Abstract is missing.
- Sensitivity Analysis of the Expected Accumulated Reward Using Uniformization and IRK3 MethodsHaïscam Abdallah, Moulaye Hamza. 1-9 [doi]
- Spectral Properties of Circulant Band Matrices Arising in ODE MethodsPierluigi Amodio. 10-17 [doi]
- A Parameter Robust Method for a Problem with a Symmetry Boundary LayerAli R. Ansari, Alan F. Hegarty, Grigorii I. Shishkin. 18-26 [doi]
- An Algorithm Based on Orthogonal Polynominal Vectors for Toeplitz Least Squares ProblemsMarc Van Barel, Georg Heinig, Peter Kravanja. 27-34 [doi]
- From Sensitivity Analysis to Random Floating Point Arithmetics - Application to Sylvester EquationsAlain Barraud, Suzanne Lesecq, Nicolai Christov. 35-41 [doi]
- Construction of Seminumerical Schemes: Application to the Artificial Satellite ProblemRoberto Barrio. 42-50 [doi]
- Stability Analysis of Parallel Evaluation of Finite Series of Orthogonal PolynominalsRoberto Barrio, Plamen Y. Yalamov. 51-58 [doi]
- On Solving Large-Scale Weighted Least Squares ProblemsVenansius Baryamureeba. 59-67 [doi]
- A Hybrid Newton-GMRES Method for Solving Nonlinear EquationsStefania Bellavia, Maria Macconi, Benedetta Morini. 68-75 [doi]
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- Exploiting Nonlinear Structures of Computational General Equilibrium ModelsChristian Condevaux-Lanloy, Olivier Epelly, Emmanuel Fragnière. 214-221 [doi]
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- The Min-Max Portfolio Optimization Strategy: An Empirical Study on Balanced PortfoliosClaude G. Diderich, Wolfgang Marty. 238-245 [doi]
- Convergence Rate for a Convection Parameter Identified Using Tikhonov RegularizationGabriel Dimitriu. 246-252 [doi]
- Local Refinement in Non-overlapping Domain DecompositionVeselin Dobrev, Panayot Vassilevski. 253-264 [doi]
- Singularity Perturbed Parabolic Problems on Non-rectangular DomainsR. K. Dunne, Eugene O Riordan, Grigorii I. Shishkin. 265-272 [doi]
- Special Types of Badly Conditioned Operator Problems in Energy Spaces and Numerical Methods for ThemEugene G. D yakonov. 273-284 [doi]
- Proper Weak Regular Splitting for M-MatricesIstván Faragó. 285-291 [doi]
- Parameter-Uniform Numerical Methods for a Class of Singularity Perturbed Problems with a Neumann Boundary ConditionPaul A. Farrell, Alan F. Hegarty, John J. H. Miller, Eugene O Riordan, Grigorii I. Shishkin. 292-303 [doi]
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- Multigrid Methods and Finite Difference Schemes for 2D Singularly Perturbed ProblemsFrancisco J. Gaspar, Francisco J. Lisbona, C. Clavero. 316-324 [doi]
- Recursive Version of LU DecompositionKrassimir Georgiev, Jerzy Wasniewski. 325-332 [doi]
- Inversion of Symmetric Matrices in a New Block Packes StorageGabriela Georgieva, Fred G. Gustavson, Plamen Y. Yalamov. 333-340 [doi]
- The Stability Boundary of Certain Two-Layer and Three-Layer Difference SchemesAlexei V. Goolin. 341-349 [doi]
- High Order varepsilon-Uniform Methods for Singularly Perturbed Reaction-Diffusion ProblemsJ. L. Gracia, Francisco J. Lisbona, C. Clavero. 350-358 [doi]
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- Newton s Method under Different Lipschitz ConditionsJosé Manuel Gutiérrez, Miguel A. Hernandez. 368-376 [doi]
- Positive Definite Solutions of the Equation ::::X::::+::::A*X:::-n:::A=I::::Vejdi Hassanov, Ivan Ivanov. 377-384 [doi]
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- Experience with the Solution of a Finite Difference Discretization on Sparse GridsPieter W. Hemker, Frauke Sprengel. 402-413 [doi]
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- Construction and Convergence of Difference Schemes for a Model Elliptic Equation with Dirac-delta Function CoefficientBosko S. Jovanovic, Juri D. Kandilarov, Lubin G. Vulkov. 431-438 [doi]
- Operator s Approach to the Problems with Concentrated FactorsBosko S. Jovanovic, Lubin G. Vulkov. 439-450 [doi]
- A Method of Lines Approach to the Numerical Solution of Singularly Perturbed Elliptic ProblemsJuri D. Kandilarov, Lubin G. Vulkov, A. I. Zadorin. 451-458 [doi]
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- A Generalized GMRES Iterative MethodDavid R. Kincaid, Jen-Yuan Chen, David M. Young. 475-481 [doi]
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- Application of Boundary Collocation Method in Fluid Mechanics to Stokes Flow ProblemsAnna Kucaba-Pietal. 498-504 [doi]
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- Schwarz Methods for Convection-Diffusion ProblemsH. MacMullen, Eugene O Riordan, Grigorii I. Shishkin. 544-551 [doi]
- Matrix Computations Using Quasirandom SequencesMichael Mascagni, Aneta Karaivanova. 552-559 [doi]
- On the Stability of the Generalized Schur AlgorithmNicola Mastronardi, Paul Van Dooren, Sabine Van Huffel. 560-567 [doi]
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