Abstract is missing.
- A Constrained Semi-supervised Learning Approach to Data AssociationHendrik Kück, Peter Carbonetto, Nando de Freitas. 1-12 [doi]
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- Structure and Motion Problems for Multiple Rigidly Moving CamerasHenrik Stewénius, Kalle Åström. 252-263 [doi]
- Detection and Tracking Scheme for Line Scratch Removal in an Image SequenceBernard Besserer, Cedric Thiré. 264-275 [doi]
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- Stretching Bayesian Learning in the Relevance Feedback of Image RetrievalRuofei Zhang, Zhongfei (Mark) Zhang. 355-367 [doi]
- Real-Time Tracking of Multiple Skin-Colored Objects with a Possibly Moving CameraAntonis A. Argyros, Manolis I. A. Lourakis. 368-379 [doi]
- Evaluation of Image Fusion Performance with Visible DifferencesVladimir S. Petrovic, Costas S. Xydeas. 380-391 [doi]
- An Information-Based Measure for Grouping QualityErik A. Engbers, Michael Lindenbaum, Arnold W. M. Smeulders. 392-404 [doi]
- Bias in Shape EstimationHui Ji, Cornelia Fermüller. 405-416 [doi]
- The Kullback-Leibler Kernel as a Framework for Discriminant and Localized Representations for Visual RecognitionNuno Vasconcelos, Purdy Ho, Pedro J. Moreno. 430-441 [doi]
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- Modeling and Synthesis of Facial Motion Driven by SpeechPayam Saisan, Alessandro Bissacco, Alessandro Chiuso, Stefano Soatto. 456-467 [doi]
- Recovering Local Shape of a Mirror Surface from Reflection of a Regular GridSilvio Savarese, Min Chen, Pietro Perona. 468-481 [doi]
- Structure of Applicable Surfaces from Single ViewsNail A. Gumerov, Ali Zandifar, Ramani Duraiswami, Larry S. Davis. 482-496 [doi]
- Joint Bayes Filter: A Hybrid Tracker for Non-rigid Hand Motion RecognitionHuang Fei, Ian D. Reid. 497-508 [doi]
- Iso-disparity Surfaces for General Stereo ConfigurationsMarc Pollefeys, Sudipta N. Sinha. 509-520 [doi]
- Camera Calibration with Two Arbitrary Coplanar CirclesQian Chen, Haiyuan Wu, Toshikazu Wada. 521-532 [doi]
- Reconstruction of 3-D Symmetric Curves from Perspective Images without Discrete FeaturesWei Hong, Yi Ma, Yizhou Yu. 533-545 [doi]
- A Topology Preserving Non-rigid Registration Method Using a Symmetric Similarity Function-Application to 3-D Brain ImagesVincent Noblet, Christian Heinrich, Fabrice Heitz, Jean-Paul Armspach. 546-557 [doi]
- A Correlation-Based Approach to Robust Point Set RegistrationYanghai Tsin, Takeo Kanade. 558-569 [doi]
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- Intrinsic Images by Entropy MinimizationGraham D. Finlayson, Mark S. Drew, Cheng Lu. 582-595 [doi]
- Image Similarity Using Mutual Information of RegionsDaniel B. Russakoff, Carlo Tomasi, Torsten Rohlfing, Calvin R. Maurer Jr.. 596-607 [doi]