

Tillverkning av livsmedel och drycker

Om oss

Cloetta is a leading confectionery company in Northern Europe. We manufacture and market sugar confectionery, chocolate products, pastilles, chewing gum. and nuts In total, Cloetta products are sold in more than 60 markets worldwide. Cloetta owns some of the strongest brands on the market, e.g Läkerol, Cloetta, CandyKing, Jenkki, Kexchoklad, Malaco, Sportlife, Saila, Red Band, Lonka and Nutisal, most of them with a long heritage tradition. About 2800 employees work for us worldwide as we operate in 15 different countries. We are committed to continuously renew and utilize the company’s expertise and want to hire and develop competent employees that are given the opportunity to realize their full potential. We are an ambitious company, hence have people work for us who really want to make an impact on the business by doing their job receiving the trust and freedom to take a lot of responsibility. We all do our part but also support each other and enjoy working together and in teams. We have a positive attitude, are proud of our company, our brands and products, but most of all... we love what we do and have fun while doing so.

Tillverkning av livsmedel och drycker
1 001–5 000 anställda
Publikt aktiebolag
Candy, Liquorice, Sugar Confectionary, Pastilles, Chewing Gum och Chocolate


Anställda på Cloetta


  • ❄️Cloetta Sweden celebrates the instantly fresh launch of Mynthon Zip Mints❄️ With the launch of Mynthon Zip Mints, Cloetta Sweden is pleased and proud to present instantly refreshing and sugar-free mints in a convenient package perfect on the go. The mints capture the essence and power of a refreshing Nordic snowstorm, with an instant effect through popular and balanced flavors Mint and Salmiac. On behalf of Cloetta Sweden, KantarMedia conducted a representative survey on the common perception of fresh breath among Swedes, showcasing the resounding findings that nearly every other Swede actually worries about their breath and eight out of ten feels uncomfortable talking about the topic of bad breath. - The survey we conducted confirms that many people find it difficult to talk about bad breath, while three out of four Swedes believe that bad breath can have a negative impact on social situations. Given this, we are very pleased to now offer a solution with an immediate refreshing effect and great flavors with our new concept Mynthon Zip Mints, says Fia Rasmusson, Brand Manager in Sweden. Mynthon has long been a popular choice among Finnish consumers and, from now on, products will be available in Sweden as well. Our passionate sales team is working tirelessly to ensure that everyone can find the small, snowflake-shaped, and instantly refreshing mint pastilles on store shelves all over the country. Big thanks to the whole Cloetta team for your passionate efforts and hard work dedicated to this, undeniably fresh, launch. #MynthonZipMint #Cloetta #Instantlyfresh

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Cloetta, grafik

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    We are happy to announce that last year’s successful launch of Skipper's Mini Pipes in Denmark has been nominated for Launch of the Year 2024 by NielsenIQ. The well-renowned Skipper’s Pipes, shaped like a pipe with pink or yellow sprinkles, has been a great success in the new format of Mini pipes in bags.   On top of the nomination, we can also announce a new flavor of mini liquorice pipes with sea salt, soon available in stores all over Denmark! #cloetta #teamplay #pride

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  • Cloetta has a large international IT Operations and Security Team responsible for managing 1,500 workstations, networks, servers, and IT security. The team operates virtually and has Cloetta employees from four different countries: Finland, Slovakia, Sweden and The Netherlands. Once a year, the team gathers in person to review projects, share expertise, strengthen team spirit, and  - simply meet face-to-face. This time, the team came together at Cloetta’s plant in Ljungsbro, Sweden, before traveling across the Baltic Sea to visit Cloetta’s office in Turku, Finland. “Our service desk handles 30-40 tickets daily divided by service desk, hosting and client team, along with numerous face-to-face and Teams inquiries from various Cloetta countries. We take care of workstation installations and ensure that networks at different locations are up and running. And of course, we help to solve users’ IT problems,” says IT Operations Specialist Thijs van der Velde from the Netherlands (in the foreground). “From an IT security perspective, our focus is on the production facilities located across Europe. We’re also working on implementing Windows 11 and passwordless authentication”, explains Head of IT Operations and Security Jukka Mustasilta (in the background, center), who leads the team.

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  • Kicking off 2025 in Breda 🌟 Last week, our colleagues in the Netherlands had a fun start to the year with a joint New Year’s lunch. It was a great opportunity to reflect and celebrate our achievements during 2024 and to toast to the new year. A big thank you to all colleagues for your hard work, dedication, great teamwork, and positive spirit. We look forward to a year full of new opportunities, growth and shared successes! 

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  • Seikkailun nälkää tarvitaan myös työnhaussa! 🍫 Cloetta oli yhdessä Tupla brändin kanssa Turun kauppakorkeakoululla järjestetyillä Contact Expo -rekrytointimessuilla. Tapahtumassa opiskelijat pääsivät verkostoitumaan lähialueen yritysten kanssa helposti kauppakorkeakoulun tiloissa. Cloettan pisteeltä löytyikin messujen ajan useita Cloettalle työllistyneitä kaupallista alaa opiskelleita ja tälläkin hetkellä opiskelevia nuoria, jotka jakoivat omia kokemuksiaan Cloettalla työskentelystä.   ”Kauppakorkekoulun opiskelijat olivat innoissaan Tupla brändistä ja Jenkin uusista pastilleista sekä purukumeista ja kysyivät rohkeasti kesätyöpaikoista ja Cloettan tarjoamista työmahdollisuuksista. Messuständillä olikin kiva avata opiskelijoille omaa urapolkua aina harjoitteluajoista tähän päivään ja kertoa mitä kaikkea on päässyt tekemään Cloettan herkullisten tuotteiden ja tunnettujen brändien parissa”, kertoo Assistant Social Media and Brand managerina toimiva Anniina Witka messupäivästään.   Messuosastolla kävi kuhina koko päivän ajan, kun opiskelijat pääsivät pyöräyttämään onnenpyörää ja saivat evääksi eri makuisia Tupla-patukoita. 😋   #rekrytointi #contactexpo

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Cloetta, grafik

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    Last week, Young Cloetta NL organized its last event for 2024, focusing on personal growth 🌟. The session was led by Danny van der Linden, an expert with over a decade of experience in personal energy and awareness. The aim was to understand and improve personal behavior to feel your best in the workplace, as well as enhance efficiency in the workplace. Sixteen enthusiastic participants joined the event, eager to learn and grow. Danny highlighted conscious and unconscious workplace pressures and personal behaviors. The workshop helped attendees recognize their pitfalls and behaviors that affect their well-being. It encouraged them to seek more peace, relaxation, and efficiency. Danny's engaging approach and insights left everyone motivated to embrace a positive and more balanced lifestyle.

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  • Cloetta Sweden launches sweet collaboration with Gothia Towers, the leading hotel destination in the Nordics! 🎅 With Christmas approaching, Cloetta has partnered up with the leading hotel destination in the Nordics, Gothenburg located Gothia Towers, for a festive collaboration to capture and ignite the holiday spirit. When entering Gothia Towers you are not only greeted by the inviting lobby and delightful staff, but also an amazing replica of the hotel fully constructed of single Juleskum Santas. The Juleskum Tower installation has already sparked attention and appreciation from guests and will be presented until the end of 2024. Guests can also enjoy the Cloetta Wheel of Fortune, located in the lobby, with the chance to win gifts and tasty treats. In the hotel flower shop, you can also find Christmas ornaments and scented candles from Cloetta. In addition, the partnership between Cloetta and Gothia Towers will include a dedicated dessert table as part of the Christmas menu at Imagine, the hotels skybar and restaurant, letting guests indulge in Juleskum whilst enjoying the spectacular view of Gothenburg from above. Big thank you to Marie Vestlund with team at Gothia Towers and Cloetta Sweden representatives Mikael Söderberg and Anna-Mia Lejon. Welcome to Gothia Towers, don't miss this! #gothiatowers #cloetta #bycloetta #teamplay #passion

  • 🌟 Proud to make a wish come true! 🌟 We are incredibly proud to have partnered with Make-A-Wish NL to make Julia’s wish come true. Her biggest dream was to swim in a pool full of candy, and we made it happen for her! 🍭🍬 It was an unforgettable experience to see Julia’s face light up with joy. This reminds us of how important it is to make dreams come true and bring joy into the live of others. Thank you to everyone who contributed to making this special wish possible. Together, we can make a difference! 💖 #MakeAWish #MakingDreamsComeTrue #StrongerTogether #Proud #Cloetta

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  • Unelmien karkkipussin piirtäminen, makeita maistiaisia ja ripaus ksylitolitietoutta. Niistä on Cloettan #LapsetMukaanTöihin -päivä tehty. Iloinen joukko alakouluikäisiä ja vähän nuorempiakin lapsia pääsi isän tai äidin mukana tänään tutustumaan vanhemman työpaikkaan. ”Tätä päivää ovat odottaneet niin lapset kuin vanhemmatkin. Kukapa lapsi ei haluaisi päästä mukaan työpaikkaan, jossa joka päivä ollaan tekemisissä karkkien kanssa! Meille vanhemmille tarjoutuu myös tilaisuus tutustua työkavereiden lapsiin. Tästä on tarkoitus tulla perinne”, kertoo päivän järjestelyissä mukana ollut ja lapsensa kanssa päivään osallistunut Heta Pasi Cloettalta. 

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  • With our Sportlife brand, we are proud partners of Fonds Gehandicaptensport, which means we support para-athletes in the Netherlands in their journey to excellence. One of the ways we support them, is by attending the annual benefit dinner. This year’s theme, "The Road to Triomphe", celebrated the journey toward the Paralympic Games in Paris and the incredible resilience behind every achievement. This theme reminds us that success is not only about reaching a destination, but about each step taken along the way. Hearing the inspiring stories was truly humbling and the resilience and dedication of those are a testament to what’s possible when we work together to achieve our dreams. With this evening, we’re reminded that achieving our vision is only possible through our collective effort. Together we can make dreams a reality! ✨

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