👋 We are hiring - come join us! 👉 https://careers.ai.se/ AI Sweden is on a mission, and we'd like you to join us. Help us accelerate the use of AI for the benefit of our society, our competitiveness, and for everyone living in Sweden. At AI Sweden, you’ll be part of a diverse and highly skilled team with inspiring colleagues all working with a higher purpose in mind than “just” tech. To us, artificial intelligence is a force for positive societal change. You'll be working alongside leading AI scientists, research engineers, journalists, linguists, policy professionals, entrepreneurs, change leaders, and many more. We just posted a bunch of opportunities on our Career page, and we’re always happy to connect and learn more about you and how you could contribute to the acceleration of AI. Apply now: 👉 https://careers.ai.se/ Connect with us: 👉 https://lnkd.in/dTUkEWBE Conny Svensson, Rebecka Lönnroth, Filip Edström Kjellgren, Helena Theander, Sofia Hedén, Björn Hovstadius, Karin Vajta Engström, Emma Ytterström, Mikael Ljungblom, Martin Svensson. #Hiring
AI Sweden
Göteborg, Sverige 54 321 följare
Swedish national center for applied artificial intelligence.
Om oss
AI Sweden is the Swedish national center for applied artificial intelligence. Our mission is to accelerate the use of AI for the benefit of our society, our competitiveness, and for everyone living in Sweden.
- Webbplats
Extern länk för AI Sweden
- Bransch
- Forskning
- Företagsstorlek
- 51–200 anställda
- Huvudkontor
- Göteborg, Sverige
- Typ
- Partnerskap
- Grundat
- 2019
- Specialistområden
- AI och artificial intelligence
Anställda på AI Sweden
New whitepaper: Highlighting AI investments and procurement in healthcare 🏥 👉 https://lnkd.in/dVXe542k With Sweden's healthcare system under increasing pressure, a new whitepaper by AI Sweden aims to provide healthcare leaders with practical tools and insights to navigate the challenges and opportunities of adopting AI. The whitepaper addresses several key areas, such as: ▪️AI use cases in practice ▪️The importance of ROI analysis ▪️Challenges and recommendations Read more and explore the whitepaper: 👉 https://lnkd.in/dVXe542k Listen to the latest episode of the AI Sweden Podcast: AI in healthcare 🎧 In connection with our new white paper on AI investments and procurement in healthcare, we invited Anders Norén from Karolinska University Hospital and Nina Lahti, former Transformation Strategist - Healthcare at AI Sweden, to discuss AI's role in meeting healthcare challenges and opportunities. 👉 https://lnkd.in/datJBVMh ✨ Thank you to Sara Zetterström Hawat, part of our Next Generation AI Business Leaders Program, who conducted interviews and produced this whitepaper. Nina Lahti, Lorna Bartram, Peter Kurzwelly, Johanna Bergman.
AI Sweden omdelade detta
Träffa oss i Göteborg! Om en vecka samlar vi på Tysk-Svenska Handelskammaren tillsammans med AI Sweden krafterna (och de västsvenska medlemsföretagen)! Jag hoppas att många tar spårvagnen, promenaden eller Älvsnabben till Lindholmen för en konstruktiv och trevlig frukoststund. Anmälan via länken eller skicka direktmeddelande till mig, varmt välkomna! Alina Krintovski Åsa Benteke Werner Bianca Stur
90 minutes with Nobel Prize laureate Prof. Geoffrey Hinton 💡 Yesterday we had the honor of hosting Nobel Prize laureate Prof. Geoffrey Hinton discussing his groundbreaking research and the future of AI. The session was followed by a panel discussion featuring: Geoffrey Hinton, The Nobel Prize laureate, University of Toronto Amy Loutfi, WASP – Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program Hanifeh Khayyeri, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden Anton Osika, Lovable Daniel G., Recorded Future & AI Sweden (moderator) Karin Vajta Engström, AI Sweden (moderator) Thank you to all panelists and moderators for their contributions, everyone who participated, and Volvo Cars for providing the space for this insightful event. Photos by Sandra Humer.
Welcome to our upcoming Partner Morning Session about navigating the EU AI Act! 👉 https://lnkd.in/dT66gMTf What does it take to adapt to the EU AI Act while fostering a culture of innovation? This session explores how regulatory requirements can coexist with creative thinking, turning compliance into a driver of progress. Drawing on insights from Taisia Muzafarova, IT Business Analyst at the AI Center of Excellence, Essity. Take the opportunity to ask questions in the Q&A session! 🗓️ Date: December 12, 2024 ⏰ Time: 08:15 - 09:00 (CET) 📍Place: Online (Zoom) NOTE: This event is exclusively for AI Sweden partners. Sign up for Partner Morning Session: 👉 https://lnkd.in/dT66gMTf Emma Ytterström, Evdoxia (Eva) Kouraki, Andrea Glimstedt.
Interested in how to implement AI within a large organization? Learn more by signing up for Building Competence for AI Adoption - A roadmap for implementing AI 🗺️ 👉 https://lnkd.in/dhcKzmiV 🎙️ Featured Speaker: Mikael Tjernlund, Principal Business Change Manager, Volvo Group 📅 Date: December 6th ⏰ Time: 14:00 - 14:30 CET 🌐 Location: Online (Zoom) This session will focus on a Persona and Playbook approach to address AI Business Change Management in a global corporation. With hands-on experience from implementing AI within a global corporation like Volvo Group, Tjernlund will cover: ▪️ Key success factors for sustainable AI adoption ▪️ Lessons learned from real-world applications ▪️ Strategies to navigate organizational change Sign up for Building Competence for AI Adoption - A roadmap for implementing AI: 👉 https://lnkd.in/dhcKzmiV Raquel Broman (Sanchez), Johanna Rietz, Conny Svensson
Outsmarting cyber attacks using AI-powered honeypots 🍯 👉 https://lnkd.in/d8pMyvpv Honeypots are decoy computing systems that mimic real environments to trick attackers into revealing their tools. Can AI enhance honeypot deception to increase cybersecurity? That question will be investigated through a new innovative collaboration between Volvo Group, Västra Götalandsregionen, Aixia AB, Scaleout, Dakota State University, and AI Sweden. In the project "AI-powered honeypots", we are exploring how large language models and federated learning can improve honeypot effectiveness for gathering threat intelligence. While existing tools handle known threats well, zero-day attacks remain a significant challenge. The project focuses on creating adaptive honeypots that: 📈 Learn and improve over time 💡Share insights securely through federated learning 🌱Adapt to different environments without extensive configuration “It is well-known that attackers are leveraging AI to enhance their capabilities. We aim to do the same for defense – in novel ways,” says Dr. Robert A. (Bobby) Bridges, Mathematician and Innovation Leader at AI Sweden. Read and learn more about the project: 👉 https://lnkd.in/dGme7HVb
📹 Ta del av framträdanden och insikter från Konferensen Kraftsamling för AI i kommuner och civilsamhälle! 👉 https://lnkd.in/ek2hQH3Z Den 13 november 2024 arrangerades en heldagskonferens inom ramen för Kraftsamling för AI i kommuner och civilsamhälle. Samtal på scenen mixades med diskussioner runt borden. “Kraftsamlingens mål har varit att stärka och stimulera kommuner och civilsamhälle att börja jobba med artificiell intelligens. Under konferensen blev det tydligt att det nu händer, och i och med det blir det också uppenbart vilket stöd de här målgrupperna behöver för att ta nästa steg,” säger Rebecka Lönnroth, Head of AI Adoption for Public Sector. Se samlade insikter och inspelningar från alla inspirerande samtal: 👉 https://lnkd.in/ek2hQH3Z Läs mer om frågorna som diskuterades på konferensen: 👉 https://lnkd.in/eyJmCUyU Rebecka Lönnroth, Andreas Skog, Karin Hübinette, katarina sahlin.
The AI Commission has submitted its final report to the Swedish Government 📖 👉 https://lnkd.in/dJGH9f97 The AI Commission, chaired by Carl-Henric Svanberg, and with AI Sweden's Managing Director, Martin Svensson as one of its members, stresses the need for urgent action. "The biggest risk is that we remain passive and reactive. The report must now be turned into proactive action, and we should view this as an important stepping stone for Sweden," says Martin Svensson. Read more: 👉 https://lnkd.in/dJGH9f97 Read the full report on regeringen.se: 👉 https://lnkd.in/dymqUZEk Bild från AI-kommissionens presentation på pressträff 26 November, 2024.
Från möjlighet till verklighet: Hur leder du din organisations AI-resa? 👉 https://lnkd.in/dr5p4GnF Artificiell intelligens (AI) händer nu och förändrar världen på ett sätt som saknar motstycke för alla organisationer, oavsett om du verkar i privat eller offentlig sektor. Det handlar mindre om teknik än att förstå vilka värden din organisation kan skapa med AI, och vilken transformation som krävs för att ni som organisation ska kunna dra full nytta utav AI. 🌟 Den 10 december, kl. 08:30 – 12:00 bjuder vi in till en exklusiv VD-träff på Stadshallen i Lund, där du får lära dig att ta kommandot över den strategiska AI-resan i din organisation. 📌 Eventet är gratis och består av ett utdrag från utbildningen AI for executives och är öppet för alla VD:ar, CFO:ar, styrelsemedlemmar och andra beslutsfattare inom medelstora till stora företag med stark position i södra Sverige. ✨ Under eventet kommer du få möjlighet att: 💡 Utforska hur AI kan integreras i din affärsstrategi för att ökad effektivitet och konkurrenskraft. 🤝 Nätverka med andra i ledande befattning från starka företag inom regionen. Få insikter och praktiska exempel på hur företag har använt AI för att uppnå signifikanta fördelar. Förmiddagen leds av AI Swedens experter Conny Svensson, Head of AI Transformation och Göran Lindsjö, senior rådgivare. Läs mer och anmäl dig här 👉 https://lnkd.in/dr5p4GnF