Highclere Consulting SRL

Highclere Consulting SRL

Birouri de politică publică

Despre noi

Consortium partner in 7 Horizon 2020 and 4 Horizon Europe research and innovation projects: * Small farms, small food businesses and sustainable food security (SALSA) - www.salsa.uevora.pt * Agricultural Knowledge: Linking farmers, advisors and researchers to boost innovation (AgriLink) - www.agrilink2020.eu * Better Rural Innovation: Linking Actors, Instruments and Policies through Networks (LIAISON) - www.liaison2020.eu * European Knowledge Repository for Best Agricultural Practices (EUREKA) – www.h2020eureka.eu * Food System Hubs Innovating towards Fast Transition by 2030 (FoodSHIFT2030) – foodshift2030.eu * Mountain Valorisation through Interconnectedness and Green Growth (MOVING) - www.moving-h2020.eu * Improving Farmers' Well-being through Social Innovation (FARMWELL) - www.farmwell-h2020.eu * Supporting knowledge exchange between all AKIS actors in the European Union (EU FARMBOOK) – from Aug 2022 * Food Provision through Sustainable Farming Systems and Value Chains (VISIONARY) – from Sept 2022 * Preparing multi-actor projects in a co-creative way (PREMIERE) – from spring 2023 * Transformation for sustainable nutrient supply and management (trans4num) – from spring 2023 National experts supporting numerous CAP evaluation studies for the European Commission with major case studies completed in Romania on the provision of public goods through agriculture; "greening" of CAP direct payments; land abandonment; LEADER, and; the impact of the CAP upon climate change, greenhouse gas emissions, biodiversity and water. Consultancy, training and policy analysis services for governmental and non-governmental organisations in the field of sustainable agriculture and rural development in central and eastern Europe, including specialist support for rural networking. Working on Smart Villages in two EU Preparatory Actions - as national experts in 'Smart Rural 21' (www.smartrural21.eu) and as consortium partners in the follow-up 'Smart Rural 27' (www.smartrural27.eu).

Sector de activitate
Birouri de politică publică
Dimensiunea companiei
2-10 angajați
Companie privată


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