendência. Assim, em 2024, os emissores de cartões devem priorizar a implementação de soluções EFICAZES para fraudes com cartão não presente.
O EVC® é único porque protege as informações do cartão na origem; o próprio cartão. EVC é a tecnologia que usa um código de segurança dinâmico para proteger cartões de pagamento contra fraudes de cartão não presente durante transações de comércio eletrônico.
Ao se tornarem #EVCReady, os emissores podem combater a onda crescente de fraudes com cartões não presentes.
Card-Not-Present fraud is projected to surpass 10 billion USD in losses in 2024…
…and current prevention efforts are clearly not reversing this trend. Thus, in 2024, card issuers should prioritize implementing EFFECTIVE solutions to Card-Not-Present fraud.
EVC® is unique in that it protects card information at the source; the card itself. EVC is the technology that uses a dynamic security code to protect payment cards against Card-Not-Present fraud during e-commerce transactions.
By becoming #EVCready, issuers can fight the rising tide of Card-Not-Present fraud.
A fraude com cartões de pagamento está afetando empresas e indivíduos cada vez mais a cada ano. De fato, as estatísticas mostram que as fraudes com cartões têm aumentado nos últimos anos - mesmo com mais medidas de segurança contra fraudes sendo implementadas.
Confira nossa visualização de dados de fraude e por que é mais importante proteger comerciantes e usuários individuais de cartões do crescente problema de fraude.
Payment card fraud is affecting businesses and individuals more and more every year. In fact, statistics show that card fraud has been on the upswing in the past few years -- even as more fraud security measures have been put into place.
Check out our visualization of fraud data, and why it's more important that ever to protect both merchants and individual card users from the growing problem of fraud.
SIGA-ME para inovações de IA, governança e estratégias, CSO IA at Kace.AI / CSG e CEO at Perenna Governança Criativa / Conselheiro de Empresas e Fintechs, Empreendedor, Investidor e Professor MBAs.
Fintech News 🚨: Mastercard bolsters threat intelligence capabilities with $2.65 billion deal for Recorded Future
Mastercard has agreed to buy threat intelligence company Recorded Future from private equity firm Insight Partners for $2.65 billion, the payments company said on Thursday.
The acquisition will bring expanded threat intelligence capabilities to the New York-based payments firm, which recorded $9 trillion in gross dollar volumes last year, a metric that represents the total dollar value of all transactions processed.
The company is already collaborating with Recorded Future, which uses AI-powered analytics to identify potential threats, on a service that alerts financial institutions when a card is likely compromised.
Since the launch of the service earlier this year, it has doubled the rate at which compromised cards are identified compared to last year, Mastercard said.
The card company currently offers cybersecurity services such as identity fraud prevention and real-time decision-making, among others, to its clients.
In 2019, Insight Partners acquired a controlling interest in Recorded Future - which serves over 1,900 clients across 75 countries, including the governments of 45 countries - in an all-cash deal valued at more than $780 million.
The deal with Mastercard is expected to close by the first quarter of 2025.
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Source Reuters
QR codes have become a popular, convenient way to make payments, but they also open the door to scams. This was seen in a recent incident where someone lost €1,000 after scanning a QR code for parking, which redirected to a fraudulent payment page.
Scammers can easily place fake QR codes over legitimate ones, tricking users into entering sensitive information or making unauthorized payments.
It is advisable to always double-check the URL after scanning; if it appears suspicious, do not proceed.
Shared by: https://lnkd.in/eeEwFbsj#qrcodes#quishing
Divergence between Identity Verification and Fraud Management
"It’s understandable why fraud management has become somewhat disconnected from identity verification...but it’s not tenable.
According to the FTC, Americans lost a record $10 billion to fraud in 2023, up from $1.6 billion in 2013.
That’s a massive increase, and, if you read between the lines a little, it’s evident that fraud management professionals working at banks and fintech companies don’t feel prepared to stem that rising tide." ~ Fintech Takes
Learn how ellipse EVC® technology may be the easiest solution to bring it all together
Simple. Elegant. Frictionless.
Os códigos de segurança CVC/CVC impressos no verso de seus cartões de crédito ou débito são um bom método de verificação adicional - mas não são perfeitos!
Confira como seus códigos podem ser comprometidos para que você saiba como proteger melhor sua identidade e suas finanças.
The printed CVC/CVC security codes on the back of your credit or debit cards are a good additional verification method -- but they're not perfect!
Check out how your codes can become compromised so you know how to better protect both your identity and your finances.
QR codes have become a popular, convenient way to make payments, but they also open the door to scams. This was seen in a recent incident where someone lost €1,000 after scanning a QR code for parking, which redirected to a fraudulent payment page.
Scammers can easily place fake QR codes over legitimate ones, tricking users into entering sensitive information or making unauthorized payments.
It is advisable to always double-check the URL after scanning; if it appears suspicious, do not proceed.
Shared by: https://lnkd.in/eeEwFbsj#qrcodes#quishing
Estamos definindo um novo padrão para experiência de autenticação segura: chaves de acesso (#Passkeys) vinculadas ao dispositivo, o padrão ouro de autenticação para instituições financeiras (FIs).
À medida que o setor bancário se torna digitalizado, há níveis crescentes de fraude em todo o mundo. Embora os usuários estejam se tornando mais alertas a essas técnicas de fraude, os criminosos também estão evoluindo sua abordagem. Suas tentativas de fraude são cada vez mais sofisticadas e, embora a maioria dos bancos digitais seja protegida por autenticação multifator (MFA), essa segurança não é uma garantia contra ataques bem-sucedidos.
É aqui que as chaves de acesso entram em cena. Elas substituem as senhas por pares de chaves criptográficas, oferecendo segurança e experiência do usuário aprimoradas ao aproveitar as credenciais FIDO que são resistentes a phishing, sincronizáveis entre dispositivos e adaptáveis para uso em vários dispositivos ou em um único dispositivo.
Quando se trata de implementar chaves de acesso, é importante que as instituições financeiras diferenciem entre chaves de acesso sincronizadas e vinculadas ao dispositivo:
🔹 Chaves de acesso sincronizadas permitem que os usuários alternem perfeitamente entre seus dispositivos, como smartphones, tablets e laptops, ou até mesmo um dispositivo novo, sem precisar registrar novamente cada dispositivo em cada conta de usuário — ideal para aplicativos e sites voltados para o consumidor.
🔹 Chaves de acesso vinculadas ao dispositivo não podem ser compartilhadas ou exportadas do dispositivo, adicionando uma camada extra de segurança. Isso garante que os bancos sempre possam verificar se uma transação foi autenticada de um dispositivo confiável.
Com o Convego AUTH-U, que oferece suporte à funcionalidade de chaves de acesso vinculadas ao dispositivo, as instituições financeiras podem dar o próximo passo e moldar o futuro da autenticação.
We are setting a new standard for secure authentication experience: device-bound passkeys, the gold standard of authentication for financial institutions (FIs).
As banking becomes digitalized, there are increasing levels of fraud worldwide. Although users are becoming more alert to these fraud techniques, criminals are evolving their approach as well. Their fraud attempts are increasingly sophisticated, and even though most digital banking is protected by multi-factor authentication (MFA), this security is not a guarantee against successful attacks.
This is where passkeys enter the stage. They replace passwords with cryptographic key pairs, offering enhanced security and user experience by leveraging FIDO credentials that are resistant to phishing, syncable across devices, and adaptable for either multi-device or single-device use.
When it comes to implementing passkeys, it is important for financial institutions to differentiate between synced and device-bound passkeys:
🔹 Synced passkeys allow users to switch seamlessly between their devices, such as smartphones, tablets, and laptops, or even a brand-new device, without having to re-register each device to each user account – ideal for consumer-facing apps and websites.
🔹Device-bound passkeys cannot be shared or exported from the device, adding an extra layer of security. This ensures that banks can always verify that a transaction has been authenticated from a trusted device.
With Convego AUTH-U which supports device-bound passkeys functionality, FIs can take the next step and shape a the future of authentication. Learn more here: https://di-ri.co/tOmzb#passkeys#fraudprevention#digitalbanking#MFA#securityOlivier Sery
Stopping new account fraud can be challenging when you have no history on a new user. So how do you spot unusual behavior?
That’s where population-level behavior analysis comes in.
Continuing our deep dive into new account fraud from last week, {{linkedin_mention(urn:li:person:_6S3JZFUs0|Daniel Holmes)}} and {{linkedin_mention(urn:li:person:QKreyIMLKZ|Richard Harris)}} explore how to detect anomalies in users you've never seen before. The key lies in examining trends across the entire population, not just individual behavior.
For example, it might be a red flag if:
• One device is used to submit applications for three different users.
• There’s a sudden spike in activity from an unfamiliar group of IP addresses.
• A user’s form field data entry time significantly deviates from the typical baseline.
By analyzing population norms and integrating behavioral biometrics, we can more effectively identify and prevent new account fraud. Watch now, and learn how to use a data-driven approach to put a face to the name of new account fraud.
Um dos portais mais relevantes do mundo sobre biometria e segurança fez uma matéria sobre o lançamento do Fortface.
Agradecemos ao apóio de todo o ecossistema de cybersegurança, bancos e fintechs, que estão impulsionando o lançamento e adoção dessa nova solução de reconhecimento facial para ambientes digitais.