


Logivity - making every transport in the world sustainable

Om oss

We are a platform sprung from the Volvo Group and the recognition that sustainability can’t be achieved by clean trucks alone. The whole transport industry needs to be optimized. We must unbreak the broken. Rid the world of half-empty containers, uproot inefficiency, and turn lack of transparency into clear sight. For years we’ve been developing our logistics platform. Open to all, because all are part of the solution. Customers, colleagues, and even competitors. Together we are making every transport in the world sustainable. Simply doing better. Our blockchain powered platform is built around the principles that You own your data, you integrate once and one single source of truth - providing trusted, standardized and efficient connectivity between all actors in the supply chain. Services on logivity delivers operational visibility of transport performance, efficiency and sustainability enabling tactical and strategic business insights needed to transform transportation. Logivity services are currently handling 2000+ shipments daily supporting more than 100 customers across Europe. Take the first step towards sustainable and efficient transports with us and book a demo on our website!

11–50 anställda
Privatägt företag
Sustainability, Transport Management, Connectivity, Blockchain, Logistics, Supply Chain, Transport Visibility, Net Zero Transportation, Transport optimization och Trust


Anställda på Logivity


  • From all of us to all of you a very Merry Christmas! As we close 2024 we look back at very eventful year for Logivity: - Supporting new customers in their quest towards more sustainable and efficient transportation: - Deepening relations with existing customers and business partners - Having new superstars joining team Logivity - Receiving the E-Prize awards in the categories of Sustainable Transportation and the People Price.   Looking ahead into 2025 it is clear that there is a great ambition and willingness to transform transformation towards net-zero. It is also clear that this transformation can only be done together through collaboration at different levels and through different means. Logivity will be a key catalyst in this journey with many exciting news coming during the first couple of months of 2025.   Best wishes to customers, partners and colleagues for a fantastic 2024 and for trusting us to be a key partner for you. We hope you will have the possibility to spend some well-earned time with friends and family and come back with a lot of energy in store to continue the journey we have together started.

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Logivity, grafik

    932 följare

    Are you near Norrköping Sweden on Monday December 16th? Don't miss the opportunity to take part in an exciting Pitch & Match event arranged by Cleantech Östergötland and Logistikia on the topic of sustainability in transportation - there will be much to learn and with plenty of opportunity to network with peers. Logivity is super excited to be part of the event together with peers from the industry as it is only together we will transform to net zero transports. So take the opportunity to listen to Alexander Berg on how Logivity can support you in your sustainability journey - addressing emissions and costs!

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  • Last week Logivity had the pleasure to host a transport buyer day, where it was discussed 🌟 why collaboration is essential to decrease the impact on the planet from transportation 🌟 how trust is essential to create relationship where both parties win 🌟 what actions is possible to take already now and how different companies are driving these in reality Logivity also shared how the Logivity digital services helps in reducing emissions as well as cost! Thanks all participants for your energy into the discussions and openly sharing your experiences and challenges!

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Logivity, grafik

    932 följare

    This week Logivity hosted a Carrier Day at CampX in Göteborg for an international group of companies in the logistic trade. A lot of common ground was identified to build a more efficient and sustainable transport industry, well corresponding to the Logivity service offer and the trend of the industry. Short version is: “We are already on a sustainable transformation journey as an industry. We see data and technology enabling optimization. We see operational efficiency reducing end-to-end CO2 emissions. We see electrification follows optimization and co-investment. Finally, collaborative partnerships are key to green transition.” The need for transparency, traceability and collaboration across the industry was emphasized through the discussions, as general enablers. “Dare to share is dare to win”, as one participant said. There was also an agreement of the huge potential ready to be released in the industry, here and now and through the process of transiting to fossil free vehicles and vessels. Thanks to all participants for the contribution of how to untap the potential in the transport industry. Especially interesting to hear Lisa Wannelius from ICA Gruppen and Victor Stridh from Stadium sharing their insights from the transport buyer perspective. #wearelogivity #sustainablelogistics #towards100capacityuilization

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  • Today we are happy at Logivity! With the following motivation, we won the E-prize in the Sustainable Transport category by the magazine Aktuell Hållbarhet, and the popular vote with the most votes from the public. "With deep industry knowledge and effective digitalization, this year's winners have created an innovative platform that redefines sustainability in the transport sector. Data-driven collaboration enables optimization of fill rates, tracking and reduction of emissions, and supports transport buyers' environmental goals. A catalyst for a greener future in transport." Be happy with us and follow us on the journey towards more sustainable transport! https://lnkd.in/dAjU2Crp #wearelogivity #sustainablelogistics #towards100capacityuilization

    De vinner E-Prize 2024: Innovationshöjd och skalbarhet i fokus hos juryn

    De vinner E-Prize 2024: Innovationshöjd och skalbarhet i fokus hos juryn


  • Visa organisationssidan för Logivity, grafik

    932 följare

    Jessica Öhrblad, CEO of Logivity - a Volvo Group startup, was one of the speakers at “Logistik och Transport” in Gothenburg today. Presenting on the theme of “The unused capacity” she showed both the financial and environmental potential of improved transportation capacity utilization. The average utilization rate in the transport industry is only 50 percent. So what is new with that one can ask? The difference that makes the difference is the environmental incentive for various actors to act and new technology that enables the change. Logivity offers digital solutions that promote increased transparency and collaboration between players in the transport industry.

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  • Logivity omdelade detta

    Rösta på din favorit – vem har den smartaste energiinnovationen? ⚡️ Värmeprocesser inom tung industri, effektivare vindkraftsproduktion och återbruk av elbilsbatterier. E-Prize 2024 presenterar finalister som verkar inom vitt skilda fält! 🏆 E-Prize är Sveriges största energipris i näringslivet. För 16:e året i rad prisas de skarpaste energiinnovationerna av E.ON, tillsammans med Dagens industri och Aktuell Hållbarhet. Ta del av finalisternas innovationer inom respektive kategori: ➡️Energioptimering: Kanthal | Pileus Scandinavia AB | Rebaba ➡️Förnybar Energi: Rivus Batteries | Raymond Solar | Meva Energy ➡️Hållbara transporter: Logivity | Greater Than | PowerCell Group Se finalisterna pitcha sina affärsidéer på reprisen av livesändningen och rösta på din favorit via länken nedan👇

    Folkets E-Prize 2024 - ”Genom att ha koll på E-Prize finalister får du också koll på framtiden”

    Folkets E-Prize 2024 - ”Genom att ha koll på E-Prize finalister får du också koll på framtiden”


  • Efforts to improve efficiency and reduce demand for transport shouldn’t be sequential but rather need to work in parallel. This involves leveraging advanced technologies like AI and advanced analytics to identify where efficiencies can be achieved to support decarbonization. “We need AI, we need advanced analytics, and we need data to understand where we can bring efficiency to support decarbonisation.” - Denis Giron, Head of Production Supply Chain Sustainability, Volvo Group In the Playbook for Decarbonized Logistics you can learn more from Denis and industry peers. Download it here: https://lnkd.in/dWjybUEM

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  • Today and tomorrow our team of Jessica Öhrblad, Alexander Berg, Tony Andries and Lena Dyfverman is working hard at the Reuters Supply Chain Europe conference in Amsterdam. Sharing our vision for Logivity and the transportation industry - learning, engaging, listening, discussing and meeting colleagues, potential business partners and other stakeholders in the industry. It is obvious that sustainability through collaboration and partnerships along the supply chain, and enabled by AI are at the centre of the strategy for most stakeholders. A perfect fit for the Logivity strategy and platform. #wearelogivity #sustainablelogistics #towards100capacityutilization

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