Wade Wilson is coming into the MCU in Deadpool 3 and his new superhero suit makes The Flash's ill-received costume look even worse. Both Barry Allen and Wade Wilson have similar tastes when it comes to coloration and snug-fitting yet durable athletic wear in the comics. Unfortunately for the Fastest Man Alive, there is no comparison between their cinematic threads.

The question of which Vermilion Vigilante looked best arose following the release of the first photos of Ryan Reynolds as Wade Willson from the Deadpool 3 set. The pictures, which showed Reynolds with his the mask on and off, revealed a more involved design than in the first two Deadpool movies. However, despite the subtle changes, Reynolds is still instantly recognizable as the Merc With A Mouth from the comics.

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Deadpool's MCU Suit Looks Better Than The Flash's Movie Costume

Live-action Deadpool in front of a post-apocalyptic cityscape.

Ezra Miller's costume in The Flash movie featured a similar level of intricacy but suffered from being designed with CGI in mind. While the costume looked okay when Barry Allen was in motion, surrounded by digital lighting bolts and corona waves, it looked cumbersome and uncomfortable in still shots. By contrast, Wade Wilson's costume in the Deadpool 3 set photos looks functional, if not comfortable, in comparison to Ezra Miller's costume from The Flash. Barry Allen's clunky super-suit looks like a Halloween costume rather than something someone might wear into a fight, particularly someone whose powers are based around motion.

Why Deadpool's Suit Works And The Flash's Doesn't

Ezra Miller as the Flash looking up in disbelief with the Twitter logo behind them and lightning all around..

The chief difference between the two costumes is one of texturing. The new MCU Deadpool costume worn by Ryan Reynolds uses textures and colors to create visual variety. The alternating red and black portions, coupled with the different fabrics used throughout the costume and the weapons belts, create a sense of contrast that is more aesthetically pleasing. Beyond the utilitarian design, the Deadpool costume also looks more realistic. This is almost certainly because the Deadpool costume is entirely practical, with the only major CGI enhancement being used to animate the eyes.

Related: The Flash Movie Continues A Frustrating Superhero Suit Trend That Needs To End

In the end, the conflict between the costumes is another salvo in the ongoing conflict between practical effects and CGI trickery. While Hollywood studios are spending more money on digital effects than ever, there sees to be ever-growing fatigue in muddled and poorly integrated CGI. This raises another interesting contrast to Deadpool, whose first film was a surprise smash that the Hollywood orthodoxy didn't think would work. With Deadpool 3 showing the same level of heart as its predecessors and continuing to focus on practical effects and story, it seems poised to be another hit for Marvel Studios.

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