Martin Gogolla, Loli Burgueño, Antonio Vallecillo. Refactoring Collections in OCL. In Ludovico Iovino, Lars Michael Kristensen, editors, STAF 2021 Workshop Proceedings: 9th International Workshop on Bidirectional Transformations, Joint Workshop on Foundations and Practice of Visual Modeling and Data for Model-Driven Engineering, International workshop on MDE for Smart IoT Systems, 4th International Workshop on (Meta)Modeling for Healthcare Systems, and 20th International Workshop on OCL and Textual Modeling co-located with Software Technologies: Applications and Foundations, Federation of Conferences (STAF 2021), Virtual Event / Bergen, Norway, June 21-25, 2021. Volume 2999 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, pages 142-148,, 2021. [doi]
Abstract is missing.