Exploring the Disruptiveness of Cryptocurrencies: A Causal Layered Analysis-Based Approach

Matti Mäntymäki, Milla Wirén, A. K. M. Najmul Islam. Exploring the Disruptiveness of Cryptocurrencies: A Causal Layered Analysis-Based Approach. In Marié Hattingh, Machdel Matthee, Hanlie Smuts, Ilias O. Pappas, Yogesh K. Dwivedi, Matti Mäntymäki, editors, Responsible Design, Implementation and Use of Information and Communication Technology - 19th IFIP WG 6.11 Conference on e-Business, e-Services, and e-Society, I3E 2020, Skukuza, South Africa, April 6-8, 2020, Proceedings, Part I. Volume 12066 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 27-38, Springer, 2020. [doi]


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