Control Plane Protection Using Link Management Protocol (LMP) in the ASON/GMPLS CARISMA Network

Jordi Perelló, Eduard Escalona, Salvatore Spadaro, Fernando Agraz, Jaume Comellas, Gabriel Junyent. Control Plane Protection Using Link Management Protocol (LMP) in the ASON/GMPLS CARISMA Network. In Fernando Boavida, Thomas Plagemann, Burkhard Stiller, Cédric Westphal, Edmundo Monteiro, editors, NETWORKING 2006 - Networking Technologies, Services, and Protocols; Performance of Computer and Communication Networks; Mobile and Wireless Communications Systems, 5th International IFIP-TC6 Networking Conference, Coimbra, Portugal, May 15-19, 2006, Proce. Volume 3976 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 1182-1190, Springer, 2006. [doi]


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