Web-Age Information Management - WAIM 2013 International Workshops: HardBD, MDSP, BigEM, TMSN, LQPM, BDMS, Beidaihe, China, June 14-16, 2013. Proceedings

Yunjun Gao, Kyuseok Shim, Zhiming Ding, Peiquan Jin, Zujie Ren, Yingyuan Xiao, An Liu, Shaojie Qiao, editors, Web-Age Information Management - WAIM 2013 International Workshops: HardBD, MDSP, BigEM, TMSN, LQPM, BDMS, Beidaihe, China, June 14-16, 2013. Proceedings. Volume 7901 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2013. [doi]

Conference: WAIM2013


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