Fotografie principală pentru Chapter Zero Romania
Chapter Zero Romania

Chapter Zero Romania

Fabricația de semiconductori pentru energie regenerabilă

Bucharest, Romania 362 adepți

The Directors' Climate Forum

Despre noi

Founded in 2021 and hosted by The Independent Directors Association AAI, Chapter Zero Romania is the Romanian chapter of the World Economic Forum’s global Climate Governance Initiative. The Independent Directors Association (AAI) is a leading network of Administrators and Board Directors in Romania, and is the Romanian representative of the International Corporate Governance Network (ICGN) and the European Confederation of Directors Associations (ecoDa). AAI and Chapter Zero Romania aim to mobilize the Board Non-Executive Directors (NEDs) of Romanian companies to promote the implementation of the World Economic Forum's Principles for Effective Climate Governance in the companies they serve, to transition to a low carbon economy from a corporate governance perspective and achieve the EU's target of net-zero emissions by 2050.

Site web
Sector de activitate
Fabricația de semiconductori pentru energie regenerabilă
Dimensiunea companiei
51-200 de angajați
Bucharest, Romania



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