Greenvolt Group a semnat primul contract cu Flora Food Group, un lider global în industria alimentară de branduri, pentru dezvoltarea a două proiecte de generare descentralizată de energie.... #FloraFoodGroup #GreenvoltGroup #panourifotovoltaice
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The most complex communication platform for Romanian Energy Industry: News, B2B services, events and PR Services
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Energynomics communication line is the most complex editorial project exclusively dedicated to the energy industry in Romania and in the region. It comprises the website, the printed Magazine, and the concept-events (Energy Breakfast Club, Spring Cocktail, Energy Strategy Summit, Energynomics Awards), as well as the special online projects like #Minutul de Energie, EnergynomicsTalks and #5ToKnow. is the sole online platform dedicated to the energy sector in Romania that serves both as news channel and business to business gateway. Updated hourly by our editors, selects responsibly the daily news on the economic, political and legislative environment. By accessing the business profile link, you will find the perfect business partner suitable for your company’s needs. Magazine is the publication for the Romanian energy industry. Our mission is to offer information, perspective, profiles and networking to managers, specialists and engineers in Romanian energy industry, as they strive to make profit in a monthly-changing business environment. Magazine is printed in 1.000 copies every three months and individually delivered to the managers and specialists in the Romanian energy industry. Wing Media Energy Consulting is the publisher of
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Angajați la Energynomics
Hidroelectrica announces the reception of the refurbishment works for Hydro Unit No. 5 (HA5) within the Stejaru Hydroelectric Power Plant.... #BogdanBadea #Hidroelectrica #KarolyBorbely #StejaruHydroelectricPowerPlant
Hidroelectrica anunță recepția lucrărilor de retehnologizare pentru Hidroagregatul nr.... #BogdanBadea #HidrocentralaStejarul #Hidroelectrica #KarolyBorbely
Hidroelectrica anunță recepția lucrărilor de retehnologizare pentru Hidroagregatul nr.... #BogdanBadea #HidrocentralaStejarul #Hidroelectrica #KarolyBorbely
Prețurile de referință ale gazelor naturale din Europa înregistrau luni a doua sesiune consecutivă de creştere, prognoza meteo arătând temperaturi mai scăzute în multe zone de pe continent, transmite Bloomberg. La hub-ul de gaze TTF de la Amsterdam, unde se stabilesc prețurile de referință în Europa, cotațiile futures la gaze naturale au urcat luni cu 2,3%, la 48,90 euro pentru un Megawatt-oră (... #Europa #prețurilegazelor
The project to purchase 12 electric multiple units powered by hydrogen fuel cells and the maintenance and repair services for these multiple units was launched in tender by the Railway Authority (ARF), the value of the contract being estimated between 1.596 billion lei and 2.468 billion lei.... #hydrogentrains #PNRR #RailwayAuthority(ARF)
Rezolv Energy, one of the most important investors in renewable energy projects in Romania, a company owned by the British fund Actis, has launched an initiative to inform industrial consumers in Romania about securing energy purchase prices in the long term. The project includes online and offline meetings with top industry experts to share best practices and case studies on signing PPA (Power... #CorinaMelchor #MatejKrušpán #PPA #RezolvEnergy
Rezolv Energy, unul dintre cei mai importanți investitori în proiecte de energie regenerabilă din România, o companie deținută de fondul britanic Actis, a lansat o inițiativă pentru a informa consumatorii industriali din România despre asigurarea prețurilor de achiziție a energiei pe termen lung.... #CorinaMelchor #MatejKrušpán #PowerBrunch #PPA #RezolvEnergy
Companiile de distribuție a energiei electrice, parte a grupului PPC în România, au fuzionat sub numele Rețele Electrice România. Fuziunea companiilor într-o singură entitate legală urmărește optimizarea operațiunilor specifice la nivelul celor 3 regiuni – Banat, Dobrogea și Muntenia, prin eficientizarea modului de alocare a resurselor și reducerea complexității administrative....