Abstract is missing.
- The NFA Acceptance Hypothesis: Non-Combinatorial and Dynamic Lower BoundsKarl Bringmann, Allan Grønlund, Marvin Künnemann, Kasper Green Larsen. [doi]
- Training Multi-Layer Over-Parametrized Neural Network in Subquadratic TimeZhao Song 0002, Lichen Zhang 0003, Ruizhe Zhang 0001. [doi]
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- Dynamic Maximal Matching in Clique NetworksMinming Li, Peter Robinson 0002, Xianbin Zhu 0002. [doi]
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- Total NP Search Problems with Abundant SolutionsJiawei Li. [doi]
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- Exponential-Time Approximation Schemes via CompressionTanmay Inamdar 0002, Madhumita Kundu, Pekka Parviainen, M. S. Ramanujan 0001, Saket Saurabh 0001. [doi]
- Property Testing with Online AdversariesOmri Ben-Eliezer, Esty Kelman, Uri Meir, Sofya Raskhodnikova. [doi]
- Front Matter, Table of Contents, Preface, Conference Organization [doi]
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- Two-State Spin Systems with Negative InteractionsYumou Fei, Leslie Ann Goldberg, Pinyan Lu. [doi]
- Towards Stronger Depth Lower BoundsGabriel Bathie, R. Ryan Williams. [doi]
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- Space-Optimal Profile Estimation in Data Streams with Applications to Symmetric FunctionsJustin Y. Chen, Piotr Indyk, David P. Woodruff. [doi]
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- FPT Approximation for Capacitated Sum of RadiiRagesh Jaiswal, Amit Kumar 0001, Jatin Yadav. [doi]
- Rumors with Changing CredibilityCharlotte Out, Nicolás Rivera, Thomas Sauerwald, John Sylvester 0001. [doi]
- Loss Minimization Yields Multicalibration for Large Neural NetworksJaroslaw Blasiok, Parikshit Gopalan, Lunjia Hu, Adam Tauman Kalai, Preetum Nakkiran. [doi]
- Small Sunflowers and the Structure of Slice Rank DecompositionsThomas Karam. [doi]
- Quickly Determining Who Won an ElectionLisa Hellerstein, Naifeng Liu, Kevin Schewior. [doi]
- A VLSI Circuit Model Accounting for Wire DelayCe Jin 0001, R. Ryan Williams, Nathaniel Young. [doi]
- General Gaussian Noise Mechanisms and Their Optimality for Unbiased Mean EstimationAleksandar Nikolov, Haohua Tang. [doi]
- Advanced Composition Theorems for Differential ObliviousnessMingxun Zhou, Mengshi Zhao, T.-H. Hubert Chan, Elaine Shi. [doi]
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- A Characterization of Optimal-Rate Linear Homomorphic Secret Sharing Schemes, and ApplicationsKeller Blackwell, Mary Wootters. [doi]
- Distributional PAC-Learning from Nisan's Natural ProofsAri Karchmer. [doi]
- A Computational Separation Between Quantum No-Cloning and No-TelegraphingBarak Nehoran, Mark Zhandry. [doi]
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- Making Progress Based on False DiscoveriesRoi Livni. [doi]
- On Parallel Repetition of PCPsAlessandro Chiesa, Ziyi Guan, Burcu Yildiz. [doi]
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- On the Size Overhead of Pairwise SpannersOfer Neiman, Idan Shabat. [doi]
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- Tensor Reconstruction Beyond Constant RankShir Peleg, Amir Shpilka, Ben lee Volk. [doi]
- On Generalized Corners and Matrix MultiplicationKevin Pratt. [doi]
- Private Distribution Testing with Heterogeneous Constraints: Your Epsilon Might Not Be MineClément L. Canonne, Yucheng Sun. [doi]
- Homogeneous Algebraic Complexity Theory and Algebraic FormulasPranjal Dutta, Fulvio Gesmundo, Christian Ikenmeyer, Gorav Jindal, Vladimir Lysikov. [doi]
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- Recursive Error Reduction for Regular Branching ProgramsEshan Chattopadhyay, Jyun-Jie Liao. [doi]
- Intersection Classes in TFNP and Proof ComplexityYuhao Li 0002, William Pires, Robert Robere. [doi]
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- Collective Tree Exploration via Potential Function MethodRomain Cosson, Laurent Massoulié. [doi]
- Parity vs. AC0 with Simple Quantum PreprocessingJoseph Slote. [doi]
- The Space-Time Cost of Purifying Quantum ComputationsMark Zhandry. [doi]
- Proving Unsatisfiability with Hitting FormulasYuval Filmus, Edward A. Hirsch, Artur Riazanov, Alexander Smal, Marc Vinyals. [doi]
- Distribution Testing with a Confused CollectorRenato Ferreira Pinto Jr., Nathaniel Harms. [doi]
- Quantum Money from Abelian Group ActionsMark Zhandry. [doi]
- On the Complexity of Isomorphism Problems for Tensors, Groups, and Polynomials III: Actions by Classical GroupsZhili Chen, Joshua A. Grochow, Youming Qiao, Gang Tang, Chuanqi Zhang. [doi]
- Graph ThreadingErik D. Demaine, Yael Kirkpatrick, Rebecca Lin. [doi]
- Discreteness of Asymptotic Tensor Ranks (Extended Abstract)Jop Briët, Matthias Christandl, Itai Leigh, Amir Shpilka, Jeroen Zuiddam. [doi]
- Differentially Private Medians and Interior Points for Non-Pathological DataMaryam Aliakbarpour, Rose Silver, Thomas Steinke 0002, Jonathan R. Ullman. [doi]
- Sampling, Flowers and CommunicationHuacheng Yu, Wei Zhan. [doi]
- On the Complexity of Algorithms with Predictions for Dynamic Graph ProblemsMonika Henzinger, Barna Saha, Martin P. Seybold, Christopher Ye. [doi]
- Classical vs Quantum Advice and Proofs Under Classically-Accessible OracleXingjian Li 0006, Qipeng Liu 0001, Angelos Pelecanos, Takashi Yamakawa. [doi]
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- Spanning Adjacency Oracles in Sublinear TimeGreg Bodwin, Henry L. Fleischmann. [doi]
- Deterministic 3SUM-HardnessNick Fischer, Piotr Kaliciak, Adam Polak 0001. [doi]
- Pseudorandom Strings from Pseudorandom Quantum StatesPrabhanjan Ananth, Yao-Ting Lin, Henry Yuen. [doi]
- Quantum PseudoentanglementScott Aaronson, Adam Bouland, Bill Fefferman, Soumik Ghosh, Umesh V. Vazirani, Chenyi Zhang, Zixin Zhou. [doi]
- Pseudorandom Linear Codes Are List-Decodable to CapacityAaron (Louie) Putterman, Edward Pyne. [doi]
- Differentially Private Approximate Pattern MatchingTeresa Anna Steiner. [doi]
- Simple and Optimal Online Contention Resolution Schemes for k-Uniform MatroidsAtanas Dinev, S. Matthew Weinberg. [doi]
- Quantum Event Learning and Gentle Random MeasurementsAdam Bene Watts, John Bostanci. [doi]
- NLTS Hamiltonians and Strongly-Explicit SoS Lower Bounds from Low-Rate Quantum LDPC CodesLouis Golowich, Tali Kaufman. [doi]
- Lower Bounds for Planar Arithmetic CircuitsC. Ramya, Pratik Shastri. [doi]
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- Universal Matrix Sparsifiers and Fast Deterministic Algorithms for Linear AlgebraRajarshi Bhattacharjee, Gregory Dexter, Cameron Musco, Archan Ray, Sushant Sachdeva, David P. Woodruff. [doi]
- Smooth Nash Equilibria: Algorithms and ComplexityConstantinos Daskalakis, Noah Golowich, Nika Haghtalab, Abhishek Shetty. [doi]
- A Myersonian Framework for Optimal Liquidity Provision in Automated Market MakersJason Milionis, Ciamac C. Moallemi, Tim Roughgarden. [doi]
- The Message Complexity of Distributed Graph OptimizationFabien Dufoulon, Shreyas Pai, Gopal Pandurangan, Sriram V. Pemmaraju, Peter Robinson 0002. [doi]
- Quantum Merlin-Arthur and Proofs Without Relative PhaseRoozbeh Bassirian, Bill Fefferman, Kunal Marwaha. [doi]
- The Chromatic Number of Kneser Hypergraphs via Consensus DivisionIshay Haviv. [doi]
- New Lower Bounds in Merlin-Arthur Communication and Graph Streaming VerificationPrantar Ghosh, Vihan Shah. [doi]
- The Distributed Complexity of Locally Checkable Labeling Problems Beyond Paths and TreesYi-Jun Chang. [doi]
- Classical Verification of Quantum LearningMatthias C. Caro, Marcel Hinsche, Marios Ioannou, Alexander Nietner, Ryan Sweke. [doi]
- Near-Linear Time and Fixed-Parameter Tractable Algorithms for Tensor DecompositionsArvind V. Mahankali, David P. Woodruff, Ziyu Zhang. [doi]
- Determinants vs. Algebraic Branching ProgramsAbhranil Chatterjee 0001, Mrinal Kumar 0001, Ben lee Volk. [doi]
- Testing Intersecting and Union-Closed FamiliesXi Chen 0001, Anindya De, Yuhao Li 0002, Shivam Nadimpalli, Rocco A. Servedio. [doi]
- An Algorithm for Bichromatic Sorting with Polylog Competitive RatioMayank Goswami 0001, Riko Jacob. [doi]
- Influence Maximization in Ising ModelsZongchen Chen, Elchanan Mossel. [doi]
- A Combinatorial Approach to Robust PCAWeihao Kong, Mingda Qiao, Rajat Sen. [doi]
- 2Eshan Chattopadhyay, Jesse Goodman, Mohit Gurumukhani. [doi]
- Sublinear Approximation Algorithm for Nash Social Welfare with XOS ValuationsSiddharth Barman, Anand Krishna, Pooja Kulkarni, Shivika Narang. [doi]
- On the Black-Box Complexity of Correlation IntractabilityNico Döttling, Tamer Mour. [doi]
- On the (In)approximability of Combinatorial ContractsTomer Ezra, Michal Feldman, Maya Schlesinger. [doi]
- One-Way Functions vs. TFNP: Simpler and ImprovedLukás Folwarczný, Mika Göös, Pavel Hubácek, Gilbert Maystre, Weiqiang Yuan 0002. [doi]
- Rethinking Fairness for Human-AI Collaboration (Extended Abstract)Haosen Ge, Hamsa Bastani, Osbert Bastani. [doi]
- Tensor Ranks and the Fine-Grained Complexity of Dynamic ProgrammingJosh Alman, Ethan Turok, Hantao Yu, Hengzhi Zhang. [doi]
- Testing and Learning Convex Sets in the Ternary HypercubeHadley Black, Eric Blais, Nathaniel Harms. [doi]