Abstract is missing.
- Eigenvalue Problems and Solution of Linear Systems - IntroductionVicente Hernández. 1-3
- Some Unusual Eigenvalue ProblemsZhaojun Bai, Gene H. Golub. 4-19
- Multi-sweep Algorithms for the Symmetric EigenproblemWilfried N. Gansterer, Dieter F. Kvasnicka, Christoph W. Ueberhuber. 20-28
- A Unified Approach to Parallel Block-Jacobi Methods for the Symmetric Eigenvalue ProblemDomingo Giménez, Vicente Hernández, Antonio M. Vidal. 29-42
- Calculation of Lambda Modes of a Nuclear Reactor: A Parallel Implementation Using the Implicitly Restarted Arnoldi MethodVicente Hernández, José E. Román, Antonio M. Vidal, Vicente Vidal. 43-57
- Parallel Jacobi-Davidson for Solving Generalized Eigenvalue ProblemsMargreet Nool, Auke van der Ploeg. 58-70
- Parallel Preconditioned Solvers for Large Sparse Hermitian EigenproblemsAchim Basermann. 71-84
- Solving Eigenvalue Problems on Networks of ProcessorsDomingo Giménez, C. Jiménez, M. J. Majado, N. Marín, A. Martin. 85-99
- Solving Large-Scale Eigenvalue Problems on Vector Parallel ProcessorsDavid L. Harrar II, Michael R. Osborne. 100-113
- Direct Linear Solvers for Vector and Parallel ComputersFriedrich Grund. 114-127
- Parallel Preconditioners for Solving Nonsymmetric Linear SystemsAntonio J. García-Loureiro, Tomás F. Pena, J. M. López-González, Ll. Prat Viñas. 128-141
- Synchronous and Asynchronous Parallel Algorithms with Overlap for Almost Linear SystemsJosep Arnal, Violeta Migallón, José Penadés. 142-155
- The Parallel Problems Server: A Client-Server Model for Interactive Large Scale Scientific ComputationParry Husbands, Charles Lee Isbell Jr.. 156-169
- Computational Fluid Dynamics, Structural Analysis and Mesh Partitioning Techniques - IntroductionTimothy J. Barth. 171-175
- Parallel Domain-Decomposition Preconditioning for Computational Fluid DynamicsTimothy J. Barth, Tony F. Chan, Wei-Pai Tang. 176-202
- Influence of the Discretization Scheme on the Parallel Efficiency of a Code for the Modelling of a Utility BoilerPedro Jorge Coelho. 203-214
- Parallel 3D Airflow Simulation on Workstation ClustersJean-Baptiste Vicaire, Loïc Prylli, Georges Perrot, Bernard Tourancheau. 215-226
- Parallel Turbulence Simulation: Resolving the Inertial Subrange of the Kolmogorov SpectrumMartin Strietzel, Thomas Gerz. 227-237
- The Study of a Parallel Algorithm Using the Laminar Backward-Facing Step Flow as a Test CaseP. M. Areal, José M. Laginha M. Palma. 238-249
- A Low Cost Distributed System for FEM Parallel Structural AnalysisCélio Oda Moretti, Túlio Nogueira Bittencourt, Luiz Fernando Martha. 250-262
- Dynamic Load Balancing in Crashworthiness SimulationHans Georg Galbas, Otto Kolp. 263-270
- Some Concepts of the Software Package FEASTChristian Becker, Susanne Kilian, Stefan Turek. 271-284
- Multilevel Mesh Partitioning for Optimising Aspect RatioChris Walshaw, Mark Cross, Ralf Diekmann, Frank Schlimbach. 285-300
- Parallel and Distributed Computing in EducationPeter H. Welch. 301-330
- Computer Organisation, Programming and Benchmarking - IntroductionJosé Silva Matos. 331-333
- Reconfigurable Systems: Past and Next 10 YearsJean Vuillemin. 334-354
- A Systolic Algorithm for the Factorisation of Matrices Arising in the Field of HydrodynamicsS.-G. Seo, M. J. Downie, Grant E. Hearn, C. Phillips. 355-364
- Automatic Detection of Parallel Program Performance ProblemsAntonio Espinosa, Tomàs Margalef, Emilio Luque. 365-377
- Behavioural Analysis Methodology Oriented to Configuration of Parallel, Real-Time and Embedded SystemsFrancisco J. Suárez, Daniel F. García. 378-395
- Spatial Data Locality with Respect to Degree of Parallelism in Processor-and-Memory HierarchiesRenato J. O. Figueiredo, José A. B. Fortes, Zina Ben-Miled. 396-410
- Partitioning Regular Domains on Modern Parallel ComputersManuel Prieto-Matías, Ignacio Martín Llorente, Francisco Tirado. 411-424
- New Access Order to Reduce Inter-Vector-ConflictsA. M. del Corral, José M. Llabería. 425-438
- Registers Size Influence on Vector ArchitecturesLuis Villa, Roger Espasa, Mateo Valero. 439-451
- Limits of Instruction Level Parallelism with Data Value SpeculationJosé González, Antonio González. 452-465
- High Performance Cache Management for Parallel File SystemsFrancisco García, Jesús Carretero, Felix Pérez, Pedro de Miguel. 466-479
- Using Synthetic Workloads for Parallel Task Scheduling Improvement AnalysisJoao Paulo Kitajima, Stella C. S. Porto. 480-493
- Dynamic Routing Balancing in Parallel Computer Interconnection NetworksD. Franco, I. Garcés, Emilio Luque. 494-507
- Algorithm-Dependant Method to Determine the Optimal Number of Computers in Parallel Virtual MachinesJorge G. Barbosa, Armando J. Padilha. 508-521
- Low Cost Parallelizing: A Way to be EfficientMarc Martin, Bastien Chopard. 522-533
- A Performance Analysis of the SGI Origin2000Aad J. van der Steen, Ruud van der Pas. 534-547
- An ISA Comparison Between Superscalar and Vector ProcessorsFrancisca Quintana, Roger Espasa, Mateo Valero. 548-560
- Image, Analysis and Synthesis - IntroductionThierry Priol. 561-562
- High Performance Computing for Image SynthesisThierry Priol. 563-578
- Parallel Implementation of Morphological Connected Operators Based on Irregular Data StructuresChristophe Laurent, Jean Roman. 579-592
- The Design of an ODMG Compatible Parallel Object Database ServerPaul Watson. 593-621
- Nonlinear Problems - IntroductionHeather Ruskin, José A. M. S. Duarte. 623-626
- A Parallel N-Body Integrator Using MPINuno Sidónio Andrade Pereira. 627-639
- A Parallelisation Strategy for Power Systems Composite Reliability EvaluationCarmen L. T. Borges, Djalma M. Falcão. 640-651
- High Performance Computing of an Industrial Problem in TribologyManuel Arenaz, Ramon Doallo, G. García, C. Vázquez. 652-665
- Parallel Grid Manipulations in Earth Science CalculationsWilliam Sawyer, Lawrence Takacs, Arlindo da Silva, Peter M. Lyster. 666-679
- Simulating Magnetised Plasma with the Versatile Advection CodeRony Keppens, Gábor Tóth. 680-690
- Parallel Genetic Algorithms for Hypercube MachinesRanieri Baraglia, Raffaele Perego. 691-703