On the Bays-Lambossy theorem

N Brand - Discrete mathematics, 1989 - Elsevier
… These examples show that any generalization of the Bays-Lambossy theorem for the stated
… The purpose of this paper is to prove the following theorem. Theorem l,d, Let p be a prime …

Isomorphic designs that are not multiplier equivalent

N Brand - Discrete mathematics, 1985 - Elsevier
… The Bays-Lambossy theorem states that if v is a prime then any pair of isomorphic cyclic …
In this paper, examples are constructed which show the Bays-Lambossy theorem will not …


HGOO PARK - Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society, 1993 - koreascience.kr
Bays-Lambossy theorem is still true for certain non-prime … of determining when the
Bays-Lambossy theorem generalizes to … When does the Bays-Lambossy theorem generalize to a …

The isomorphism problem for abelian projective planes

D Jungnickel - Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication …, 2008 - Springer
… the following analogue of the BaysLambossy theorem: two cyclic projective … Theorem 2.1
to cyclic groups, we immediately obtain the desired analogue of the BaysLambossy theorem

Topological invariants of 2-designs arising from difference families

N Brand, WC Huffman - Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, 1984 - Elsevier
… We will discuss the Bays-Lambossy theorem and some extensions of this theorem. The
topology of the previous section gives a bound on the automorphism group of 3 as follows: Let 2 …

The Number of Cyclic Configurations of Type (v3) and the Isomorphism Problem

H Koike, I Kovács, T Pisanski - Journal of Combinatorial …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
… In addition, a BaysLambossy type theorem is proved for cyclic … type theorem for balanced
cyclic configurations. It was proved … It is worth noting that the BaysLambossy Theorem was …

Polynomial isomorphisms of combinatorial objects

N Brand - Graphs and Combinatorics, 1991 - Springer
… Note that the above theorem is a generalization of the Bays-Lambossy Theorem in that ifr =
1 … This result also generalizes Theorem 3.5 of [51 which is the special case of Theorem 2.2 …

[PDF][PDF] Polynomial isomorphisms of Cayley objects over a finite field

HG Park - 1989 - Citeseer
… In this dissertation the BaysLambossy theorem is generalized to GF(pn). The BaysLambossy
theorem states that if two Cayley objects each based on GF(p) are isomorphic then …

Isomorphism problems for cyclic block designs

KT Phelps - North-Holland Mathematics Studies, 1987 - Elsevier
… and it was not until recently that the Bays-Lambossy conjecture was disproved by N. Brand
… We now turn to the main theorem of this section. The author has tried valiantly to prove that …

[PDF][PDF] A construction of cyclic Steiner triple systems of order pn

KT Phelps - Discrete mathematics, 1987 - core.ac.uk
… Brand [1], thereby disproving a long-standing conjecture of BaysLambossy (cf. [3]). Our
construction and proof is simpler and more general than Brand's [1], although it is similar in a …