Abstract is missing.
- Assessing Component-Based SystemsAlejandra Cechich, Mario Piattini, Antonio Vallecillo. 1-20 [doi]
- COTS-Based Requirements EngineeringCarina Alves. 21-39 [doi]
- Domain-Based COTS-Product Selection MethodHareton K. N. Leung, Karl R. P. H. Leung. 40-63 [doi]
- STACE: Social Technical Approach to COTS Software EvaluationDouglas Kunda. 64-84 [doi]
- SCARLET: Integrated Process and Tool Support for Selecting Software ComponentsNeil A. M. Maiden, V. Croce, H. Kim, Giuseppe Sajeva, S. Topuzidou. 85-98 [doi]
- Component-Based Software: An Overview of TestingAuri Marcelo Rizzo Vincenzi, José Carlos Maldonado, Márcio Eduardo Delamaro, Edmundo Sérgio Spoto, W. Eric Wong. 99-127 [doi]
- Setting a Framework for Trusted Component TradingJohn Morris, Chiou Peng Lam, Gary A. Bundell, Gareth Lee, Kris Parker. 128-158 [doi]
- Component Integration through Built-in Contract TestingHans-Gerhard Gross, Colin Atkinson, Franck Barbier. 159-183 [doi]
- Quality Characteristics for Software Components: Hierarchy and Quality GuidesRégis P. S. Simão, Arnaldo Dias Belchior. 184-206 [doi]
- Driving Component-Based Software Development through Quality ModellingColin Atkinson, Christian Bunse, Jürgen Wüst. 207-224 [doi]
- Towards a Quality Model for the Selection of ERP SystemsPere Botella, Xavier Burgués Illa, Juan Pablo Carvallo, Xavier Franch, Joan Antoni Pastor, Carme Quer. 225-245 [doi]
- Maturing Architectures and Components in Software Product LinesJan Bosch. 246-258 [doi]
- Assessment of High Integrity Software Components for Completeness, Consistency, Fault-Tolerance, and ReliabilityHye Yeon Kim, Kshamta Jerath, Frederick T. Sheldon. 259-286 [doi]
- Reasoning about Software Architectures with Contractually Specified ComponentsRalf Reussner, Iman Poernomo, Heinz W. Schmidt. 287-325 [doi]
- Reuse of Formal Verification Efforts of Incomplete Models at the Requirements Specification StageRebeca P. Díaz Redondo, José J. Pazos Arias, Ana Fernández Vilas. 326-351 [doi]
- Risk Management of COTS Based Systems DevelopmentLouis C. Rose. 352-373 [doi]
- A Metrics-Guided Framework for Cost and Quality Management of Component-Based SoftwareSahra Sedigh-Ali, Arif Ghafoor, Raymond A. Paul. 374-402 [doi]