The lecture video recording in university: A case study

Alessandro Pepino, Marco Ronchetti, Adriano Peron, Corinna Freda, Ersilia Vallefuoco. The lecture video recording in university: A case study. In Mauro Calise, Carlos Delgado Kloos, Catherine Mongenet, Justin Reich, José A. Ruipérez Valiente, Gideon Shimshon, Thomas Staubitz, Martin Wirsing, editors, Proceedings of Work in Progress Papers of the Research, Experience and Business Tracks at EMOOCs 2019, co-located with the European MOOCs Stakeholders Submmit 2019 Conference, Naples, Italy, May 20-22, 2019. Volume 2356 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, pages 175-180,, 2019. [doi]


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