Abstract is missing.
- Temporal Process Logic (Abstract)Rance Cleaveland. 1 [doi]
- An Unfolding Algorithm for Synchronous Products of Transition SystemsJavier Esparza, Stefan Römer. 2-20 [doi]
- Petri Nets, Configuration Structures and Higher Dimensional AutomataRob J. van Glabbeek. 21-27 [doi]
- Expressiveness and Distributed Implementation of Conciurrent Calculi with Link MobilityCatuscia Palamidessi. 28-29 [doi]
- Techniques for Decidability and Undecidability of BisimilarityPetr Jancar, Faron Moller. 30-45 [doi]
- Testing Concurrent Systems: A Formal ApproachJan Tretmans. 46-65 [doi]
- Computing Minimum and Maximum Reachability Times in Probabilistic SystemsLuca de Alfaro. 66-81 [doi]
- Automating Modular VerificationRajeev Alur, Luca de Alfaro, Thomas A. Henzinger, Freddy Y. C. Mang. 82-97 [doi]
- Next Heuristic for On-the-Fly Model CheckingRajeev Alur, Bow-Yaw Wang. 98-113 [doi]
- Model Checking of Message Sequence ChartsRajeev Alur, Mihalis Yannakakis. 114-129 [doi]
- Synthesis of Large Concurrent Programs via Pairwise CompositionPaul C. Attie. 130-145 [doi]
- Approximate Symbolic Model Checking of Continuous-Time Markov ChainsChristel Baier, Joost-Pieter Katoen, Holger Hermanns. 146-161 [doi]
- From Synchrony to AsynchronyAlbert Benveniste, Benoît Caillaud, Paul Le Guernic. 162-177 [doi]
- Reachability Analysis of (Timed) Petri Nets Using Real ArithmeticBéatrice Bérard, Laurent Fribourg. 178-193 [doi]
- Weak and Strong Composition of High-Level Petri-NetsEike Best, Alexander Lavrov. 194-209 [doi]
- Model Checking of Time Petri Nets Based on Partial Order SemanticsBurkhard Bieber, Hans Fleischhack. 210-225 [doi]
- Generic Process Algebras for Asynchronous CommunicationFrank S. de Boer, Gianluigi Zavattaro. 226-241 [doi]
- Timed Automata and the Theory of Real NumbersHubert Comon, Yan Jurski. 242-257 [doi]
- Metrics for Labeled Markov SystemsJosee Desharnais, Vineet Gupta, Radha Jagadeesan, Prakash Panangaden. 258-273 [doi]
- The Expressive Power of Temporal Logic of Actions (Extended Abstract)Arkadi Estrin, Michael Kaminski. 274-287 [doi]
- Object Types against RacesCormac Flanagan, Martín Abadi. 288-303 [doi]
- Open Bisimulations on Chi ProcessesYuxi Fu. 304-319 [doi]
- Rectangular Hybrid GamesThomas A. Henzinger, Benjamin Horowitz, Rupak Majumdar. 320-335 [doi]
- Localizability of Fairness Constraints and Their Distributed ImplementationsYuh-Jzer Joung. 336-351 [doi]
- Generating Type Systems for Process GraphsBarbara König. 352-367 [doi]
- Weak Bisimilarity with Infinite-State Systems Can Be Decided in Polynomial TimeAntonín Kucera, Richard Mayr. 368-382 [doi]
- Robust SatisfactionOrna Kupferman, Moshe Y. Vardi. 383-398 [doi]
- Statecharts Via Process AlgebraGerald Lüttgen, Michael von der Beeck, Rance Cleaveland. 399-414 [doi]
- A Partial Order Event Model for Concurrent ObjectsJosé Meseguer, Carolyn L. Talcott. 415-430 [doi]
- Partial Order Reduction for Model Checking of Timed AutomataMarius Minea. 431-446 [doi]
- On the Semantics of Place/Transition NetsRémi Morin, Brigitte Rozoy. 447-462 [doi]
- Validating Firewalls in Mobile AmbientsFlemming Nielson, Hanne Riis Nielson, René Rydhof Hansen, Jacob Grydholt Jensen. 463-477 [doi]
- On Coherence Properties in Team Rewriting Models of ConcurrencyThomas Noll. 478-493 [doi]
- Synchronous StructuresDavid Nowak, Jean-Pierre Talpin, Paul Le Guernic. 494-509 [doi]
- Weakest-Congruence Results for Livelock-Preserving EquivalencesAntti Puhakka, Antti Valmari. 510-524 [doi]
- Proof-Checking Protocols Using BisimulationsChristine Röckl, Javier Esparza. 525-540 [doi]
- Event Structures as Presheaves -Two Representation TheoremsGlynn Winskel. 541-556 [doi]
- Suptyping and Locality in Distributed Higher Order Processes (extended abstract)Nobuko Yoshida, Matthew Hennessy. 557-572 [doi]