🔔 On this #WorldAIDSDay, we unite with governments, global leaders, philanthropists, NGOs, and communities under the theme "Take the Right Path: My Health, My Right!" to reaffirm our collective commitment to ending AIDS. 🇷🇼 For over 12 years, SFH has implemented #HIV #AIDS prevention and treatment programs, fueled by strong partnerships and collaborative efforts. In Rwanda, we are strengthening health systems to serve even the most remote communities, and reducing barriers to care. 👩🏾⚕️ We have also trained healthcare workers to provide stigma-free, patient-centered services and worked hand-in-hand to distribute millions of condoms, self-test kits and expand access to PrEP, empowering vulnerable and key populations to safeguard their health. 🧒🏾 Our collective focus on youth empowerment has seen the development of school health clubs, peer educator programs, and digital platforms that provide accurate and engaging HIV information to young people. By leveraging mass media campaigns and innovations like AI-powered tools we’re transforming the services to be both accessible and impactful. 🤝 This progress would not be possible without the strong dedication and direction of Ministry of Health Rwanda, Rwanda Biomedical Center, local and international development partners, and the grassroots communities themselves. 🤰 Together, we have made great strides, but the work is far from over. Inequalities still threaten progress, and it is only through continued collaboration that we can break these barriers and secure a future free of HIV/AIDS. 🎗️Let us ensure that "My Health, My Right!" becomes a reality for all. By taking the right path together, we can turn hope into lasting change and achieve a generation free of HIV/AIDS.