Chapter Zero Romania a distribuit aceasta
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Founded in 2021 and hosted by The Independent Directors Association AAI, Chapter Zero Romania is the Romanian chapter of the World Economic Forum’s global Climate Governance Initiative. The Independent Directors Association (AAI) is a leading network of Administrators and Board Directors in Romania, and is the Romanian representative of the International Corporate Governance Network (ICGN) and the European Confederation of Directors Associations (ecoDa). AAI and Chapter Zero Romania aim to mobilize the Board Non-Executive Directors (NEDs) of Romanian companies to promote the implementation of the World Economic Forum's Principles for Effective Climate Governance in the companies they serve, to transition to a low carbon economy from a corporate governance perspective and achieve the EU's target of net-zero emissions by 2050.
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Strada Albești nr. 8
Bucharest, Romania 021515, RO
Chapter Zero Romania a distribuit aceasta
Who's joining ? Registration is open.
Chapter Zero Romania has the privilege of briging together boards members, high-level professionals and executives to debate the current challenges of an effective corporate governance, such as climate resilience and transition to net zero.
Independent Directors Association / Asociatia Administratorilor Independenti AAI and Chapter Zero Romania are working to bring together the top minds of the corporate governance field in a conference that will mark the business calendar this year. The Lit Boardroom aims to provide tailor made solutions to the challenges boards are facing today, particularly in the field of new technologies and sustainability. Stay close to see the main insights from this event!
Chapter Zero Romania a distribuit aceasta
"Businesses that can shift their focus from short-term, financial-driven decisions to a broader perspective that considers the opportunities not just for shareholders, but for employees, customers, communities, and the environment are likely to be the ultimate winners," writes Emily Farnworth of the Centre for Climate Engagement in this article for the Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP). One week today, we'll be holding an interactive webinar with GARP and Chapter Zero for board directors on nature-related dilemmas and their complex interconnections with climate change. The webinar is formatted as an online scenario game - join us for 90 minutes of immersion into a scenario where you'll make real-time decisions from the boardroom and see their effect play out. You can register for the event here 👉
Article: A new dawn for strategic planning in the boardroom Technological advancements as well as changes in reporting requirements and legal expectations are pushing companies to incorporate more long-term thinking. Where are these pressures coming from and how can directors integrate them? The Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP) publishes regular articles from guest writers on its Risk Intelligence content hub. Here's an article by Director of the CCE, Emily Farnworth, about strategic planning in the boardroom to accelerate the transition to net zero: #ClimateGovernance #TransitionPlanning #netzero Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP) Hughes Hall, University of Cambridge @emily-farnworth
Get inspired by directors around the world on taking climate actions! We are all different but we shall have the same goal…
🎙 Directors' Dialogues - our new podcast - is available now 🎙 Each episode takes a deep dive into the experiences of board directors we've interviewed from across all sectors, types of companies and parts of the world, in taking climate action in the boardroom. We've spoken to some amazing board directors so far from Brazil, the United States, India and China (and continue to speak to more!). The podcast shares their insights to interest, inform and inspire you. Directors' Dialogues is on major podcast platforms including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, YouTube and Amazon Music. To select the platform you'd like to listen on, visit our podcast website 👉 #ClimateGovernance #CWNYC #CWNYC24 #BoardsofDirectors #DirectorsDialogues #Podcast Centre for Climate Engagement
Chapter Zero Romania a distribuit aceasta
🎙 Directors' Dialogues - our new podcast - is available now 🎙 Each episode takes a deep dive into the experiences of board directors we've interviewed from across all sectors, types of companies and parts of the world, in taking climate action in the boardroom. We've spoken to some amazing board directors so far from Brazil, the United States, India and China (and continue to speak to more!). The podcast shares their insights to interest, inform and inspire you. Directors' Dialogues is on major podcast platforms including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, YouTube and Amazon Music. To select the platform you'd like to listen on, visit our podcast website 👉 #ClimateGovernance #CWNYC #CWNYC24 #BoardsofDirectors #DirectorsDialogues #Podcast Centre for Climate Engagement
Chapter Zero Romania a distribuit aceasta
📆 25 Aprilie 2024 🕒 17:30-21:00 📍 Hotel Marmorosch, sala New York, situat in Bucuresti, str. Doamnei nr.2. Adunarea Generală a Membrilor Independent Directors Association / Asociatia Administratorilor Independenti AAI Incepand cu ora 17:30 va asteptam pentru a servi cina si a face networking de calitate intr-o ambianta placuta. La ora 18.30 va avea loc deschiderea lucrarilor Adunarii Generale Ordinare. Lucrarile Adunarii Generale vor fi continuate de discutii profesionale pe teme actuale de real interes care sa aduca valoare in activitatea membrilor nostri. Participarea fiecarui membru este importanta pentru dezvoltarea Independent Directors Association / Asociatia Administratorilor Independenti AAI
Chapter Zero Romania proudly partner up with British Romanian Chamber of Commerce in supporting organisations to pursue a more sustainable business model that determines a real change in the way of doing business. We aim to foster and facilitate collaboration, knowledge and content sharing among British and Romanian organisations to equip non-executive directors with pragmatic solutions to oversight the integration of sustainability and climate resilience strategies in their organisations.
We are glad to invite you to our upcoming event “The imperatives of next decades” organized on the 26th of March at Crowne Plaza Hotel, in Bucharest. This will be a thought-provoking conference aiming to bring together leaders, experts, and enthusiasts to delve into the current state of sustainability and climate change, focusing on both sustainable development and climate resilience of public and private organizations. More information about the event agenda and speakers to be released soon! Moderator: Bogdan Pletea CMIRM® – ESG Risk & Sustainability Strategist Panel 1: ESG Standards in 2024 Ionut NACHEț NACHE – Owner INAQ Consulting - IFS Training Center Consulting, IFS Representative in Romania, Moldova, Bulgaria, Serbia, Croatia, and Western Balkans Countries Alina Prahoveanu – President of the Independent Director Association and INED of Posta Romana SA Panel 2: Sustainable Actions in Public and Private Sectors Raul Pop – Co-founder and vice-president of the Coalition for theCircular Economy in Romania (CERC) and Programs Director of ECOTECA Association, an environmental NGO specialized in waste management and corporate sustainability. Ciprian Sandu – Sustainability & Public Affairs Manager at Provident Financial Romania Simona Fătu – Board Director, Advisor, Educator – PGD_BPD, ESG-ISB, Kaizen We would like to thank the Partners: Silver Partner: INAQ Consulting - IFS Training Center Strategic Partner: Chapter Zero Romania Media Partners: TheBizz Magazine Oameni și Companii BusinessMark Business Review Do not miss it! Register here: