Abstract is missing.
- ABIS04 - Adaptivität und Benutzermodellierung in Interaktiven SoftwaresystemenStephan Weibelzahl, Nicola Henze. 1-2
- Transparent User Modeling for a Mobile Personal AssistantMathias Bauer. 3-8
- Presentation of a Modular Framework for Interpretation of Sensor Data With Dynamic Bayesian Networks on Mobile DevicesBoris Brandherm, Michael Schmitz. 9-10
- An Assessment Framework for eLearning in the Semantic WebLilia Cheniti-Belcadhi, Nicola Henze, Rafik Braham. 11-16
- Ontology-driven User Modeling for Modular User Adaptive SystemsVadim I. Chepegin, Lora Aroyo, Paul De Bra. 17-19
- Sniffing Around for Providing Navigation AssistanceEelco Herder. 20-24
- The Personal Reader: A Framework for Enabling Personalization Services on the Semantic WebNicola Henze, Marc Herrlich. 25-32
- Web Site Adaptation: Recommendation and Automatic Generation of Navigation MenusVera Hollink, Maarten van Someren, Stephan ten Hagen. 33-35
- Is it worthwhile to model users of a Tool in Support of SE Technology Selection?Andreas Jedlitschka, Stephan Weibelzahl, Brahim Ayari. 36-41
- Personalizing the Appearance of Content PackagesAlexander Kröner, Hideo Sato. 42-47
- A Framework for Adaptive Human-Machine-Systems Based on Human Performance ModelsSandro Leuchter, Leon Urbas. 48-53
- Planned Adaptive Coherence ExperimentsStefan Lippitsch, Gerhard Weber. 54-56
- Towards Self-Regulating Adaptive SystemsAlex Paramythis. 57-63
- Acquisition of Customer Profiles by means of Adaptive Text-Based Natural Language DialogRosmary Stegmann, Michael Koch, Wolfgang Wörndl. 64-67
- Workshop des GI-Arbeitskreises Knowledge Discovery (AK KD)Olaf Herden. 68
- Die Anwendung von Clusteranalyseverfahren für das Instandhaltungsmanagement in RohrnetzenKathrin Kirchner. 69-75
- Integrating Domain Knowledge for Data Mining Post-ProcessingCarsten Pohle. 76-83
- Efficient Frequent Pattern Mining in Relational DatabasesXuequn Shang, Kai-Uwe Sattler, Ingolf Geist. 84-91
- Knowledge Discovery in VersionsarchivenPeter Weißgerber, Michael Burch, Stephan Diehl. 92-99
- Fast Data Mining For Programming SupportThomas Zimmermann. 100-109
- Workshop der GI-Fachgruppe Maschinelles Lernen (FGML)Tobias Scheffer. 110
- Towards Knowledge-Intensive Subgroup DiscoveryMartin Atzmüller, Frank Puppe, Hans-Peter Buscher. 111-117
- Evolving a Heuristic Function for the Game of TetrisNiko Böhm, Gabriella Kókai, Stefan Mandl. 118-122
- Experiments in Term Weighting and Keyword Extraction in Document ClusteringChristian Borgelt, Andreas Nürnberger. 123-130
- Multi-View LernenUlf Brefeld, Steffen Bickel, Tobias Scheffer. 131
- Frequent SMILESBjörn Bringmann, Andreas Karwath. 132-137
- Prozesslernen und Erfahrungsmanagement: Ergebnisse aus dem indiGo-ProjektBjörn Decker, Klaus-Dieter Althoff. 138-145
- Efficiency and Stability of Clustering Algorithms for Linked DataIsabel Drost, Tobias Scheffer. 146
- Modeling Rule PrecisionJohannes Fürnkranz. 147-154
- Spatial Inference - Application of Machine Learning AlgorithmsCarsten Gips, Fritz Wysotzki. 155-160
- Deriving Multiple Topics to Label Small Document RegionsHenner Graubitz, Myra Spiliopoulou. 161
- Data Mining im Einsatz - Praxisbeispiele und TrendsRoland Grund. 162
- Learning with Neural Networks in the Domain of GraphsBrijnesh J. Jain, Fritz Wysotzki. 163-170
- DaMiT: Data Mining lernen und lehrenKlaus P. Jantke, Gunter Grieser, Steffen Lange, Martin Memmel. 171-179
- Anwendung maschinellen Lernens zur benutzeradaptiven Erkennung von Entwurfsmängeln in objektorientierter SoftwareJochen Kreimer. 180-186
- Automatic Feature Extraction from Large Time SeriesIngo Mierswa. 187-192
- Learning Prototype Ontologies by Hierachical Latent Semantic AnalysisGerhard Paaß, Jörg Kindermann, Edda Leopold. 193-205
- A Simple Method For Estimating Conditional Probabilities For SVMsStefan Rüping. 206-210
- Iceberg Query Lattices for DatalogGerd Stumme. 211-219
- Strategies for Successful Recommendation Engines for online StoresMichael Thess. 220
- Dirichlet Enhanced Latent Semantic AnalysisKai Yu, Shipeng Yu, Volker Tresp. 221-226
- Workshop der GI-Fachgruppe Wissens- und Erfahrungsmanagement (FGWM)Andreas Abecker, Mirjam Minor, Ljiljana Stojanovic. 227-228
- An Approach for the Integration of Hard and Soft Factors within the Design of Knowledge Management in Entrepreneurial NetworksTomaso Forzi, Meikel Peters, Katrin Winkelmann, Holger Diehl, Philipp Hutterer. 229-237
- KMDL: Eine Sprache zur Modellierung wissensintensiver Prozesse nach dem SECI-ModellNorbert Gronau, Claudia Müller, Mathias Uslar, Edzard Weber, Torsten Winkler. 238-244
- VISION - a Semantic Web Portal for Describing the State-of-the-art on European Knowledge ManagementMark Hefke. 245-251
- The Innovation Factory - An Approach to Strategic Innovation ManagementNorbert Jastroch. 252-258
- A Practical Application of Ontologies for Knowledge Sharing and TradingBertin Klein, Ralph Traphöner. 259-266
- Applying Inductive Logic Programming and Rule Relaxation for the Generation of MetadataAndreas D. Lattner, Jan D. Gehrke. 267-273
- Musterbasierte Extraktion von Begriffen aus Texten als Basis eines konzeptuellen Information RetrievalsSascha Lorenz. 274-280
- Experience Management with Automatic Case Acquisition and Cross-LinkingMirjam Minor, Christina Bell. 281-286
- Creating an Application-Level Ontology for the Complex Domain of History: Mission Impossible?Gábor Nagypál. 287-294
- Intelligent Support for Code Inspections with Experience ManagementMarkus Nick, Christian Denger, Torsten Willrich. 295-302
- Self-Organization of a Small World by TopicChristoph Schmitz. 303-310
- Context-based Reasoning Featuring Trust ManagementStefan Schulz, Thomas Roth-Berghofer. 311-315
- Diagnosis of Dysmorphic SyndromesTina Waligora, Rainer Schmidt. 316-320
- Semantic Announcement SharingValentin Zacharias, Mike Sibler. 321-327