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Rural Vision

Study on funding for EU rural areas

The study on funding for EU rural areas examines the contribution of the common agricultural policy, cohesion policy and the common fisheries policy, in addressing the needs and actions outlined under the Long-term vision for the EU’s rural areas.

The study on funding for EU rural areas examines the contribution of the Common Agricultural Policy 2014-2022 in addressing the needs and actions outlined under the Long-term vision for the EU’s rural areas (LTVRA).

The study provides an analysis of the policy framework supporting rural areas, particularly the LTVRA as the European Commission’s latest overarching communication for transforming rural areas, with a focus on relevant EU policy instruments and funding sources. In analysing the LTVRA, the study explores the roles of the CAP 2014-2022 as well as European cohesion policy 2014-2020 (European Regional Development Fund, European Social Fund, Cohesion Fund) and the common fisheries policy (via the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund)

The study shows that between 2014-2022, the CAP has allocated €8.6 billion to support non-farming related activities in rural areas. This demonstrates the CAP’s role in not only supporting farmers and agriculture, but also strengthening other businesses and communities in rural areas.

Moreover, this study provides a forward-looking glance at the CAP 2023-2027 period

It principally covers the relevance and coherence of funding in addressing rural needs, and draws on studies published of effectiveness to provide key context for this assessment. This is achieved through the responses to seven evaluation study questions (ESQ) covering three evaluation criteria: effectiveness, relevance, and coherence.

The study, financed by the European Commission, was carried out by ÖIR, CCRI and ADE S.A. Its conclusions, recommendations and opinions reflect the opinion of the consultants and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Commission.
