- Ameera Vaheeda Shanavas, Manoj Changat, Peter F. Stadler. On the Cut-Vertex and the Interval Transit Functions of Hypergraphs. Graphs and Combinatorics, 41(1):4, February 2025.
- Viswanathan B. N, Douglas B. West. Hamiltonian Cycles and Tight Cutsets. Graphs and Combinatorics, 41(1):5, February 2025.
- Watcharintorn Ruksasakchai, Pongpat Sittitrai. Sufficient Conditions make Graphs Edge DP-$\varDelta $-Colorable. Graphs and Combinatorics, 41(1):1, February 2025.
- Yian Xu. 5-e)-Free Graphs are 5-Colorable. Graphs and Combinatorics, 41(1):3, February 2025.
- Hortensia Galeana-Sánchez, Carlos Vilchis-Alfaro. Dynamic Cycles in Edge-Colored Multigraphs. Graphs and Combinatorics, 41(1):2, February 2025.
- József Solymosi. Integral and rational graphs in the plane. Graphs and Combinatorics, 40(6):107, December 2024.
- Thomas Mattman. A Novel Count of the Spanning Trees of a Cube. Graphs and Combinatorics, 40(1):19, February 2024.
- Mansoor Davoodi, Ashkan Safari. Path Planning in a Weighted Planar Subdivision Under the Manhattan Metric. Graphs and Combinatorics, 40(1):16, February 2024.
- Yuhi Kamio. The Bounds of Rigid Sphere Design. Graphs and Combinatorics, 40(6):116, December 2024.
- Dohan Kim 0001. Finding k Shortest Paths in Cayley Graphs of Finite Groups. Graphs and Combinatorics, 40(6):120, December 2024.