Abstract is missing.
- Anomaly Detection in Finance: Editors' IntroductionArchana Anandakrishnan, Senthil Kumar, Alexander R. Statnikov, Tanveer A. Faruquie, Di Xu. 1-7 [doi]
- Uncovering Unknown Unknowns in Financial Services Big Data by Unsupervised Methodologies: Present and Future trendsGil Shabat, David Segev, Amir Averbuch. 8-19 [doi]
- Analytical Techniques for Anomaly Detection Through Features, Signal-Noise Separation and Partial-Value AssociationNong Ye. 20-32 [doi]
- Spotlighting Anomalies using Frequent PatternsJaroslav Kuchar, Vojtech Svátek. 33-42 [doi]
- Ensemble-Based Anomaly Detetction using Cooperative LearningRasha F. Kashef. 43-55 [doi]
- Real-time anomaly detection system for time series at scaleMeir Toledano, Ira Cohen, Yonatan Ben-Simhon, Inbal Tadeski. 56-65 [doi]
- Collective Fraud Detection Capturing Inter-Transaction DependencyBokai Cao, Mia Mao, Siim Viidu, Philip S. Yu. 66-75 [doi]
- PD-FDS: Purchase Density based Online Credit Card Fraud Detection SystemYoungjoon Ki, Ji Won Yoon. 76-84 [doi]
- Fraud Detection with Density Estimation TreesParikshit Ram, Alexander G. Gray. 85-94 [doi]
- An Automated System for Data Attribute Anomaly DetectionDavid Love, Nalin Aggarwal, Alexander R. Statnikov, Chao Yuan. 95-101 [doi]
- Binned Kernels for Anomaly Detection in Multi-timescale Data using Gaussian ProcessesMatthew Adelsberg, Christian Schwantes. 102-113 [doi]
- Deep Learning to Detect Medical Treatment FraudDaniel Lasaga, Prakash Santhana. 114-120 [doi]
- Sleuthing for adverse outcomes: Using anomaly detection to identify unusual behaviors of third-party agentsMichelle R. Miller, Robert Cezeaux. 121-125 [doi]